To me this is a simple but great CONTROVERSIAL question and topic.
For me, as an older believer, when I met the lord in 1978, the popular term of the day was "CONVERTED" or "BELIEVED".
You never heard the term "SAVED".
It just was never used.
In my recollection of my years past, it wasn't until the last 15 years or so, probably during the advent and increased popularity of the computor, that the term SAVED started being used for "CONVERSION" more and more almost universally.
And the word SAVED to me, is by far the more correct term than being converted.
As I'v gotten older, I have noticed more and more varying doctrinal beliefs of being saved.
And for me, I've decided what that means to be saved that works for me, after studying salvation as a major topic for myself, that is connected to almost every other topic in the bible.
Kind of like LOVE is a subject connected to nearly every topic in the bible - at least from my studies.
I'm not a RULE KEEPER or a LEGALIST that has a LIST I have to maintain, to stay in God's good graces.
I don't have to believe the same way as everyone else in a church to be accepted or fit in.
I don't have to believe the same way or the same things to be on a forum, or be in a men's bible study or Christian bible study class.
Over many years, I have come to the conclusion that my faith is incredibly personal, and it's only me who will stand before my JUDGE, all by myself, with no one there to support me, as I give an account for my entire life.
No matter where you go or who you talk to, there will always be a myriad of answers to this controversial question.
For me there is JUST ONE ANSWER that I can live with happily, as the foundation of my faith, that I can grow from, and what I believe is in UNITY and HARMONY with the rest of the entire bible as a whole story to all mankind from God, but I doubt it will fit in with many others beliefs.
I'll tell people what I believe and why, but I won't expect anyone else to believe what I believe, just to satisfy ME.
What we all believe is ultimately between God and ourselves.
So I hope no one comes here telling us what they believe and get really upset and feel rejected because we don't accept their theories, or come here thinking there going to set everyone straight on the way everything Christian SHOULD BE, or come here with a low self worth thinking that in their imagined wisdom, everyone will look up to them.
Seen all that many, many times in all kinds of settings, and to this day, I only saw someone who was all about themselves, with no God involved whatsoever.
God bless you all as you search for your own personal answers.
My name is OLIGOS