Rick said:
Xtruth said:
because once you sin, the spiritual death penalt has come back upon your soul
Rick said:
I've also heard Christ died for our sins ... but not all of them.
Christ paid the price, once. He died once, He was buried once and He rose again once. He won't do it again.
Francisdesales had a great post after yours.
Rick, Christ did die for all our sins.
All past sins are forgiven (Rom.3:25)...all future sins have been atoned for, so that there is no more need for the shedding of blood (Heb.10:10-18; 1 Jn.2:1-2), but repentance is always required for future sins to be forgiven (Lk.13:1-5; 1 Jn.1:6, 9). Grace does do a lot, but there are things that grace never claimed to do.
1) Set aside forever all condemnation for future sins (Jn.5:14; 8:34; Rom.6:1-23; 8:12-13; Gal.5:21; 2 Cor.5:10).
2) Set aside failure of saved men to meet the many conditions of salvation (1 Jn.1:7; Rom.6:1-23; 8:1-13; Jas.5:19-20; Gal.5:19-21; Col.1:23; 2:6-7).
3) Cancel free moral agency (Col.1:23; 1 Jn.1:7; Rom.6:16-23; Rev.22:17).
4) Keep men saved when they sin (Rom.8:12-13; 1 Cor.6:9-11; Gal.5:19-21; 6:7-8; Jas.5:19-20; Heb.6:4-6; 10:26-29; 2 Pt.2:20-21).
5) Cancel the death penalty when saved men break the law (Rom.6:16-23; 8:12-13; Heb.10:26-29; Jas.5:19-20; Eze.18:4, 20-24; 33:12-13, 18).
6) Make God a liar who said every man that sins must die (Eze.18:4; Rom.6:16-23; 8:12-13; Gal.5:19-21; 6:7-8; 1 Cor.6:9-10; Rev.21:8).
7) Cancel the law of confession of sins before they are forgiven (1 Jn.1:7, 9; Rev.2:5, 16; 3:19; Lk.13:1-5; Acts 2:38).
8) Forgive future sins, for transgression and confession are necessary before forgiveness (1 Jn.1:9; Rev.2:5, 16, 22; 3:19; Lk.13:1-5; Acts 2:38; Mk.6:12; Rom.2:4-6; 2 Cor.7:10).
9) Cancel the responsibility of saved men concerning sin (Rom.14:10; 2 Cor.5:10; Gal.5:19-21; 6:7-8; Rom.14:12).
10) Be responsible if saved men backslide (1 Tim.2:4; 2 Pt.3:9; Rev.2:5; 3:2; Jas.5:19-20; Gal.5:19-21).
11) Free saved men from condemnation for future sins unless confessed (1 Jn.1:7, 9; Rev.2:5, 22; 3:2; Jas.5:19-20).
12) Permit God to forgive unconfessed sin (2 Chr.7:14; 2 Cor.7:9-10; 1 Jn.1:9; 2 Tim.2:25; Rev.2:5; 3:2).
13) Bind men so that they cannot sin if they choose to do so (Rom.6:16-23; 8:1-13; 1 Jn.1:7; Heb.6:4-9; 10:26-29).
14) Guarantee any man eternal life if he refuses to obey (Jas.5:19-20; 1 Cor.3:16-17; 6:19-20; 9:27; Eze.33:12-20).
15) Force obedience (Rev.22:17; Jn.3:16-20; Rom.6:16-23; 8:1-13; Gal.1:6-8; 1 Jn.1:7).
16) Make any man a child of God in the sense that Jesus was (Jn.1:14, 18; 3:16).
17) Force God to continue blessing any man who sins (Eze.18:4; Rom.6:16-23; 8:1-13; Gal.5:19-21; Jas.5:19-20).
18) Make the sins of the saved different than the sins of the unsaved (Rom.6:16-23; 8:12-13; 1 Cor.6:9-11; Gal.5:19-21; Col.1:5-10; 2 Pet.2:20-22).
19) Condemn sinners and excuse saints who commit the same sins (Rom.6:16-23; 8:12-13; 14:10-12; Gal.5:19-21; 6:7-8; Eze.18:4, 24-28; 33:12-16; Rev.2:5, 16, 22; 3:2).
20) Operate in the life of a free moral agent without his consent (Jn.3:16-20; 7:17; 8:34, 2 Pt.3:9; Rev.22:17).
21) Impart eternal life to men who serve sin and Satan (Mat.6:24; Rom.6:16-23; 8:1-13; Gal.5:19-21; 6:7-8; 1 Jn.3:8).
22) Keep men from moral falls if they willfully sin (Rom.6:16-23; 8:1-13; Heb.6:4-9; 10:26-29; Eze.33:12-20).
23) Force God to go contrary to His own program of grace (Rom.1:16; 1 Jn.1:7; Heb.3:6, 12-14; 10:26-29).
24) Cancel the law of sowing and reaping (Gal.6:7-8; Rom.6:16-23, 8:12-13, Eze.18:4, 24-28; 33:12-16; Rev.2:5-22).
25) Guarantee unconditional favor to anyone (2 Cor.6:1; Gal.1:6-8; 2:22; 5:4; Heb.12:15; Jas.5:19-20).
26) Guarantee unforfeitable eternal life without conditions being met (Rom.6:16-23; 8:12-13; Gal.5:16-26; 6:7-8; Jas.5:19-20; Heb.10:26-29).
27) Guarantee sinlessness to men unless conditions are met (1 Cor.3:16-17; Rom.6:16-23; 8:12-13; Gal.5:16-26; 6:7-8; Heb.6:1-9; 10:26-29; 12:14-15).
28) Encourage anarchy in God's government (Gen.2:17; Rom.6:16-23; 8:12-13; 1 Cor.6:9-10; Gal.5:19-21; 6:7-8).
29) Force God to be lenient to rebels (Eze.18:4; Rom.6:23; 8:12-13; Gal.6:7-8).
30) Give any man a pardon that guarantees him salvation and eternal life regardless of how he lives in sin and rebellion (Ex.32:32-33; Eze.18:4; 33:10-20; Rom.6:16-23; 8:12-13; Gal.5:19-21; 6:7-8).
1) Save the world (Gen.6:8; Eph.2:8-9).
2) Give one all good things (Ps.84:11).
3) Bring men to repentance (Zech.12:10).
4) Impart great blessings (Acts 4:33).
5) Bring salvation (Tit.2:11-12; Eph.2).
6) Impart faith (Acts 18:27).
7) Justify (Rom.3:24-25; Tit.3:7).
8) Overcome sin (Rom.5:20).
9) Reign in life if permitted (Rom.5:21).
10) Make one God’s elect (Rom.11:5-6).
11) Give boldness (Rom.15:15).
12) Make partaker of Christ (1 Cor.10:30).
13) Give power (1 Cor.15:10).
14) Inspire liberality (2 Cor.8:1-2, 6-9; 9:8).
15) Give endurance (2 Cor.12:9).
16) Call to the ministry (Gal.1:15).
17) Impart riches (Eph.2:7).
18) Inspire singing (Col.3:16).
19) Give seasoning to speech (Col.4:6).
20) Give strength (2 Tim.2:1).
21) Teach (Tit.2:11-12).
22) Give aid in suffering (Heb.2:9).
23) Help in time of need (Heb.4:16).
24) Give stability (Heb.13:9).
25) Give life (1 Pt.3:7).
26) Help give true service (Heb.12:28).
27) Become abundant (1 Tim.1:14).
28) Bring hope (2 Thes.2:16).
29) Give ability to preach (Eph.3:8).
30) Change lives (1 Cor.15:10).