Paul tells us that not all Israel is Israel.. meaning not all Israelites are the Israel of God..
The People of God, according to the Scriptures of Paul's day, were the Jews. The Jewish race, as a people. Not just the good ones. I could cite dozens of verses to that effect. Sure, Paul details the "spiritually circumcised Jew" as opposed to the Jew circumcised in the flesh alone. But as an example, the Exodus speaks of God saving His People, meaning ALL of the Jews, from Egypt. There is no indication in Scriptures that God's People saved from Egypt were only the ones "in faith". Certainly, many of His People died on the road to the Promised Land. But at the end of the day, it would be difficult to refute that God's People were the Jews - the receivers of the Covenant, the promises, the prophets, etc., as Paul details in Romans. ALL of the Jews could claim this background.
the LORD told the Pharisees which didn't believe in Him that their father was the devil..
As a PEOPLE, the Jews were God's People. Some leaders were poor shepherds. Did some individuals falter and fall away? Sure. Do some CHRISTIANS do the same thing??? Of course.
Do you think Christians are some how immune to the effects of falling away? Consider the parable of the sower and the seed.
they could not have been the Israel of God.. Israelites, yes.. but not a part of the Israel of God.
I think you will need some OT Scriptures to back this up with. You are misinterpreting Paul, who is trying to figure out WHY some Jews do not see that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ. It is a sore point with him. Read the beginning of Romans 11. "Hath God cast away HIS PEOPLE"??? Can this refer to only the "righteous"? No...
Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded Romans 11:7
The rest, are indeed, God's People who are blinded.
Same with Judas.. an Israelite no doubt although not of the Israel of God.. which would consist of the faithful patriachs mentioned throughout the scriptures.
Again, you are going to have to show me some Scriptures to the effect that "only the righteous are God's People". The very reason why God is "saddened" is because HIS PEOPLE are turning away from Him!!!
I removed his shoulder from the burden: his hands were delivered from the pots. Thou calledst in trouble, and I delivered thee; I answered thee in the secret place of thunder: I proved thee at the waters of Meribah. Selah. Hear, O my people, and I will testify unto thee: O Israel, if thou wilt hearken unto me; There shall no strange god be in thee; neither shalt thou worship any strange god. I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it. But my people would not hearken to my voice; and Israel would none of me Psalm 81:6-11
Now, Eventide, who is "my people" above??? The righteous Jew or the Jews as an entire race of men, women and children???
I would suggest that you do a word search on "my people" and check out the context and see if you find any of the results that speak of "my people" as only the righteous Jews...
Christendom is similar in that not all who profess Christ actually possess Christ within their earthen vessel.. they're not in Christ and Christ is not in them.
I disagree. Unfortunately, it sounds like you believe that only the "good people" are "the Church", when Christ, through parables, state that the Church do have members who are not "good". For example, the wheat and the tares. EVERYONE who professed Christ and were baptised were baptised into the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 6). There is no provisional exception there. Now, granted, one who becomes wicked and later returns to the "vomit of their former life" will not
inherit the Kingdom, in this world or the next; it will be
lost to them. However, ALL Christians are God's People who God calls unto Himself. Some refuse to persevere. They fall away in time of trouble. But they WERE part of the Body of Christ, even for awhile.
We are not speaking of "who is in Christ and Christ in them". Only those who obey the Will of the Father have Christ abiding within them. But as to the subject, who are God's People, that would refer to those who are part of the New Covenant (and we don't know WHO will be harvested as wheat at the end of time...)
The Lord Jesus Christ is the 'root' and the offspring of David.. He is De-vine and we are the branches.. again, the church is in Christ.. not in Israel.
Paul sometimes protrays Jesus as the representative of mankind or of Israel. Jesus does this Himself in some of His parables, drawing on the OT useage of "vineyeard", for example. It certainly CAN be seen as Christ Himself, I do not deny that interpretation. However, we must understand that the literal sense is the Jewish people - whom Christ is a representative of/for.
When Paul speaks of branches being broken off the olive tree, don't you think he is speaking of Jews? And the root, righteous Jews, the patriarachs, prophets, etc?
What scripture(s) would you use to teach that the church of God is Israel ?
Romans 11, for example, when it speaks of Gentiles being grafted INTO the root of Israel. (which can be interpreted as the Christ, if we see Christ as the head of the Body that comes before the Father as one whole "entity")
Many Scriptures that speak of salvation to Israel can be read with Christians in mind in a spiritual sense. Paul does this, for example in 1 Cor 10, when he compares the promises and gifts given to Israel as a precursor or foreshadowing of what was to come more clearly through Christ's formulation of God's plan, that the dividing wall between Jews and Gentiles WOULD BE broken down by Christ. Now, the People of God is not dependent upon being an ethnical Jew. NOW, God's People includes Gentiles who have Abraham as their father in faith.
As for the twelve apostles.. we know that they will rule over the twelve tribes of Israel when the LORD comes and sits upon the throne of His glory.. this is what Matthew 19 teaches along with Matthew 25.
Yes, and why the number "12"??? What is the significance of our Lord choosing 12 Apostles? Is there any connection with the 12 tribes of Israel? Is it a
supplanting of or a
joining of between the Old and the New?
Christianity has always had to deal with this problem, I fear (super-secession). Even in the 2nd century, men were trying to get rid of the OT and the "mean God" of the OT. Consider the following, which Peter cites in part from Exodus in reference to GOD'S PEOPLE...
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. 1 Peter 2:9-10
God is grafting in a people who were not His People into the People of God, and the same promises made to Abraham and the Jews are available to all who live by faith (as opposed to only ethnic Jews)...