I too believe Jesus returned in the 1st century as the scriptures seem to indicate he would. With that said, I wish to address this question you possed:
If Christ as you believe has returned already, why are we still in our flesh bodies when we should have all been changed?
The best way to address this is to note who the "WE" Paul was referring to in 1 Corinthians was speaking to. In figuring who the "WE" is, we must be careful not to automatically input "ME" and the current "WE or US" into being party to the "WE" mentioned in scripture unless the texts tells us that doing so is appropriate. (That was one confusing sentence, I hope it makes sense). Anyhow........ All that said, it seems to me that the we mentioned by Paul only includes the saints who will be resurrected and those living AT THE TIME OF JESUS ARRIVAL. No one else is included in
that "WE" number.
The fact is that we were not even born at the time of those events, so why do we expect that we'd be party to it? That line of reasoning is not logical. We must face the distinct possibility that Jesus already came and did what He said he'd do and what his students expected him to do in their generation. That would mean that those saints have been redeemed from the Earth and are living with Jesus as glorified immortals helping to administer the reign of Jesus' Kingdom (the Kingdom of Heaven).
Jesus specifically, along with his redeemed saints (who reign with him for whatever 1000 years is) according to 1 Corinthians 15:25 are said to be reigning "until [God] will have put all his enemies under his feet", with the last enemy, death, being invalidated. Then in the end, after he has brought all governments, authorities, and powers to nothing, he will hand over the
Kingdom (THE REIGN) to his God and Father who will then BE ALL AND IN ALL.