I appreciate your post. As I stated previous; I 'like' you. I don't just love you as we are commanded 'as my neighbor', I recognize in you MUCH wisdom and understanding. Not that I 'agree' with everything that you offer, (that is a difficult thing for ANY two people to DO), but I DO recognize a sincerity that does NOT contain ONLY 'self'. That IS refreshing. And I have witnessed your ability to 'maintain' without dilution.
Av, I am ONLY able to observe that which I experience. My BIGGEST challenge has been to 'learn to love my neighbor AS myself'. But I have been to MANY 'so called' churches and what I find there is WEAK and downright sloven piety in the 'guise' of Christianity. People INSISTING that The Spirit is leading them but NO fruit other than what appeases 'themselves'. A 'greasy' kind of 'let's ACT like we are Christians, rather than follow in the footsteps of Christ.
Av, unlike Solo, I 'believe' that ANYONE that has 'read' the Word is WELL aware that what I offer is straight from the KJV REGARDLESS of whether or not I offer quotes from it.
I have attempted to alter NOTHING. I have NOT ONLY read the KJV, I have done MANY MANY specific STUDIES in this book. Begging for understanding and guidance. There was a 'time' that this was given SO FREELY that I could hardly 'keep up'. Now it comes in bits and spurts. But during that time I became INTIMATE with God and His Son.
I have met FEW that have experienced anything even remotely similar. Most that I have met have simply been 'going to church' for a 'time' and have 'picked up' bits and pieces from their weekly, (also to be confused with weakly), sermons yet have almost NO understanding of even the BASICS that were laid down by Christ and His apostles. Their knowledge and understanding seems to based MORE on 'MOVIES" that they have 'seen' of Jesus than ANYTHING factual contained within The Word. And their PASTORS seem PERFECTLY PLEASED for them to BE this way.
Once again, let me offer that I have NOTHING against 'others' reading WHATEVER they will. I personally find that it is MUCH more advantageous to avoid that which is NOT accurate and simply STICK to that which I KNOW to be TRUTH.
Satan HAS dominion OVER this world, (and MOST of it's inhabitants). He needs little 'personal intervention' to offer what MOST seek. His demons ARE rampant and NUMEROUS. So MUCH so that most have been 'led' to ignore their VERY EXISTENCE. We MUST be aware and ON GUARD 'every' minute lest we FALL to their temptations or influence.
There is LITTLE that I, (or you), CAN do to 'protect' ourselves OTHER THAN rely on the power of God, (through His Son), to PROTECT US.
Satan IS able to mimic God Himself. To those that are UNABLE to 'recognize' him in his MANY guises, they are choosing to worshiping HIM in the 'guise' of that which IS Holy. I can't HELP but recognize this when exposed to it. Whether it be in 'churches', here on the forums, or in daily life out among those of this WORLD. Do you HONESTLY 'think' that I am 'making this stuff UP'?
I come here NOT to appease the appetites of men. To the CONTRARY. I WILL be 'an enemy' to ALL that live 'for this world'. My words will sear their very souls so deeply that their 'hate' of my words will become apparent in their replies. But that IS what we ARE here for. Our 'witness' is NOT only our 'belief' but TRUTH in God as offered BY HIS SON. Our testimony is WEAK, (at best), if not conformed to the TRUTH.
I have listened to BENNY Hindi and watched as tens of thousands heap their praises upon HIM. Ignoring 'truth' and God in order to have their 'itching ears' appeased.
Billy Graham that ONCE started out with the passion allowed this WORLD to water down his understanding, thus, turning his testimony and witness into 'just another WEAK sermon rather than a 'transmission' of God's Word to His people.
Cynical? NO DOUBT. But NOT of God, His Son, the apostles, The Spirit. But of this WORLD and what it FOLLOWS. And Av, WHERE do you suppose that this 'understanding CAME FROM'? Do you HONESTLY even 'think' that Satan would REVEAL himself in SUCH A MANNER? That he would purposely ALLOW ANYONE to 'expose' his methods of deception?
No, but he WOULD AND WILL attempt to discredit my offerings in the hopes that MOST will simply say to themselves; "This guys a NUT''. SEE, he doesn't even 'BELIEVE' like the REST of us. His words are SO different than what we are USE to that HE MUST BE WRONG''. It's NOT DIFFERENT NOW than it WAS at the time of Christ. It's NO DIFFERENT NOW than it was during the time of MOSES. People are MORE concerned with THEMSELVES than ANYTHING TO DO with God OR His Son.
Choosing instead to worship IDOLS and STATUES and ANYTHING other than God OR His Son. Creating and building up FALSE gods and placing them IN THE PLACE of OUR FATHER AND HIS SON.
