"Are you not my work in the Lord?" (1 Corinthians 9:1 NASB)
We're in a sad place in the history of the church when people in the church say so many plain words of scripture, like the verse above, do not really mean what they say, and then strain and struggle to explain why they don't mean what they so plainly say.
First, once again. It’s not a verse as you keep "plainly saying". It’s a partial verse.
Secondly, yes it's sad. So, so sad when someone in the church today tries to pawn off a partial verse or even a phrase within a sentence as a complete doctrine because the rest of the verse
(and the very next one) gets ignored because it tells us “plainly” (even that someone and others) what it is Paul means by asking the question "A
re you not my work in the Lord?"
1 Corinthians 9:1 Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord? Are you not my work in the Lord?
Yes, Paul's an apostle and yes they are Paul's work in the Lord (as their apostle, but NOT as their savior that "places them in the building" as you want to say).
Paul’s talking about why he’s their apostle (not their savior) when he rhetorically asks them these questions.
His answer is yes I’m your apostle. He’s NOT saying I placed you in the building” as you and JLB are asserting.
I know this because he says so in the next verse. Paul’s work assignment is to be an apostle to them, not to “place them in the building”. That’s God’s job description. “
God is causing the increase”
Paul’s NOT saying he “places them in the building” here or in 1 Cor 3. And I’ve already showed you how this cannot be true (you just don’t care to listen).
If Paul meant that what gets burned up in chapter 3 or in chapter 9 are people (as you are asserting) then what do you do with this “kludged verse”:
Who places people in the building and does not eat their offspring?
Which is your 9:1b kludged with 3:15 together with 9:7?
Regardless, Paul provides the answer to his own questions in verse 9:1 in the very next verse, such that it’s obvious what he means by the question in the first place (and it’s NOT your meaning).
1 Corinthians 9:2 If to others I am not an apostle, yet indeed I am to you, for you are my seal of apostleship in the Lord.
I'm inviting my brothers and sisters to have the courage to do the same.
When someone invites me to eat some kind of meat, I’ll ask them; “Well what is it?” And if they say it’s meat, just eat it. Immediately my nature is to be leery of that meat. I’ll sniff it and look at it real closely before consuming it. It might be chitlins or
You are trying to feed me the meat that Paul “places people in the building” by the partial verse “
Are you not my work...” and then inserting that back into 3:15:
If anyone’s work is burned up…” to form a kluged together anti-OSAS verse:
“If anyone’s people they placed in the building is burned up…”
The problem that you’re not seeing is:
Let’s take an alternate verse (one much more closely related to 1 Cor 3:15 and do the same thing you do with 9:1d. Oh, I don’t know since we’re talking about 3:15 how about we use 3:16?
I’ve been pointing to this ever since my first post here.
you are God’s temple [I didn't say this Paul does!]
So according to you anyone's Work in v15 = God’s temple (according to your methods)
15 If anyone’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss …
God’s temple is burned up, God will suffer loss … [the kludged verse]
I asked you before if you were okay with this doctrine (God will suffer loss). You said; Yes, God can (and has) cleansed his temple before. Fair enough, that’s true. But that wasn’t my point. The point I made was that God doesn’t just lose something or clean something out of his man built temple this time.
He’s losing the Temple foundational and cornerstoned by Christ (this time), the one founded on Christ Himself, per Paul. Plus, look at the rest of this kludged verse:
If God’s Temple is burned up, God will suffer loss,
but God himself will be saved, but so as through fire.
Hmm? God Himself will be “saved as through fire”. Not my God! First off, God doesn’t need saving. And Secondly, God doesn’t need cleansing.
Your methods smell like chitlins cooking in Granny’s kitchen to me.