That is definitely your very personal opinion as to the existence of “various intelligences” and those who are unable to articulate themselves verbally are more so than those who are very adept at doing so. For one, making money is no sign of intelligence. It’s not on any intelligence test I’ve ever been acquainted with. No one thinks one determines intelligence by annual income. And two, all intelligence tests are evaluated by verbal skills although that will become more difficult as Americans are no longer educated in primary school to read and write and think.
Yes some learn through experience although the foolish learn less and the mentally challenged also learn less.
But I will repeat the obvious that WISDOM is not in the least connected to intelligence. I know very bright people, on the upper level of IQ whose ability to understand challenging subjects is impressive, who are extremely foolish. These are atheists, every one. They say and do things that are extremely foolish and are surprised by the outcome. The outcome was a foreseeable conclusion to me but I have gained wisdom from obeying the Lord.
Wisdom comes by the fear of the Lord. John Bunyon has impressed many with his understanding of man and morals although not well educated.
I guess I think Christians ought not evaluate people as the world does nor be offended if the truth comes out that they aren’t gifted in some natural abilities. Our value doesn’t rest on our intelligence nor ability to sing nor dexterity although all three are useful. If we love the truth, we ought to love the truth about our lack as well as talents. Neither make us better people in particular.