You just got done saying that telling of one's own eradicating sin completely was done to testify for the benefit of other Christians.
That is exactly what the world's great evangelists do .
How odd then that you can name one in the last 100 years that made such a testimony .
You don't have to have seen them do it on tv .
Why wouldn't a Christian book on the subject of being absolutely sinless have been written in the 100 years
Try google .
It is an entire library at your fingertips.
You don't sound very confident that such a testimony to being totally sinless can be found anywhere in the last 100 years but here on an anonymous forum.
None of this was my point. I never said I knew where I stood on the subject of sinless perfection.
My point was if one can say they sin less, why can't one say they are sinless. That's all.
I did not see that as bragging...
But just to play the advocate an answer your questions. There are 3 or 4 books I know on Disciplines Foster, Thurman, Willard and I'm sure many more. It is highly possible that words change meaning over time. It is also possible that many people have taken scriptures out of context and created doctrines where ideals are wrapped in.
I honestly do not watch tv that often to name people. But maybe they are not sinless so they can't make that claim. And maybe they really dont believe Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. Maybe like many they don't believe one can be sinless.
But didn't Wesley preach that, so therefore any Weslyn church would believe such. There are people here like hope2 and Randy that I believe have claimed sinlessness.
Here is a tv Evangelists
Renovation of the Heart by Willard page 226
Most of His books are on Spiritual Formation.
Do you ever wonder why 2 didn't die and were taken up and did not see death.
My thoughts about perfection is it means- telio mature and fully grown. It is Love that fullfills the Law-
We grow as we walk in

. I am one that believes what you practice is what you become.
I will never say what God can't do. Moreover He can do more than we can asked or think.
Note: This is how I see perfection below:
*until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
Niv Eph 4
That's my thoughts