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What Do Demons Look Like ?

God is a Spirit without form and the Lord made his angels spirits without form also. Lucifer’s name meant lightbearer when he was created as he was a reflection of Gods brightness as one who had favor in the Lord, but lost that favor of the Lord, Ezekiel 28:13-17; Isaiah 14:12:15. Even the demons were once angels and have no shape or form, Rev 12:4.

From these two scriptures below in John and Psalms we see that the inhabitants of heaven are not flesh and blood, but spirits created by God that cannot be destroyed by physical death, thus the term spiritual death that separates us from God. This is why Satan could never be physically destroyed.

John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Psalms 104:4 who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:
God is a Spirit without form and the Lord made his angels spirits without form also. Lucifer’s name meant lightbearer when he was created as he was a reflection of Gods brightness as one who had favor in the Lord, but lost that favor of the Lord, Ezekiel 28:13-17; Isaiah 14:12:15. Even the demons were once angels and have no shape or form, Rev 12:4.

From these two scriptures below in John and Psalms we see that the inhabitants of heaven are not flesh and blood, but spirits created by God that cannot be destroyed by physical death, thus the term spiritual death that separates us from God. This is why Satan could never be physically destroyed.

John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Psalms 104:4 who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:

Why do you believe that demons are fallen angels?
I don't what they are besides spirits that are slaves to satan.
My wife was visited several times by a demon. It first came as an old lady who was kind but as she talked to my wife she told her that she didn't need to go to woman's Bible study. i can't remember all of the reasons it gave but it was always friendly. My wife was alone for sveral nights each week as I was on the road driving truck. When she eventually shared theses visits with me I told her that she had the power to get rid of it and explainedhow. She did it and immediately this quiet, friendly old womam turned into a very loud, threatening, and extremely scary entity.
Why do you believe that demons are fallen angels?
I don't what they are besides spirits that are slaves to satan.

Rev 12:3-9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him

These are also angels that rebelled against God and followed after Satan as his ministering angels, but ministering in deception.
Rev 12:3-9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him

These are also angels that rebelled against God and followed after Satan as his ministering angels, but ministering in deception.

I agree that satan and 1/3 of the angels have been cast down. But the question is are they the demons.
I have become very reluctant to make firm statements that I don't see stated clearly in scripture. So I find myself giving more, "I don't really know" answers and more "I think" answers to things like this.
In this case all I am really sure of is that they serve satan and they are spirits.
I agree that satan and 1/3 of the angels have been cast down. But the question is are they the demons.
I have become very reluctant to make firm statements that I don't see stated clearly in scripture. So I find myself giving more, "I don't really know" answers and more "I think" answers to things like this.
In this case all I am really sure of is that they serve satan and they are spirits.

Satan is a created spirit of God and that is why God could never destroy him because a spirit can not die. Those angels who left their first estate to follow Satan are also created spirits just as Satan is, but now are called demons by our English words, but yet fallen angels, (Matthew 25:41; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6; Ephesians 6:12). We often call these types of angels demons for which an everlasting fire is prepared by God for these angels.
If demons were not beautiful or seductive in some sense then we would not be vulnerable to following their enticements.

What do demons look like? They don't have to look like anything to cause harm. What they promise may 'look' wonderful to vulnerable humans. What they deliver 'is' ugly in the sight of God regardless our human perceptions.
Satan is a created spirit of God and that is why God could never destroy him because a spirit can not die. Those angels who left their first estate to follow Satan are also created spirits just as Satan is, but now are called demons by our English words, but yet fallen angels, (Matthew 25:41; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6; Ephesians 6:12). We often call these types of angels demons for which an everlasting fire is prepared by God for these angels.

The word for "demon" appears in the Greek. It does not say anywhere that I know of that they are the same thing. Maybe I am too legalistic.
But I am not saying you are wrong. I just don't know.
If demons were not beautiful or seductive in some sense then we would not be vulnerable to following their enticements.

What do demons look like? They don't have to look like anything to cause harm. What they promise may 'look' wonderful to vulnerable humans. What they deliver 'is' ugly in the sight of God regardless our human perceptions.

I agree, they will get a lot more accomplished looking like something good.
Actually, that is how I believe satan was in the garden, and then iniquity was found in him.
Interesting question.Why do you ask? I would suspect that demons would disguise themselves as anything but demonic to anyone other than those seeking demonic influence. I think that a more apt question would be ...what do demons say?
I agree that satan and 1/3 of the angels have been cast down. But the question is are they the demons.
I have become very reluctant to make firm statements that I don't see stated clearly in scripture. So I find myself giving more, "I don't really know" answers and more "I think" answers to things like this.
In this case all I am really sure of is that they serve satan and they are spirits.

Rev 16:13-14 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. (14) For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

If we assume that satan, the beast, and the false prophet are devils/demons then this passage implies they have spirits. Hey it's Revelation though :/
Rev 16:13-14 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. (14) For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

If we assume that satan, the beast, and the false prophet are devils/demons then this passage implies they have spirits. Hey it's Revelation though :/

Good post. I agree that is what the scripture says, they are unclean spirits that are the spirits of devils.
So demons are spirits of demons? Or demons are spirits of satan?
Or who is being referred to here as devils? and in what connotation are they called devils?
Jesus called the Jewish leadership, vipers. So that is what I mean by in what connotation? When I see viper, serpent, I hear liar, deceiver.
Good post. I agree that is what the scripture says, they are unclean spirits that are the spirits of devils.
So demons are spirits of demons? Or demons are spirits of satan?
Or who is being referred to here as devils? and in what connotation are they called devils?
Jesus called the Jewish leadership, vipers. So that is what I mean by in what connotation? When I see viper, serpent, I hear liar, deceiver.

I think we have a diverse spiritual world with different "beings" but it's hard to track this is in Bible. We have mention of lying spirits, deaf and dumb spirits, unclean spirits, haughty spirit, familiar spirits and many more. Some may refer to spiritual beings and some to the intent or mindset of a person. Or both :D

I think satan, the beast, and the false prophet are actual devils/demons and they send out spirits ( spiritual beings ) and this can be loosely referenced in Ephesians 6. This implies devils can assume human form. imo

The people Jesus called " a generation of vipers" were also described as "of your father the devil" and this refers to their nature. They were following the path of deception which was instigated by satan.
I think we have a diverse spiritual world with different "beings" but it's hard to track this is in Bible. We have mention of lying spirits, deaf and dumb spirits, unclean spirits, haughty spirit, familiar spirits and many more. Some may refer to spiritual beings and some to the intent or mindset of a person. Or both :biggrin

I think satan, the beast, and the false prophet are actual devils/demons and they send out spirits ( spiritual beings ) and this can be loosely referenced in Ephesians 6. This implies devils can assume human form. imo

The people Jesus called " a generation of vipers" were also described as "of your father the devil" and this refers to their nature. They were following the path of deception which was instigated by satan.

I do agree with most of your post.
But how do you see that it is implied in Ephesians 6 that demons can assume human form?
I do agree with most of your post.
But how do you see that it is implied in Ephesians 6 that demons can assume human form?

Oh I meant the implication that demons can assume human form comes from Rev 16 ( considering the beast and the false prophet ) not Ephesians 6. I knew I should've reworded that sentence.
The only way you can describe a demon is by saying it is "Spirit" (Which doesn't mean anything and raises more questions) and by borrowing from the physical universe ie: Manifested in weird, contorted physical forms with animalistic attributes such as long tongues, wings and eyes.