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Day 15 5/1/14 Genesis 3:14-19 The Curses.

The serpent, in the garden, approaches the woman in a graceful, and elegant form, as some expositors say, which was an instrument of Satan. The curse that YHWH places on the serpent is to change it into a detestably, loathing and fearful snake. Instead of moving around as an object of beauty, now, as a result of the curse, is an ugly symbol of fear, to crawl around on its belly, eating the dust & dirt that man was fashioned out of. Take that, you dirty devil!!

The words of V.15 "he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel", is called a "protoevangelium" a big word which means, the first announcement of the Gospel. So, the verse reads like this in Choppers translation. "Jesus shall bruise your headship (dominion), and you Satan, in the form of a serpent will only bruise Him."

The womans curse is to bear her children in pain. Also she will have the knowledge that she is not a leader in the marriage union, but is to be ruled by her husband.

Adams curse, is the ground that he was created out of, now is an obstacle for success. All his efforts to produce crops and to clear land will be by great effort on his part by sweat and frustration. At one of the churches that I was a pastor, I lived in their parsonage which had a large vegetable garden of which I managed. Day after day, I would weed, plant, and toil in that garden with a lot of energy and sweat! and sweat....thanks Adam. :angry3


And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

somoething that i have wondered about for ever .. worms eat dirt snakes dont.
Adam blamed God and Eve .. we so often do the same today .. Lord if i wasn't here i could do XYZ Lord why did you 'bless' me wiht this spouse?
And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

somoething that i have wondered about for ever .. worms eat dirt snakes dont.

This is a quote from Mr. Gill.
And dust shall thou eat all the days of thy life; meaning not that particular serpent, and as long as that should live, but all of the same kind, as long as there were any in the world, even to the end of it: it is probable, that when the serpent moved in a more erect posture, it lived on herbs and plants as other creatures; but when it was obliged to go upon its belly or breast, it licked up the dust of the earth, and which it could not well avoid in eating whatsoever food it did; and some serpents are said to live upon it. This is applicable to Satan, designs the mean and abject condition in which he is, and the sordid food he lives upon; no more on angels' food and joys of heaven, but on the base, mean, earthly, and impure lusts of men; and this will be his case, condition, and circumstances, for ever.
(used by permission of E-sword)
Way back in the 70s i attended a class taught by a Rabbi turned 'baptacostal' ...The class was on Genesis..According to him, The time before the fall was very short, as in very short. .. You have anyting on the time frame jasonc ? He also said Adam was to have taought eve.. He dumped the whole thing on Adam.
ramban says within the same day. not sure. i would have to ask jeff on that since he has that commentary.

Chopper. my last name may actually mean crimea. its possible that the name means that because that is where my family came from.(Odessa, Russia)
ramban says within the same day. not sure. i would have to ask jeff on that since he has that commentary.

Chopper. my last name may actually mean crimea. its possible that the name means that because that is where my family came from.(Odessa, Russia)

Wow, that's really interesting Jason. I love the Muldovian (sp) people. My Wife and I have sponsored two Christian families from there. They are very serious about their relationship with Jesus. I guess you'd say, old, old, old, school. I just love them, and every time I see them they give us a hearty Russian Hug....I love you too!:hug
Wow, that's really interesting Jason. I love the Muldovian (sp) people. My Wife and I have sponsored two Christian families from there. They are very serious about their relationship with Jesus. I guess you'd say, old, old, old, school. I just love them, and every time I see them they give us a hearty Russian Hug....I love you too!:hug
I have always known were were Ukrainian jews , just not sure the meaning of the name and why jews use Yiddish or the ashkenic way of coding the location of the family. gentile names such as dirshovitz. its not a Hebrew name but a Yiddish. often such like a river, town, or simple made up thing that only the family would know.
I have always known were were Ukrainian jews , just not sure the meaning of the name and why jews use Yiddish or the ashkenic way of coding the location of the family. gentile names such as dirshovitz. its not a Hebrew name but a Yiddish. often such like a river, town, or simple made up thing that only the family would know.

Yiddish, I've heard of that title many times, where does it originate?
Gen 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
Gen 3:21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.
Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
Gen 3:23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
Gen 3:24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
Day 16 5/2/14 Genesis 3:20-24 Eviction Notice.

In these early chapters of Genesis, I have used the name for God as "Jehovah Elohim" so I thought I would post the meaning of that Name.
Jehovah In the KJV, Jehovah is translated "LORD" in capital letters to distinguish it from Adonai, also translated "Lord." The name Jehovah is derived from the Hebrew verb havah, "to be" or "being". When God wished to make a special revelation of Himself, He used the name Jehovah.
Elohim occurs in the first chapter of Genesis thirty-two times. After that, the name Jehovah appears as well as Elohim; and in many places a combination of the two, Jehovah-Elohim. (you may have noticed that I used that name often in the past) The word EL, means mighty, strong & prominent. Also who is great, mighty & dreadful....If there is anything to add to this, I'm sure Jason will lend us a hand.

V.20 Adam gives his woman the name Eve (Heb. Chavvah) or "life giver."

Next, God decides to cloth Adam and Eve to relieve their embarrassment of being naked. He must cause the death of an animal in order to provide clothing for them, probably leather hide.

In this provision of leather clothes, we see the beginning of "animal sacrifice" to atone for sin, later instituted by God, and instructed to Moses, and later, the sacrifice of Jesus the Christ on the Cross.

In order to keep Adam &Eve from eating from the tree of life, God evicted them from their home in the Garden.

In order to keep Adam & Eve from re-entering the Garden, a fearful and dangerous sight was arranged by God in the sword swinging Cherubim.
Here we see the first blood shed for a covering..... 21
another 'hint' of Jesus ...22
We were blessed ... and we messed up big time..

1Co 9:10 Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope.
1Co 9:11 If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?
always hope :) ...23
Yiddish, I've heard of that title many times, where does it originate?
its a means of hiding jews and our tounge. if ie Yiddish was done in America it would be mixed with English, Spanish and so forth. it mainly german since the askenazum are the only ones that did that and that word for Germany (Europe) is askenazi from the torah. the majority of askenazi settled in the area where Germany is now. so most Yiddish names are mixed german-hebrew.
its a means of hiding jews and our tounge. if ie Yiddish was done in America it would be mixed with English, Spanish and so forth. it mainly german since the askenazum are the only ones that did that and that word for Germany (Europe) is askenazi from the torah. the majority of askenazi settled in the area where Germany is now. so most Yiddish names are mixed german-hebrew.

Thank you for that info. I read a book last year of a young Jewish woman that was captured along with other Jewish women and put on a train heading out of Germany. Probably to their death. I remember that she and others tried to conceal their identity by speaking another language so the German troops would not believe they were Jews. Would that have been Yiddish?
Thank you for that info. I read a book last year of a young Jewish woman that was captured along with other Jewish women and put on a train heading out of Germany. Probably to their death. I remember that she and others tried to conceal their identity by speaking another language so the German troops would not believe they were Jews. Would that have been Yiddish?
most likely. its a code really. not used by all jews just the Ashkenazim.


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