Serving Zion
- Nov 30, 2019
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That's a very nice sermon there, and I like it for the most part. It is sad to hear that there have been preachers that have thought the right idea was to exhonerate those who have less faith, and I never imagined that might have been what the scriptures were trying to teach - but of course it doesn't come as a surprise to me that someone could have thought that way and believed it.I agree that we are to put our faith in God for our healing. But one of the problems is people don't have that type of faith. Some people even misunderstand what faith is. For example, I have heard for years preachers say that all we need is little faith, like the faith of a mustard seed. Those who don't know think this is true. But in taking the time to read the scriptures, you will find out that little faith is incorrect. Jesus said many times in disappointment with his disciples who failed to exercise faith, "Oh ye of little faith." So if little faith was correct, then why would Jesus say that?
So, to explain what's required for faith of a mustard seed, let's look at what Jesus was talking about. Jesus said "if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed..., Matthew 17:20. The word here is "AS," meaning, THE SAME TYPE of faith the GRAIN had. Why have the same type of faith AS a grain of mustard seed? Because the grain was very little in the beginning. But the mustard seed had GREAT FAITH because it was "the seed itself" wich possessed faith; once it was planted, it would be a great magnificent tree. The GREAT faith of the mustard was that it would produce something much more magnificent, a flourishing tree.
See how misunderstanding what Jesus said causes people to believe that all we need is little faith, which yields nothing, when in fact what’s being said is we must have great faith, which yields abundance.
Because a great number of people misunderstand faith, they tell other people the wrong thing, and that person ends up believing them instead of searching the scriptures. So due to the wrong practice of believing man and not the word, we end up with the wrong understanding of what God is telling His people about faith.
Another issue with having the type of faith you are talking about is we don't believe we are supposed to have this type of faith, which is mentioned in the bible. Jesus’s ministry was about healing and casting out devils. He gave his disciples the ability to heal, and the apostles were given the ability to heal and cast out devils. But, because we can't imagine ourselves having the fruits of faith, we just don't believe, not understanding that faith requires that we “believe first” before we see the evidence. Say there are two people diagnosed with the same disease that the doctors say will not heal. Both pray to God: One person who only sees his illness, prays regardless, and is healed because they believe God heard their prayer, and they expected to be healed being very sick, but the other person was not healed because they could not believe, although they prayed. The person who was not healed was lacking faith.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for. This means you already have that thing that you hope for. A good example is like when you made an online purchase, and you are waiting for the item to be delivered in a few days. Well, the substance of the thing you paid for is hoped for in three days to arrive in the mail
Faith is the evidence of things not seen. The same example: You make a purchase, and pay for your item online, and now you wait for the evidence of that thing that you paid for to be delivered in the mail.
2 Corinthians 5:7, For we walk by FAITH, not by SIGHT
When Peter said "Lord increase my faith" he was admitting he did not have the type of faith that Jesus said we are to have. So that tells us that to have proper faith, we must ask God, pray for it, and continue to examine our faith until our faith increases to the type of faith God say we should have. Somehow faith is not understood today.
Thank God that you see faith as the deciding factor for perfect healing today.
But because so many don't, God loves us anyway, and knows that we lack faith, so he helps us out by giving doctors the ability to heal through medicine. That was my point!
Keep increasing your faith through prayer, you will be blessed and others will be blessed also!
No, well my point is that the medical industry is competing in the same field as faith healing, so when it comes to the crunch there is going to be one or the other that prevails. The question we only need to ask, is who do you turn to for healing?But because so many don't, God loves us anyway, and knows that we lack faith, so he helps us out by giving doctors the ability to heal through medicine. That was my point!