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Doesn't that thinking put a whole different light on the Jews and Romans who crucified Christ? After all, the entire crucifixion was also God's plan from the beginning.
And, in history, Pharaoh, too..... and Eve and the serpant?
I'm more into seeing this as a personal responsibility thing.

well, humanly speaking, it may put a whole different light than you've seen before (as almost no churches get it right and true, if that's pertinent),
but in terms of Yhwh's Word / Scripture / Truth / Plan / Yeshua / Salvation , no - it's no different light/truth than Yhwh always has and that man almost never has.

also, btw, Yhwh says several times in Scripture that He does what He wants to do, and that it has nothing to do with the character of the people Israel, or their power (or lack thereof) as a country, or any individuals inclinations ---- Yhwh chose and planned what to do before the world was created , it doesn't depend on any man's personality or personal anything or responsibility(other than honoring and obeying Yhwh: like Esther, at times any way, as it is written, if the one told to move doesn't move and do what Yhwh says to do, He will accomplish His Will with someone else.... as He pleases.)
I think 'merica should go back to that. great for men,:gavel:woot2:poke

yes, but many will disagree with you. some of the old ways were closer to Yhwh's Ways and Plan and a Good Way of LIfe, but of course almost all of mankind have willingly forsaken Him and are heading by their own choices for destruction. this is necessary as it is written the end is near, and final judgment for everyone, good or bad.
yes, but many will disagree with you. some of the old ways were closer to Yhwh's Ways and Plan and a Good Way of LIfe, but of course almost all of mankind have willingly forsaken Him and are heading by their own choices for destruction. this is necessary as it is written the end is near, and final judgment for everyone, good or bad.
polygamy? seriously? that was In jest. Jacob had three wives.
Considering Leah was his first wifey I suggest he didn't love Leah enough to be true :biggrin After marrying Rachel he then became obligated to 2 wifeys.

The man was obviously insane. No man in his right mind would willingly marry two women.

The TOG​
The man was obviously insane. No man in his right mind would willingly marry two women.

The TOG​

No man in his right mind would willingly marry two women.

Yeah and this is why we can be certain it was Yahweh's plan :D Wombs were needed it reminds me a bit of 1Tim 2 :15

1Ti 2:15 KJV Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

Hmm look who one of Leah's Sons was ( ie Judah ) it seems we're all saved indirectly because of her womb eh.

polygamy? seriously? that was In jest. Jacob had three wives.

no, i didn't even 'see' nor think of polygamy. (besides enough is available from Jewish Believers to show that over all Israel/ Yhwh did not approve of polygamy - if anyone wants to know about it, it's out there to be found, not for here - it's not worth it here).
no, i didn't even 'see' nor think of polygamy. (besides enough is available from Jewish Believers to show that over all Israel/ Yhwh did not approve of polygamy - if anyone wants to know about it, it's out there to be found, not for here - it's not worth it here).
im quite familiar when the two larger jewish communities stopped polygamy, about the same time it was made illegal in Europe. only the Yemeni jews are allowed by tradition to do it. theres neither a command not to do it in the torah, save the king. technically a Christian can do it but not be a pastor if he is a man. but the church made it illegal in the medieval period and it was the right thing to do. there is no good of that type of marriage.
no but I did take the hint from you with a mention of Racheal and leah and how Jacob wasn't much a husband to leah.
What is Chopper going to say about this mess? :)

In reality if there is such in this cyber world... some laughs can help us get ahold of some of the depth of this study...
that was in part my point. in laughing about the sad situation of polygamy, I also realized how broken we are in marriages and relationships.
Day 113 Monday 8/11/14 Genesis 43:15-18 Fear Arises Again.

I thought it interesting to present two Bibles that have played such an important role in our understanding of the Scriptures. We couldn't have this study of Genesis if these two bibles, the King James and the Geneva Bible had not been introduced to the masses of thirsty Christians for the Word of God. Today I will post the Geneva Bible for our Text. This Bible printed in 1511 was the Bible of the Reformers and the Puritans who brought it to America.

