- Aug 6, 2014
- 674
- 6
a literal reading of The Revelation would not include antichrist.
Reba understand. what a antichrist is to god.
any man or women that does not believe jesus is christ, or denied his death for his children are antichrist
The revelation of jesus christ that book spoke about the beast giving a sign.. who do you think has power over the sign in that time? Christians? or antichrist? prophets? or false prophets?
if that vile one is not anti christ then what is he a christian?
Who is the man that caused all small and great rich and poor to receive a mark in their right hand or their foreheads?
was it christians ? prophets? or is it that vile one spoken of by daniel the prophet?
a man has 3 names, his first his middle and his last.
god has 3 names jesus,god,holyspirit
a snake has 3 names, snake, serpant, adder
if a man has more than one name and if god has more than one name and if some beasts have more than one name.
why would that vile one spoken of by daniel the prophet have more than one name?
what is his name that god reffers to him as.
Vile one,that little horn, Anti-christ,beast, false prophet
who called him anti christ
1 john 2:18
Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time
why did john say it is the last time if the world did not end in his generation?
remember a day with the lord is a thousand years and a day with man is 24 hours.
John indeed was in the last days in gods time but we are in the last days in mans time which is in gods time.
therefore the things that are revealed to us, some of those things was not revealed to the prophets before us because it was not their time.
this why i call him anti christ but i call him other names as well.
i call him, that great wolf, That jihadi wolf, master of destruction, satans deciple. the son of the devil.
why do i call him these names because to me he is beyond evil that is why i call him those names out side of what the bible refers to him as