Wertbag Wrote:
The thing that most YECs are not aware of is the share number of dating methods that have been used thousands of times world wide by numerous scientists in numerous fields and the results all agree.
Have a look at:
There are some 20 different dating techniques listed, and there are many more (off the top of my head climate change, glacial movement, contenintal plates, genetics etc) that are used.
When testing samples there is multiple techniques, multiple samples and often a control test, the results are then peer reviewed to make sure the process is correct. The claim against dating techniques isn't that carbon dating doesn't work, but that the dozens of agreeing techniques are all wrong and that every scientist who has tested and tried the techniques are all wrong.
Each can be refuted easily when taking out the circular reasoning used by
the assumption that ToE is fact. First and foremost: The assumed evolution
time span of the fossil record is used to calibrate radio-dating instruments.
Secondly, the dating assumes uniformity (common assumption for ToE
The next batch fall under the uniformity assumption soley: genetics; plate
techtonics; geological sequence; etc...
Like the old saying goes: Trash in, trash out.
How do recent Radio-dating results at the Topper Site in South
Carolina (50,000 RCYBP), The Calico Early Man Site in California
(200,000 B.P. U-235/ U-238 Dating), and the Toluquilla Mexico Site
(1,300,000 B.P. Argon-Argon Method) influence the Theory of Evolution?
In some very, very drastic ways.
Generally accepted evolution theory has man originating in Eastern
Africa 120, 000 B.P. U-235/ U-238 Dating (There's other opinions, but this is
what is taught in ToE textbooks), migrating into the Middle East and South
Africa by 80,000 B.P. U-235/ U-238 Dating, Southern Asia by 60,000 B.P.
U-235/ U-238 Dating, and Europe and Australia by 40,000 RYCBP.
So what are well dated human artifacts doing in North America
50,000 RCYBP, 200,000 + B.P. U-235/ U-238 and 1.3 million argon-argon?
Please bear with me as I describe my hypothesis.
Whitelaw's Nonequilibrium Age Versus Published Equilibrium Age
1,000 1,115
1,500 1,730
2,000 2,310
2,500 2,900
3,000 3,500
3,500 4,110
4,000 4,725
4,500 5,350
5,000 5,990
5,500 8,860 (Flood) (North American Early-Archaic Sequence Starts)
6,000 12,530 (North American Clovis and Folsom Complexes)
6,500 19,100 (North American PreClovis Complex)
7,000 Infinite (Creation)
Table 1: Relationships between corrected and published ages of specimens
in years since death (Whitelaw, 1970, p. 65)
Applying this model, Paleo (preClovis, Clovis, Folsom, Cody)
cultures in North America were present ante-deluge. Ethiopian
human samples (oldest radiocarbon dated human remains worldwide)
date to around 160,000 + B.P. U-235/ U-238. With conservative
interpolating, these humans roamed the earth 500 years after creation,
assuming Whitelaw's assumptions. This seems reasonable, with Ethiopia
being approximately 1200 miles from the commonly accepted location of
The Garden of Eden in Southeastern Iraq.
As to Whitelaw's Nonequilibrium Age Model's validity, I prefer it's predictive
I mean, does it make sense that humans evolved into their modern form
160,000 B.P. U-235/ U-238 in Eastern Africa, migrated to the Middle East
and Southern Africa by 80,000B.P. U-235/ U-238 , to Europe by
40,000RCYBP, the East coast of the U.S. by50,000RCYBP, California
125,000-200,000 B.P. U-235/ U-238 , and Mexico 1,300,000 B.P.
Argon-Argon Method?
Interpreting these dates with Whitelaw's model, these dates are all within
200-300 CY of one another.
If that be the case, then there's no way oceans could have separated these
It would be necessary for them to be, at least, on the same continent. Most
geologists are in agreement the earth was one supercontinent- Pangaea in
it's earliest forms (Read about Peleg in Genesis 10:25/ 1
Chronicles 1:19).
I also like the fact the model agrees with the well known S-shaped,
long-term radiocarbon dating error. One bend of the curve peaks in the
middle of the first millennium A.D. Radiocarbon ages during this period over
estimate dendrochronological ages by up to a hundred years. The curve
switches direction around 500 B.C., when radiocarbon ages begin to
underestimate supposed dendrochronological ages. The discrepancy grows
as we go back in time, so that by the fifth millennium B.C., radiocarbon
dates are too recent by 900 + years.
If we assume production of carbon-14 began only 6,000 to 7000 years
ago, the approximate time of Creation, and then roughly 1,500-2500 years
later the Flood upset the entire carbon cycle, by the temporary lack of life
shortly afterwards, the carbon-14 dates from samples derived from
these eras would read close to infinity in both cases.
As the discrepancy between SPR and SDR shows, the Earth is still in the
process of attaining equilibrium.
Further, we know from the radiocarbon dating of tree rings that as we go
back in time, we find less and less carbon-14. If there was less carbon-14 in
the past, then there has been less decay in our samples than the
equilibrium model assumes. And if there has been less decay, then the
samples are not as old as they may seem.
Reznwerks wrote:
Your post is titled why you are a young earth creationist. I fail to understand the correlation. The bible is not a textbook for one and the evidence geologically states otherwise. Even with all the so called conflicts within Carbon 14 dating even YEC'rs admit that the test is accurate to 50,000 years which is a lot longer than the 6000 years as claimed by some YEC'rs. There are other tests being used to test the age of rocks etc and the funny thing is that all tests being used corroborate each other. It's kind of a checks and balance system.
Uranium and argon dating methods have a whole different set of inherent
problems based on circular reasoning (i.e.-using the fossil record to
calibrate the dating).