Gen 43:15 Thus the men tooke this present, & tooke twise so much money in their hande with Beniamin, and rose vp, and went downe to Egypt and stoode before Ioseph.
Gen 43:16 And whe Ioseph saw Beniamin with them, he sayde to his stewarde, Bring these men home and kill meate, and make ready: for the men shal eate with me at noone.
Gen 43:17 And the man did as Ioseph bad, & brought the men vnto Iosephs house.
Gen 43:18 Nowe when the men were brought into Iosephs house, they were afrayd, & sayd, Because of the money, that came in our sackes mouthes at the first time, are we brought, that hee may picke a quarrell against vs, and lay some thing to our charge, and bring vs in bondage and our asses.

Gen 43:15 "And the men took that present, and they took double money in their hand, and Benjamin; and rose up, and went down to Egypt, and stood before Joseph."

Not knowing why their money had been returned in their sacks they brought twice the amount so that they would not be accused of stealing. Jacob and his sons are certainly on the defensive. The sons because of their ill treatment of Joseph, and Jacob because he is blind to the proceedings of the Almighty.

Gen 43:16 "And when Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the ruler of his house, Bring these men home, and slay, and make ready; for these men shall dine with me at noon."

Joseph is out at one of the storehouses when he spots his brothers and Benjamin amongst the crowd of customers for corn. He must have been studying each group each day for his family, and when he spotted them he must have been overjoyed at seeing Benjamin after approx. 22 years. At this point, Joseph must stifle his excitement. To the unfamiliar reader when reading from the KJV, and came to the part "bring these men home, and slay" wow!! He's going to kill his brothers and save Benjamin. No! Slay an animal for a feast. Now, don't you think that the servant of his house thought it strange that his royal master would invite these nasty, dirty Hebrews into his royal home for a meal? Strange person this Joseph they must have thought.

Gen 43:17 "And the man did as Joseph bade; and the man brought the men into Joseph's house."

No matter how strange the servant must have thought this request must have been, he had to obey his Master and bring them from the market place to Joseph's home.

Gen 43:18 "And the men were afraid, because they were brought into Joseph's house; and they said, Because of the money that was returned in our sacks at the first time are we brought in; that he may seek occasion against us, and fall upon us, and take us for bondmen, and our asses."

Now the guilt comes rushing into the minds of the brothers. Lets learn a lesson in this. Unresolved sin, always brings guilt until it is resolved! These brothers of Joseph have been carrying around this guilt for 20+ years, and now it is at is peak. They fear just what they had done to Joseph 20 years ago. They were afraid that this lord of the land was going to make them all servants of his.

A great lesson on these proceedings can alter our lives tremendously. We are children of the Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth, Who has chosen us before the foundations of the earth. Our lives and our future are in His care. Our Savior bought us with His own Life Blood, and nothing is ever going to happen to us that is not in God's plan for us, NOTHING! The question is, can we live our lives with that in mind? That means that whatever we face today and the rest of our days on earth will not harm us. Our life events are not ours to control or worry, or fear. Then why do we? Why do we fear what looks negative to us? Know what? We should trust the One Who has the control of future events. Let all of us live like Christ-ones. and not us-ones. This is supposed to be the greatest reward of being a child of God Almighty this side of the New Jerusalem!
Chopper thank you so much for the using the older translations :thumbsup

How blessed we are to have HIs written Word. Those OT guys didn't have it... They could not go to a book and look up WWJD .. Israel had to press on by the seat of his pants...
These men would be the foundation of the nation of Israel and therefore the people who would bring the Redeemer, the Savior of all mankind.
God didn't have an easy time with them (the nation of Israel) in getting His plan for this accomplished.
There is God's perfect will and there is God's permissive will. I believe what we are seeing in these scriptures is God's perfect will to bring about His perfect plan.
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