I've never known anyone today that got married this way. Does this really happen in modern civilized countries these days? Let's look at it:
Jacob had indeed been instructed by Issac (his father) to go to Laban's house and select a wife: "Arise, go to Paddan-aram, to the house of Bethuel your mother’s father; and from there take to yourself a wife from the daughters of Laban your mother’s brother." (Gen 28:2 NASB) So Jacob's father had indeed made the decision for Jacob and sent him on a mission to pick out a wife from one of Laban's two daughters. He chose Rachel, but his choices were indeed limited by his father to only those two women from that one family. That seems pretty arranged to me.
So did Jacob have to buy Rachel? Laban was Rachel's father and Jacob went to work for him. Laban said to Jacob: "Tell me, what shall your wages be?" (Gen 29:15b. NASB) Jacob asks for Rachel as his wages: Jacob said “I will serve you seven years for your younger daughter Rachel.” (Gen 29:18b. NASB) There was no indication of Rachel having any part in this negotiation. Jacob then agreed to pay for her by working for 7 years for Laban. Now the average wage in the United States these days is around $44,000, so that means Jacob paid the equivalent of over $300,000 for Rachel, but then got cheated out of her and had to work another 7 years to finally purchase her, for a total price of around $600,000, a high price indeed to be paid by a common worker! This was not just a simple gift given to Rachel's family. There may be some remote parts of the world where this still happens, but I've never heard of anything even close to this ever happening among anyone I know.
I think this was indeed an arranged marriage in that Rachel was bought and paid for with a high price and didn't seem to have any say in the matter herself. Her wants and feelings were not considered and this was not a decision made between Jacob and Rachel, with Jacob simply performing a formality of asking her father for permission to marry her. This was the very expensive purchase of a man's daughter from him for marriage.
Nice assessment Obadiah ! I think there was some indication that Rachel was good with the arrangement but this doesn't suggest she could have said no.
Jacob paid the equivalent of over $300,000 for Rachel, but then got cheated out of her and had to work another 7 years to finally purchase her, for a total price of around $600,000, a high price indeed to be paid by a common worker!
She must have been pretty hot eh ? :D Or maybe in Jacob's heart he knew the type of woman Rachel was and her role in his life would be God sent. ( maybe Yahweh put that into Jacob's heart ). Also Yahweh may have placed the same thing on Rachel's heart. Also Leah's part in mothering Rueben, Simeon, Levi, Judah , Issachar and Zebulun and Dinah was possibly the reason Laban had on his heart to not see his youngest daughter marry before the eldest. imo Anyways maybe the arranged marriages were arranged by Yahweh more than anyone else what do you think ?