This is not what you said before. In post#28 you said:
(emphasis mine.) This is very confusing as you have now changed your stance to the concept of God arranging things instead of the people's parents. You are fond of saying "no explanation needed" when people ask you questions about your statements, but indeed much explanation IS needed because a lot of us do not follow your reasoning and your theology.
Of course God has a plan for all of us, including who we marry (if we marry). But this is totally different than your original statement that the only important thing for potential spouses to know what the it was their parents who arranged it.
if you don't understand what Scripture says about Yhwh's authority, then that could be confusing to you or anyone, yes.
that is why so much confusion is in the world today, especially sad in the churches.
Yhwh doesn't have to explain anything, does He? Will you require an explanation from Him before you decide to obey Him ?
His Word says "children, obey your parents" all throughout Scripture actually.
So His authority is for a family through the parents. Simple. (not seen in the world, but simple and true nonetheless )
my reasoning and theology, as you put it, is simple, and not mine own initiated - as Yeshua says, seek ABBA, do what He says, speak what He says.
that is rare in today's world, even among 'christiandom', as well as among the Jews.
also, you misquoted me - I never said the only important thing for potential spouses to know was that their parents arranged it.
I said specifically "In Yhwh's community" all they need to know is that their parents appointed them for one another.(arranged it).
"In Yhwh's community" there is one most important thing to know - as Yeshua, King Solomon and King David, the Apostles, the Prophets, and Mary the mother of Yeshua all say (in union with ABBA,in Scripture) >
"go to Yeshua, and do as He says"
("seek ABBA and do what He says" for Yeshua;
"seek Yhwh and do what He says" for the OT )
i.e. always obey the Creator. that is what's important. and simple.
(see what happened to Adam and Eve when they didn't obey? same with many today)