- Jul 16, 2012
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- #141
I hope I didn't skip any of your posts.
You had said that you and I are the same because we are both living beings and have a soul -- we are living souls.
Surely this is not correct.
I am very different from you.
Maybe I'm a very sensitive person.
Maybe you are a very strong person.
Maybe I fear lions.
Maybe you don't.
Maybe I hate school.
Maybe you love it.
What causes these differences?
The soul of each person is different....
The soul is what makes us...
Jesus had a body. He had a soul, and He certainly had a spirit.
His soul is what controlled His emotions, His will and His mind -- which is different than the brain. The brain is physical,,,the mind is an unseen entity that causes us to reason-
I've posted this image many times.....it explains perfectly the make-up of man.
View attachment 9507
I believe the problem we have is that you are using the O.T. and at that time it was not really known what man consisted of. The philosophers had an idea.
God revealed Himself in the O.T. but the revelation of God has increased with the coming of Jesus.
Ok, then you're essentially saying the OT is wrong, correct? I mean, it's either right or it's wrong. Jesus uses soul the same way the OT did. It's the same throughout the Bible. As I said in the other post, you're giving opinion and speculation. The drawing isn't how the Bible uses soul. The Bible says the BECAME a living soul. That means it wasn't one but then became one.
I didn't say we were the same. I said our being alive was the same. The same thing gives us both life.
I've used scripture before to which you do not reply...but I'll try again:
1 Peter 1:9
obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls.
Above you stated that the soul dies.
Then why would Peter say that our faith saves our soul?
If our soul is saved,,,it keeps on living.
You're assuming it keeps living. The saving of your soul means your life. He's talking about the Resurrection. The believer will be resurrected to life. By saying the saving of your soul he means it's not going to be destroyed at the end.
The Bible is all about the Resurrection, not Reincarnation.
James 5:20
let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.A sinner can be saved and this will keep his soul from death....
spiritual death because the soul cannot die.
There's no such thing as spiritual death. At least not pertaining to humans. Again, turning the sinner from his ways is salvation. That's resurrection.
The soul absolutely can die. I've given you Scripture showing that Jesus poured out His soul to death. God told Ezekiel, the soul that sins shall die.
We could say that Jesus poured out his life (soul) to death. We could say that God said to Ezekiel, the person (soul) who sins shall die. The words fit perfectly. As I said before the Bible uses the word soul in two ways, concretely of a living being and abstractly of life. Here I've given you an example of each.
Soul can be used abstractly for life...."a living soul" meaning a person.
But did Jesus give His soul?
What did Jesus give us to save us?
He gave His blood. The Life is in the Blood.
Yes, the soul is in the blood.
Colossians 1:20a
and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross;
The soul here means the person.
And it means that the person that sins will die spiritually...
NOT physically. It just says that every person is responsible for their own sins...and not the sins of the father...or other persons.
It's speaking about PERSONS.
Please note that verse 21 goes on to speak about person...
and verses 18 and 19 also are speaking of persons.
The soul means person. That's what I've been saying all along. This passage means that the soul, the person who sins will die. There is no spiritual death. The passage says nothing about anything spiritual. You're imposing that on the passage.
Only God is immortal.
WE are mortal and we will die and be buried.
BUT...I believe, from scripture, that our soul and spirit does not die but only our body. I must have explained something incorrectly.
Then you don't believe we die. You believe body dies, not the person. However, the soul is the person as you said above. I don't know how you get from Scripture that the soul doesn't die when Isaiah said that Jesus poured out His soul to death
John 11:21-26
21Martha then said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.
22“Even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You.”
23Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”
24Martha said to Him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.”
25Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies,
26and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?”This chaper is (in the NASB)
The Death and Resurrection of Lazarus
It seems that the resurrection happened ON THAT VERY DAY.
Note verse 24....Martha tells Jesus that she knows Lazarus will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.
Jesus replies: I AM THE RESURRECTION and the life...he who believes in Me will LIVE EVEN IF HE DIES...and those that believe WILL NEVER DIE.
We do not have to wait for the resurrection....
Jesus IS the resurrection and we will never die....
physically yes,,,,but not our soul and not our spirit.
The resurrection will be for our body.
Lazarus wasn't in the resurrection yet. He was brought back to life Just as the other prophets brought people back to life. Paul said that Jesus was the first fruits from the dead. So Jesus was the first to be Resurrected to eternal life.
If You read the passage it's right there that the person dies. Look at the order of events. He lives, he dies, he raised, he never dies. That shows us clearly that eternal is at the Resurrection.
You're making quite a few statements without any support. There is nowhere in the Scriptures that teach us that the soul is the will, mind, or emotions. Do you have anything to support this idea?