Would you say that Satan is not a being one should take lightly? Yes, he is God’s devil and God uses him as a tool or a servant to accomplish His perfect will, but he is nonetheless a reality that we should avoid and pray that God would protect us as individuals and the corporate Body from his schemes and wickedness.
I do take him lightly; for he is nothing compared to who Jesus is.
He eats dust; that is our flesh, our fleshly word, our fleshly understanding, our fleshly minds and that is his food; he cannot touch that which is not flesh, the spirit. There is nothing Satan can do unless God has total control of it. All good and evil are subject to the sovereign control of God not Satan. Yes the earth is full of evils of man which was inspired by Satan; yes satan is the god of the earth; BUT God is the God of the earth.
The Psalmist David was perceptive in the Spirit when he wrote these immortal words, “
The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein†(Ps. 24:1). Does the earth belong to the devil? Does the world belong to the devil? Do they that dwell in the world belong to the devil? Does anything on the earth belong to the devil? Did any of it, even before Calvary, belong to the devil? Not in David’s day, it didn’t! “The earth is the Lord’s!†“
And the fullness thereof!†“The world is the Lord’s!†“And they that dwell therein!†Who do you belong to? Who do the nations belong to? Who do the wicked belong to? IT IS ALL THE LORD’S!
The devil doesn’t own one square inch of it, nor does he own one poor wretched human on it. God created the devil as a manslayer and a murderer from the devils beginning.
Not just a tree or two, not just a mountain or two, not just a nation or two, not just the church, but all the earth is the Lord’s and the very fullness thereof. We are His whether we know it or not, we are His whether we like it or not, whether we desire to serve Him, or whether we are presently in rebellion against His will. God has everything and - 4 - everyone in the palm of His almighty hand!
He is Sovereign! Job said, “In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath (spirit) of all mankind†(Job 12:10).
The prophet Daniel penned these inspired words: “
The Most High…liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom is from generation to generation. All the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and He doeth according to His will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay His hand, or say unto Him, What doest Thou?†(Dan. 4:34-35).
God is saying to us that He is sovereign. Another way to express that truth is: God owns the earth and everything in it  He does what He wants to do and nobody can stop Him from doing it. In particular He is sovereign with what He does with the earth. God does not have to ask anybody’s permission to do anything He wants with any part of the earth or anyone on it â€â€
and none can hinder or resist Him!
If the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, then we need to somehow come to understand that God has never at any time dealt with satan on a percentage basis.
God never did tell Satan that he could have
ninety percent and God would be satisfied with ten percent.
Neither did God ever say that satan could have ten percent and He, God, would settle for ninety percent.
WITH GOD IT IS ALL! ALL belongs to Him! First, because He created it, and second, because He redeemed it. Just as you may temporarily leave a valuable watch at the pawn shop and later return to redeem it, so God assigned to satan a temporary and limited sphere of influence over the creation, for the outworking of His wise and wonderful plan, but HE HAS NOT CEDED OR TRANSFERRED OWNERSHIP OF EVEN ONE INCH OF IT TO SATAN FOR A POSSESSION.
The reality is, after giving the adversary a limited lease and sphere of operation, God came down in the Person of His Son and redeemed the world and everything and everyone in it! In the same way that you get your watch back from the
pawn shop when you redeem it, so God gained full control of the whole world when He redeemed it.
To say that there is any part of God’s creation that satan now sovereignly controls or that he will possess forever is a blatant repudiation of Christ’s redemption and a horrible blasphemy against God. The scriptures clearly reveal how ownership is the central factor in both creation and redemption, the link that binds them together.
Two things are inherent in ownership  purpose and responsibility.
Do you know that if a person makes or buys anything He surely has purpose in mind for it? And is it not equally true that when a person makes or buys a thing he then assumes the responsibility for it? The man who purchases a good hunting dog has a definite purpose in owning the dog, and if he is not a hunter he will not buy it.
With ownership of the dog there comes the responsibility for the dog, to feed and care for it and treat it humanely. You have, I suppose, sometime bought something? As you have paid your money for it and it was delivered to you did you not have a plan for it? And are you not now responsible for it?
Same with God’s creation, when He created it He had a plan and a purpose for that plan and He owns the earth and all that is in it.
Bubba said:
Benoni said:
Youall have an all powerful Satan and a weak and helpless God. This is almost Satan worship.
Would you say that Satan is not a being one should take lightly? Yes, he is God’s devil and God uses him as a tool or a servant to accomplish His perfect will, but he is nonetheless a reality that we should avoid and pray that God would protect us as individuals and the corporate Body from his schemes and wickedness.