Last post here because you insist on breaking the rules. Eugene gave you the address you requested and you are shaking your fist in the Face of God... not very good. You and Sourberry are on the same team and I'm not, at all, sure either of you know it.
God inspired men to become His secretaries and He gave them "license" to express His message in their terms, why, because He's God and does as He does. There are portions of the scriptures that are literal, i.e. the Ten Commandments and the story of the Cross. Then there are portions that some term metaphorical, such as the Parables.
A, simply, great example in the Parable of the Wedding Feast. So, then, should we ignore them and call them silly? Only if we choose to play the Fool. The Wedding Feast (Matt. 22:1-14) is a word illustration of Heaven, just as the Ten Commandments are a beautiful word picture of God... the parallel is fascinating when we go to the trouble to study the Whole Bible and do so in submission to the Holy Spirit.
Me... right? Are you serious? My teacher/advisor, the Holy Spirit of God, the Father and God the Son are right, not me. My, just previous, post to you is a great example of me quenching the Spirit and mixing some of Sourberry into you for character. Sorry 'bout that!
I could take the coward's way out and blame it on this stupid affliction I brought back from Asia but I won't take the Coward's route on this. I just ain't perfect and the old man riding on my back, sometimes, gets loose and I do dumb things.
But every word of the Bible is held true by the hand of God. Period!