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I will try and finish today's study. Lamech apparently killed a man in self defense. He was from the line of Cain,and it is said that Lamech was fierce and cruel. It appears to me that this statement of his to his wives was a boast. Apparently, he thought a lot of himself and wanted to impress everyone by saying that he should be considered better than Cain because of the seventy-sevenfold for vengeance against him.

V.25 is a birth announcement of Eve's new baby named Seth. Reba is going to have a baby shower at her home.

V.26 The last verse in this 4th Chapter is a statement "At this time people began to call upon the Name of the Lord. Because of the mention of the birth of Seth, I imagine that somehow in the family of Adam and Eve, they began to honor God in various ways like prayer, and thanksgiving. That must have delighted our Lord.
for the shower
I will try and finish today's study. Lamech apparently killed a man in self defense. He was from the line of Cain,and it is said that Lamech was fierce and cruel. It appears to me that this statement of his to his wives was a boast. Apparently, he thought a lot of himself and wanted to impress everyone by saying that he should be considered better than Cain because of the seventy-sevenfold for vengeance against him.

Yeah I think you're right about Lamech Chop and is he the first bloke recorded to have more than 1 wife ?

V.25 is a birth announcement of Eve's new baby named Seth. Reba is going to have a baby shower at her home.

V.26 The last verse in this 4th Chapter is a statement "At this time people began to call upon the Name of the Lord. Because of the mention of the birth of Seth, I imagine that somehow in the family of Adam and Eve, they began to honor God in various ways like prayer, and thanksgiving. That must have delighted our Lord.

Yes amen Chop along came Seth who would continue the line of our Lord. Good job mate.
Day 19 5/5/14 Genesis Chapter 5.

The opening statement in Chapter five is a reminder at the start of recording the generations of Adam. As people read the Bible, they are to realize that the actual beginning of mankind was not with a human, but God, who made Adam into the "likeness" or as "Strongs" puts it "resemble". So in some ways we resemble Almighty God. It was this fact that Jesus wanted His disciples to realize when He told them they could move mountains because the God in them could. Just something to think about.

130 years pass and Eve gives birth to Seth. Seth will be the one that Adam and Eve hoped for in Abel, in that the "seed" that Eve spoke of, about Seth, would come about thru Seth's seed conquering Satan, "Bruise his head."

In V.21 We see Enoch who is the son of Jared. Enoch apparently had a special relationship with God, so that he did not die like others, but God took him from this earth to heaven.

Enoch fathered Methuselah, the longest living human (969 yrs.) fathered Lamech (not the killer) who fathered Noah. (one of my hero's) Lamech said "out of the ground that the Lord has cursed, this one (Noah) shall bring us relief from our work and from the painful toil of our hands." Noah fathered Shem, Ham, and Japheth. So far we see the family line that the Messiah would come from.
Revelation 2:7. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

Jesus is the word, and eating of “God saith” gives and preserves life. This is what the Spirit says unto each of the seven churches written to in Revelation. It is the living correction and instruction to have abundant life, and is just the opposite of the tree of knowledge which is the law showing our incapability of measuring up to God’s standards; it was and is a ministration of death, and can only kill. No one but Jesus ever kept the law, and if any believe they do, they’re kidding themselves. Do we want God’s best? Let us eat heartedly.

My dear brother in Christ “Gene Hawkins” put it this way in his study of Revelation. “When Jesus says I'll give you to eat of the tree of life, He's not talking of simple salvation; that tree of life is Christ Himself, and it is Christ Himself Who has the absolute fullness of everything that we need to come to full growth and maturity in Christ.

To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God." In this verse we get down to the reward of Ephesus, and you see that this reward once again represents the full provision that God has given to the entire Church. Now notice the reward that He promises to those of Ephesus is that "To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life," and when we understand what that means, it tells us of the absolute fullness of the reward that is available in Christ. It tells us of all these provisions that God has for us in Christ, and everything that Jesus has to offer we are entitled to and there are varying degrees as far as partaking of Christ. He is the true bread from heaven which is exactly the same as the tree of life, and this is the bread that came down from heaven, and so there are varying degrees of people doing that and there are varying degrees then of the reward that they are going to get in conjunction.”

(I'm coming in here late so...I'm behind on page 14 right now...LOL)

Yes, Jesus is the "tree of life". I was amazed when He showed me that revelation of Himself! He is awesome.

Here is where I understood it:
Joh 6:50 This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die.

There are SO many revelations, mysteries, and gold nuggets in all books of John.
actually, when you do, tell me how the Abrahamic covenant wasn't even given by YHWH but a diety who Abraham knew as God almighty. we call that one el-shaddai. see exodus 6:3

I would like to see that the vowels of the Name are that known and the source of that. only the Yah is known. so the promises to isreal prior the torah were given under el-shaddai. which means what? the great shepherd and provider. the strong mountain, God almighty. and look then and see how God acted with them.

Concerning His name...I was wondering about so many calling Him so many different names. So I prayed and asked Him His name. He spoke to me "Almighty"...when I looked that up, sure enough that is "El-Shaddai".
Even though I pray 'Father, in the name of Jesus'... I still know Him as "El-Shaddai"
What ya bet, Seth was treated like he was special.

Each generation wants to be the THEE generation kinda the same to me in thinking Eve was looking for THEE seed..

What see interesting about 5 is the links, the connection. ( who was alive when)

Anyone care to do the math... I am sure it is done
What ya bet, Seth was treated like he was special.

Each generation wants to be the THEE generation kinda the same to me in thinking Eve was looking for THEE seed..

What see interesting about 5 is the links, the connection. ( who was alive when)

Anyone care to do the math... I am sure it is done

Lamech was 56 years old when his great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather Adam died and they could have known each other. Shem was 93 years old when his grandfather Lamech died and they would have known each other. The story of creation could have been passed down to the people in the ark with only one link between them and Adam.

The TOG​
(I'm coming in here late so...I'm behind on page 14 right now...LOL)

Yes, Jesus is the "tree of life". I was amazed when He showed me that revelation of Himself! He is awesome.

Here is where I understood it:
Joh 6:50 This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die.

There are SO many revelations, mysteries, and gold nuggets in all books of John.

Welcome aboard! Glad to have you a part of our study.
Concerning His name...I was wondering about so many calling Him so many different names. So I prayed and asked Him His name. He spoke to me "Almighty"...when I looked that up, sure enough that is "El-Shaddai".
Even though I pray 'Father, in the name of Jesus'... I still know Him as "El-Shaddai"
its also can mean great mountain.
Cain was his first name. She would have been Mrs. Ben Adam.

The TOG​
lol, if they were Hebrew, which they weren't. I haven't heard anyone trying to make the first couple Hebrews in a long-long -looooooooooooooong time.