Reckless Abandon "
Call My Name" (changed my mind mid-flite)
Morgan James & Our Vinyl
I could listen to her all day and have roomy for moar! It feels like I've been xpanded again, Sukkah! Call me musically eclectic. Jus' don call me 'late-for-dinner'.
She does gigs in
Seattle. The bluest skies you've ever seen are in
Seattle. I remember a long, long time ago... the Anaruks were from Alaska and Mr. Anaruk worked at Alaska Airlines as a baggage handler. They (the Anaruk boys, Terry and David) told a story about traveling down to Seattle. They were from Alaska and were native.

Gene Tagaban, The Raven (StoryTeller, flute player, and a friend of your Sparrowhawke)
Now, the Athabaskan Indians are the largest tribe in Alaska, with about 12,000 members. The Tlingit tribe on the south-central coast near Juneau and offshore islands have about 10,000 members. There are two Haida tribes, which collectively have about 3,000 members. The Haida south of Juneau on offshore islands near Ketchikan number about 1,000 and the Haida who live south of Ketchikan down the Canadian coast and on the Queen Charlotte Islands number another 2,000. Another coastal tribe related to the Tlingit are the Tsimshian, with about 2,000 members, and the smallest, the Eyak tribe has only about fifty members.
Read more at:
They came down through Anacortes (Near Friday Harbor, in the Straits of Juan de Fuca) and were fond of telling the tale. The kids were aware of the destination, "Seattle" but they could not help but wonder about it, being kids and all. It was rather mysterious.

They were familiar with extended families and often called distant relatives "uncle". When the boys heard that they were going to Seattle, they both wondered,
"Who's Uncle Addle?" They were going to See Addle, you see? Seattle? Who is Addle? Huh?
It's a sound pun.
Hope you like!