- Apr 22, 2011
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- 16,337
Matthew Chapter 20Yes, that is true.
I do disagree with you concerning the resurrection. Jesus did ascend as a Man into Heaven. Flesh and bone, with the same physical Body He died in.
And we too will get our same physical body resurrected and glorified. If i'ts not the same body, it is not a resurrection.
I think we have had this discussion before.
When Jesus died His physical body stopped functioning just like anyone's body when they die. We know He came back to life, Matthew 28:1-10. When Mary Magdalene arrived at the tomb that morning His body was not there, John 20:2. She did not recognize Jesus when He spoke to her as she thought Him to be the gardener as it took her a few minutes to discover that His new body was different as it had been transformed from a mortal to an immortal body, John 20:14-16.
When the disciples were gathered in the upper room behind locked doors in fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst of them and they knew not who He was until Jesus showed them His hands and His side.
This all shows that when Christ returns and we are given our new immortal, incorruptible Spiritual bodies we will no longer look like who we are now.