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Lol . . . are you a psychologist and can thus analyze me? You're so funny. :)

I'm sorry, Dorothy, but the things that you've stated about Circumcision are completely and totally false. Do you see me going off on you as you have gone off on me? :)

On the contrary. Since I arrived a couple days ago, I have been EXTREMELY friendly with you. For some reason, being friendly isn't really your "thing" I guess. So yes, I hope you feel better soon!

Well, that's one way to judge my heart. You're more than welcome to keep on judging. It's totally ok with me. :thumb
What's that verse about contentious and rooftop?
Ambassador Hat On...

Please do not break TOS rules.
Please reply to the topic and not to the member in a personal way.
You cannot know what a person has in their mind or heart.

Ambassador Hat Off...
Did you tell Tim to stop referring to me as sick and stop jeering at me?
Let's bring this back to the topic of the OP and quit the remarks being made against each other. If this continues you will be time banned from this thread for violation of the ToS 1.1, 1.3, 1.5 in which you need to go back and read. I will not address any replies made to this warning.
Let's bring this back to the topic of the OP and quit the remarks being made against each other. If this continues you will be time banned from this thread for violation of the ToS 1.1, 1.3, 1.5 in which you need to go back and read. I will not address any replies made to this warning.

It amazes me that we struggle to come together to have peaceful communication. It's a good thing that we adults have babysitters here. :)
First I would like to address John 14:26

John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

The full context is found starting with John 14:15 continuing through vs. 31 about Jesus promising to send down the Holy Spirit to indwell us and help teach us all Spiritual truths as the Holy Spirit opens our Spiritual eyes and ears to hear what Jesus taught. Jesus taught verbally while here on each, but after He ascended up to the Father

I find that Jesus speaks about the Holy Spirit as revealing to us all truth.
John 14:26, I BELIEVE, (not 100% sure) is the only verse that speaks about teaching us.
I don't believe the Holy Spirit could teach anything new, so I have to believe that it means that He will guide us into all truth.

IOW, the Holy Spirit will continue to teach us what Jesus taught.

What do you mean when you say TEACH?
Do you mean something new that Jesus did not cover?

The Holy Spirit is our comforter sent down by God that will abide with us forever as He is the Spirit of truth (Father Son and Holy Spirit all being God's Spirit). We who are Spiritually born again from above are indwelled with the Holy Spirit that is God's Spirit within us, Christ who is within us as His word abides in us.
Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one...which is why the Holy Spirit can still guide us.

We see Christ (not visibly) through the Holy Spirit being the very Spirit of God as Jesus being the very Spirit of God being the word made flesh, John 1:14. The Holy Spirit gives us understanding of what Jesus taught just like the day of Pentecost when the disciples were indwelled with the Holy Spirit as then their Spiritual eyes and ears were opened as they started to understand all that Jesus taught them.

Agreed. You've repeated what I've been meaning to say. (or trying to say).

The carnal mind can not perceive the Spiritual things of God and this is how Satan can enter the mind and will twist the word of God as Satan is the Father of lies.

1John 2:21 I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.
1John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
1John 2:23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.
1John 2:24 Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father.
1John 2:25 And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life.
1John 2:26 These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.
1John 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

Vs. 27 is that anointing of the Holy Spirit that opens our Spiritual eyes and ears to understand that which has already been spoken by Jesus as the Apostles bear witness in their writings of what Jesus taught. If we are only leaning on what man teaches, especially in the hand me down traditional teachings that do not line up with the full context of scripture, then we can lose sight of that which Jesus already taught. That is why there are so many different teachings as many rely on man's theologies and doctrines to teach them, but do not study the scriptures for themselves for what has already been written as they do not Spiritually discern what they are being taught, 1 John 4:1-6.
I agree with the above.
I underlined and highlighted some verses because I feel they're the only ones that deal with our discussion to the point.

As you know by now, I'm not going to agree with your last sentence.
If churches, denominations, men, teach differently, it's because they ALSO have studied scripture for years and have come up with different understandings. We can't really say that none of them discern spiritually...we can't know that.
How do you classify theology that came along (to them anyway) in 1517, to be exact? That’s pretty close to you 1500AD, a year that you’ve designated as being adverse to if new theology is introduced.
I'm confused D.
Did I say 1517??

I don't really know what you're asking.

I said I don't trust theology that came along 1,500 years after Christ. 1,500AD.
I'd have to include some stuff even before then, but at the reformation big changes were made.

For instance:
ETERNAL SALVATION or OSAS - this was unheard of before this cut off date.
I find that Jesus speaks about the Holy Spirit as revealing to us all truth.
John 14:26, I BELIEVE, (not 100% sure) is the only verse that speaks about teaching us.
I don't believe the Holy Spirit could teach anything new, so I have to believe that it means that He will guide us into all truth.

IOW, the Holy Spirit will continue to teach us what Jesus taught.

What do you mean when you say TEACH?
Do you mean something new that Jesus did not cover?

Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one...which is why the Holy Spirit can still guide us.

Agreed. You've repeated what I've been meaning to say. (or trying to say).

I agree with the above.
I underlined and highlighted some verses because I feel they're the only ones that deal with our discussion to the point.

As you know by now, I'm not going to agree with your last sentence.
If churches, denominations, men, teach differently, it's because they ALSO have studied scripture for years and have come up with different understandings. We can't really say that none of them discern spiritually...we can't know that.
God allows it as there are things not plainly said .

Amil,pre mil,post mil.

What songs are worship .a silly thing but I couldn't be in a hard Rock style worship and call that worship .I see that as distracting.

