Maybe I am not explaining myself very well as I do have a habit of doing that at times so let me start again. Anyone, including Satan can quote scripture, but it takes reading and studying the scriptures through that of the Holy Spirit teaching us in order to gain Spiritual knowledge as the carnal mind is an enemy of God and cannot perceive the things of the Spirit, Romans 8:5-10.
Real life my husband is to be the Spiritual head of our family like Christ is the Spiritual head of the church being the body of Christ. Scripture states in Ephesians 5:22-23 that wives are to submit to their husband as unto the Lord. This means the husband needs to be letting the Lord lead him in all Spiritual decisions as far as the Spiritual needs of his family, leading them to walk in obedience to the Lord and to that the wife needs to submit to.
In my case, and I am not saying this to puff myself up as being better than my husband because I'm not as we are of one Spirit, mind and body, but I do have more knowledge of the scriptures, which he will agree with. The reason why is because I study them as even though my husband is a Spiritually born again Christian indwelled with the Holy Spirit he is not much for studying as he is not a very good reader. When it comes to making any decision for the household (we have no children) we both have to agree as we discuss and pray for what is best for us. In some Spiritual matters I have to be the Spiritual head in knowing what God's direction is for our life. I don't lord it over his head as we both sit discuss and pray seeking what God wants for us before we make any decisions.