'Forty days to a purpose driven..................' NOT ONLY would I not 'purchase' a book such as this, but, you COULDN'T PAY me to expose myself to such. A little SECRET Av, when you see the multitudes FLOCKING in ANY particular direction, FLEE my friend. That is the BEST advice that I can offer ANYONE seeking the Father and His Son. FLEE. Don't only 'turn away' but RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN. For Satan is the FATHER of lies. We understand but the rudiments of 'falsehood'. This entity CREATED them and uses them in ways that we cannot EVEN COMPREHEND.
I am NOT here to supply milk to those that need such. I am not here to 'pat each other on the back' for how 'righteous' we are. I am here to let any and everyone that I am able, KNOW that there IS TRUTH that transcends this LAODICEAN AGE in which we LIVE. That there is MUCH more to 'following Christ' than throwing a 'couple of bucks in the plate' and living our lives devoted to SELF. And there IS TRUTH OUT THERE that IS different than that which the 'churches' have led SO MANY people to BELIEVE.
And when 'these and theirs' are STUCK in 'their place'; scrambling and fighting for RELEASE, NOT A SINGLE WORD that they were offered or BELIEVED will diminish their TORMENT ONE BIT. For they were GIVEN the opportunity to RECEIVE LIFE and chose darkness instead. Hardened their hearts IN FACT to the point that they weren't even able to 'COME TO THE TRUTH' when offered it FREELY. Choosing instead, to DIE like their FATHER. To suffer the SAME fate as the one they worship.
Your compassion is evident Av. I accept your offering and can ONLY HOPE that at least SOME of what 'I' offer is able to be of 'benefit' in your understanding as well.
I KNOW that The Spirit RECOGNIZES The Spirit for that IS what The Church IS. The Body. And there IS recognition OF IT"S PARTS. So, for those that would 'accuse me' of FOLLOWING Satan in the words that I offer, BEWARE, my brothers. That kind of FALSE accusation can ONLY come from ONE PLACE. Just LIKE those that accused Christ of being 'the son of Satan', the WORLD is LED in such beliefs for A PURPOSE. For Satan does NOT 'want to BE Satan'; BUT God Himself. HE wants to be THE ONE WORSHIPED. And HE DOES have dominion over this PLANET and MOST of the souls that reside here.
Folks, there is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD. No amount of words or effort can change this EXCEPT in the the 'hearts' of those willing to listen to 'something ELSE'. Find His Son and HE IS ABLE to lead one TO THE FATHER. But 'creating' one's OWN GODS, (or allowing them to be created), will NOT fulfill ANYTHING other than carnal desires of a heart DEVOTED to this 'world'.
I appreciate your post. As I stated previous; I 'like' you. I don't just love you as we are commanded 'as my neighbor', I recognize in you MUCH wisdom and understanding. Not that I 'agree' with everything that you offer, (that is a difficult thing for ANY two people to DO), but I DO recognize a sincerity that does NOT contain ONLY 'self'. That IS refreshing. And I have witnessed your ability to 'maintain' without dilution.
Av, I am ONLY able to observe that which I experience. My BIGGEST challenge has been to 'learn to love my neighbor AS myself'. But I have been to MANY 'so called' churches and what I find there is WEAK and downright sloven piety in the 'guise' of Christianity. People INSISTING that The Spirit is leading them but NO fruit other than what appeases 'themselves'. A 'greasy' kind of 'let's ACT like we are Christians, rather than follow in the footsteps of Christ.
Av, unlike Solo, I 'believe' that ANYONE that has 'read' the Word is WELL aware that what I offer is straight from the KJV REGARDLESS of whether or not I offer quotes from it.
I have attempted to alter NOTHING. I have NOT ONLY read the KJV, I have done MANY MANY specific STUDIES in this book. Begging for understanding and guidance. There was a 'time' that this was given SO FREELY that I could hardly 'keep up'. Now it comes in bits and spurts. But during that time I became INTIMATE with God and His Son.
I have met FEW that have experienced anything even remotely similar. Most that I have met have simply been 'going to church' for a 'time' and have 'picked up' bits and pieces from their weekly, (also to be confused with weakly), sermons yet have almost NO understanding of even the BASICS that were laid down by Christ and His apostles. Their knowledge and understanding seems to based MORE on 'MOVIES" that they have 'seen' of Jesus than ANYTHING factual contained within The Word. And their PASTORS seem PERFECTLY PLEASED for them to BE this way.
Once again, let me offer that I have NOTHING against 'others' reading WHATEVER they will. I personally find that it is MUCH more advantageous to avoid that which is NOT accurate and simply STICK to that which I KNOW to be TRUTH.
Satan HAS dominion OVER this world, (and MOST of it's inhabitants). He needs little 'personal intervention' to offer what MOST seek. His demons ARE rampant and NUMEROUS. So MUCH so that most have been 'led' to ignore their VERY EXISTENCE. We MUST be aware and ON GUARD 'every' minute lest we FALL to their temptations or influence.
There is LITTLE that I, (or you), CAN do to 'protect' ourselves OTHER THAN rely on the power of God, (through His Son), to PROTECT US.