I need to create a thread and use simple older local churches that are simple and don't have modern sound and stage and lights .

I can photo one I park by often and use that old sanctuary.its built in 1933 and it's in a safe area,there are older churches or close to that age but in high crime areas and have windows covered .
God allows it as there are things not plainly said .

Amil,pre mil,post mil.

What songs are worship .a silly thing but I couldn't be in a hard Rock style worship and call that worship .I see that as distracting.

I need to create a thread and use simple older local churches that are simple and don't have modern sound and stage and lights .

I can photo one I park by often and use that old sanctuary.its built in 1933 and it's in a safe area,there are older churches or close to that age but in high crime areas and have windows covered .
How could God allow confusion in His church?
But must go now...tomorrow.
How could God allow confusion in His church?
But must go now...tomorrow.
Because how do you know the end is the way it prophecied until you are dead or it happens .

While we make silly divisions and are dogmatic I learned from my martial arts training that you can have three fighters ,each have their own way of winning and not even close but it works .

Body types and personalities .with the grey areas I view it that way .I can't fight like a 6 foot man ,or a four foot female . Each has a method ,however should I encounter them and I learn and defend against and vice versa
How could God allow confusion in His church?
But must go now...tomorrow.

My friend, it isn't that He allows confusion, but rather, it is a part of His Eternal Plan. If we read the Bible in a timeline, chronological order, we will find that when Prophesy is given, later in the timeline we find that they are all fulfilled. Today's modern-day church resembling the Sadducees, Pharisees, and teachers of the law is no accident. And I mean by that that the church of today is as Spiritually blind as were those mentioned above 2000 years ago. As hard as it is to swallow and accept, we the creation have been created for display to the unseen Rulers and Authorities of the Heavenly Realms. We are a Work of God to demonstrate and prove His unbelievable Power.
The Purpose of Christ is to Redeem His Children from the Curse of the Lord that placed the Sinful Nature upon us. From the moment that the Lord applied this Spiritual Curse, it applied to all of creation. All people would be under this Curse, and the only way to be relieved of it is through the Circumcision of Christ. This is the simple process of lifting the Curse that His Father applied thousands of years ago. Yes, there are other reasons for His arrival to earth, but this is the primary Purpose: to Redeem all whom the Father had given Him.
How do you go about this "simple process" ?
I find that Jesus speaks about the Holy Spirit as revealing to us all truth.
John 14:26, I BELIEVE, (not 100% sure) is the only verse that speaks about teaching us.
I don't believe the Holy Spirit could teach anything new, so I have to believe that it means that He will guide us into all truth.

IOW, the Holy Spirit will continue to teach us what Jesus taught.

What do you mean when you say TEACH?
Do you mean something new that Jesus did not cover?

Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one...which is why the Holy Spirit can still guide us.

Agreed. You've repeated what I've been meaning to say. (or trying to say).

I agree with the above.
I underlined and highlighted some verses because I feel they're the only ones that deal with our discussion to the point.

As you know by now, I'm not going to agree with your last sentence.
If churches, denominations, men, teach differently, it's because they ALSO have studied scripture for years and have come up with different understandings. We can't really say that none of them discern spiritually...we can't know that.
We agree there is nothing new under the sun as what Jesus taught as the word of God has never changed. There are only new things, not in His word, but things we might not have ever seen or considered before of what others present, but yet we have to make sure what others teach also has to line up with scripture as many try to make scripture line up with what they teach.
The idea that of all that was in the Bible could be easily discovered and known negates any reason for us to study at for great lengths .any time I have decided to look into things I see things I didn't before .

The problem is that when we try to shoe horn that ,and yes logically there is only one true view ,it's all knowable and God has given it to me .often that isn't the case .

I just don't get hung up on non-essential things .
How do you go about this "simple process" ?

Look at the Curse in reverse order. How long did it take for God to apply His Curse? An instant? And since it was likely an instant that the Curse was implemented, that is exactly how long it would take for Christ to lift it.

This is the super short version of the Gospel. We humans have a serious problem, and it is the Curse of the Lord. Fortunately, Jesus is our Redeemer from such a Curse. Jesus Redeems our spirit, but not our flesh. Our bodies will turn back into dust. The first part of the Redemption process is the Spiritual Circumcision of Christ, the removal of that Curse which, ultimately, defeats Satan in that person's life. The association between the person's spirit and being taken captive to do the Devil's will has been completely severed. The Curse that causes confusion has been lifted, and recovery from such a horrific mindset of the Devil begins. A person is Redeemed by Christ and Holy Sanctification ensues.
When I went to ga to recon a church for my grandchild .it wasn't reformed .it didn't have female elders ,but did have Sunday school teachers who were ladies .the worship isn't quite my style yet not my thing but apostate ? No .
Look at the Curse in reverse order. How long did it take for God to apply His Curse? An instant? And since it was likely an instant that the Curse was implemented, that is exactly how long it would take for Christ to lift it.

This is the super short version of the Gospel. We humans have a serious problem, and it is the Curse of the Lord. Fortunately, Jesus is our Redeemer from such a Curse. Jesus Redeems our spirit, but not our flesh. Our bodies will turn back into dust. The first part of the Redemption process is the Spiritual Circumcision of Christ, the removal of that Curse which, ultimately, defeats Satan in that person's life. The association between the person's spirit and being taken captive to do the Devil's will has been completely severed. The Curse that causes confusion has been lifted, and recovery from such a horrific mindset of the Devil begins. A person is Redeemed by Christ and Holy Sanctification ensues.
Do you see being born again and the spiritual circumcision of Christ as two completely separate things happening at different times during a Christian's life ? If so, how ?