Satan IS able to mimic God Himself. To those that are UNABLE to 'recognize' him in his MANY guises, they are choosing to worshiping HIM in the 'guise' of that which IS Holy. I can't HELP but recognize this when exposed to it. Whether it be in 'churches', here on the forums, or in daily life out among those of this WORLD. Do you HONESTLY 'think' that I am 'making this stuff UP'?
I come here NOT to appease the appetites of men. To the CONTRARY. I WILL be 'an enemy' to ALL that live 'for this world'. My words will sear their very souls so deeply that their 'hate' of my words will become apparent in their replies. But that IS what we ARE here for. Our 'witness' is NOT only our 'belief' but TRUTH in God as offered BY HIS SON. Our testimony is WEAK, (at best), if not conformed to the TRUTH.
I have listened to BENNY Hindi and watched as tens of thousands heap their praises upon HIM. Ignoring 'truth' and God in order to have their 'itching ears' appeased.
Billy Graham that ONCE started out with the passion allowed this WORLD to water down his understanding, thus, turning his testimony and witness into 'just another WEAK sermon rather than a 'transmission' of God's Word to His people.
Cynical? NO DOUBT. But NOT of God, His Son, the apostles, The Spirit. But of this WORLD and what it FOLLOWS. And Av, WHERE do you suppose that this 'understanding CAME FROM'? Do you HONESTLY even 'think' that Satan would REVEAL himself in SUCH A MANNER? That he would purposely ALLOW ANYONE to 'expose' his methods of deception?
No, but he WOULD AND WILL attempt to discredit my offerings in the hopes that MOST will simply say to themselves; "This guys a NUT''. SEE, he doesn't even 'BELIEVE' like the REST of us. His words are SO different than what we are USE to that HE MUST BE WRONG''. It's NOT DIFFERENT NOW than it WAS at the time of Christ. It's NO DIFFERENT NOW than it was during the time of MOSES. People are MORE concerned with THEMSELVES than ANYTHING TO DO with God OR His Son.
Choosing instead to worship IDOLS and STATUES and ANYTHING other than God OR His Son. Creating and building up FALSE gods and placing them IN THE PLACE of OUR FATHER AND HIS SON.
'Forty days to a purpose driven..................' NOT ONLY would I not 'purchase' a book such as this, but, you COULDN'T PAY me to expose myself to such. A little SECRET Av, when you see the multitudes FLOCKING in ANY particular direction, FLEE my friend. That is the BEST advice that I can offer ANYONE seeking the Father and His Son. FLEE. Don't only 'turn away' but RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN. For Satan is the FATHER of lies. We understand but the rudiments of 'falsehood'. This entity CREATED them and uses them in ways that we cannot EVEN COMPREHEND.
I am NOT here to supply milk to those that need such. I am not here to 'pat each other on the back' for how 'righteous' we are. I am here to let any and everyone that I am able, KNOW that there IS TRUTH that transcends this LAODICEAN AGE in which we LIVE. That there is MUCH more to 'following Christ' than throwing a 'couple of bucks in the plate' and living our lives devoted to SELF. And there IS TRUTH OUT THERE that IS different than that which the 'churches' have led SO MANY people to BELIEVE.
And when 'these and theirs' are STUCK in 'their place'; scrambling and fighting for RELEASE, NOT A SINGLE WORD that they were offered or BELIEVED will diminish their TORMENT ONE BIT. For they were GIVEN the opportunity to RECEIVE LIFE and chose darkness instead. Hardened their hearts IN FACT to the point that they weren't even able to 'COME TO THE TRUTH' when offered it FREELY. Choosing instead, to DIE like their FATHER. To suffer the SAME fate as the one they worship.
Your compassion is evident Av. I accept your offering and can ONLY HOPE that at least SOME of what 'I' offer is able to be of 'benefit' in your understanding as well.
I KNOW that The Spirit RECOGNIZES The Spirit for that IS what The Church IS. The Body. And there IS recognition OF IT"S PARTS. So, for those that would 'accuse me' of FOLLOWING Satan in the words that I offer, BEWARE, my brothers. That kind of FALSE accusation can ONLY come from ONE PLACE. Just LIKE those that accused Christ of being 'the son of Satan', the WORLD is LED in such beliefs for A PURPOSE. For Satan does NOT 'want to BE Satan'; BUT God Himself. HE wants to be THE ONE WORSHIPED. And HE DOES have dominion over this PLANET and MOST of the souls that reside here.
Folks, there is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD. No amount of words or effort can change this EXCEPT in the the 'hearts' of those willing to listen to 'something ELSE'. Find His Son and HE IS ABLE to lead one TO THE FATHER. But 'creating' one's OWN GODS, (or allowing them to be created), will NOT fulfill ANYTHING other than carnal desires of a heart DEVOTED to this 'world'.