In the New Testament epistles, there are only 2 references to the Sabbath (Colossians 2:16; Hebrews 4:4). In both these passages the apostle Paul clearly explains that the day is not a required day to be observed by Christians. To the Hebrews in the Old Covenant they were under obligation, but in the New Covenant neither Jews nor gentiles are. There is no command after the death and resurrection for the Church to keep the Sabbath as an obligation to Christ.
Wrong again Tina,
Heb 4:4 is talking about heaven and uses the Sabbath truth as an allegory which represents the true rest we will receive in heaven. That's why verse nine says "there remains a Sabbath keeping for the people of God." This has nothing to do with changing anything to Sunday, sorry...
Also, Colossians 2:2 dealt with the ceremonial Sabbaths. This is obvious because none of the Ten Commandments deal with food, drink, festivals, or new moons. Paul was referring to The Passover, The Days of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, The Feast of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, The Feast of Tabernacles, and The Feast of Tabernacles which occurred on monthly and yearly Sabbaths. That's why Christ is our Passover because these holidays were pointing to Him just like the sanctuary typified Him which was directly linked to the ceremonial laws. When looking at the scriptures, you cannot take things and run with it. You have to look at the scriptures in its context. You have to study the scriptures and the culture which surrounded them - the Jewish culture. If what you are saying is true then Paul's writings would not be valid today because theologians would have seen that his writings contradicted themselves. For instance, this is what Paul had to say about keeping the commandments of God:
1 Corinthians 7:19
Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing, but keeping the commandments of God is what matters.
Romans 7:12
Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.
Romans 2:13
(For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.
So you see, if what you are saying is true, then Paul is an inconsistent writer which you and I both know that this isn’t true. By the way, the word that Paul uses in the two verses to describe the word “commandment†is the greek word entolē, which is the same word used by Jesus when He describes the Ten Commandments in the gospels.
If one is to keep the Sabbath day as law then they are under the obligation to also observe the Sabbath year (Leviticus 25:17). The land is to be tilled for six years and the seventh year is the Sabbath year. In verses 8-24, Israel is instructed to number seven times seven Sabbath years (49) and the following year is the Jubilee (50th year) which would be observed by no sowing or reaping. All slaves were to be released, and the land they purchased is to be returned to the original owner. All the debts were to be forgiven. For those who want to make the Sabbath day mandatory let them abide by the law and return the land they bought and forget all their debtors. Does anyone do this? Why not.
Wrong again Tina,
The Sabbath of the Ten Commandment is not the decreed holiday Sabbaths. The seventh day Sabbath was instituted before the Old Covenant. This law is a divine principle from God, not a law written by Moses. And to answer your question, we do not do it because this was one of the ceremonial laws enacted by the people according to the Law of Moses. Lets keep it simple shall we? The Ten Commandments says nothing about observing the Sabbath year, tilling the ground, Jubilee, or slaves so where are you getting this from?
Hosea 2:11 -- "I will also cause all her mirth to cease, her feast days, her New Moons, her Sabbaths -- all her appointed feasts." .. Here we have God Himself saying these will come to an end, He is the cause of it. This is not a permanent end, and can be applied to Israel in her captivity or it can certainly fit in with the New Testament dispensation.
LOL! Again you are proving my point my friend. God says feast days, new moons, and after God says Sabbaths, what is His concluded statement? “All her appointed feastâ€Â… This has nothing to do with the Sabbath of the Ten Commandments. Clearly God was referring to the feast days which occurred on the Sabbath. Again, you have to understand the culture to get a clear picture of what exactly is being said.
Didn't Jesus keep the Sabbath? Yes, but for what reason? He was born under the law and kept all the law, if He violated even the smallest point he would have been disqualified to be the messiah. He would have become a transgressor and a sinner like us. Galatians 4:4 says, "God sent forth his son, made of a woman, born under the law, to redeem them that were under the law." .. Jesus was the only One who kept it perfectly. There are many who make an issue of Jesus being our example so we should imitate him in everything.
Well, Jesus was circumcised on the 8th day, he observed all the feast days, He also kept the entire law of Moses (613 commands). He never married, never had a permanent home. He also was very bold standing up to those who challenged the Word and His teaching. In His miracles He walked on water, healed people of organic diseases instantly and resurrected many. Can we really use only the Sabbath as a means of following him and discard the rest ?
LOL! Sooooo, are you implying that we don’t follow Jesus??? I know your answer is no but Jesus said “If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.†So let me guess, you’re saying that He was referring to only nine of “His Father’s commandments†right?
The point is that he kept all the laws, even the smallest parts including what is called the law of Moses that was applicable to him (ceremonial, civil, dietary, etc. .. Certain portions of the law Jesus was not under, such as sacrifices for sin). Do law keepers keep the 613 commands? The Jews did.
Again I say, No. We don’t have to keep the ceremonial laws because were “nailed the crossâ€Â. And are you saying that Jesus kept the law so that we don’t have to? And if your answer is yes, are you saying that Christ came to give us a license to sin? Was that His purpose?? I think not… But which is it? Should we keep the law or “Christ came to keep the law†so we don’t have to???
They along with the apostle Paul believed Romans 10:4: "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." By trusting in Christ's work the law is fulfilled perfectly. Christ is the end Greek- "telos" meaning he is the goal of its intent. he completed it and we enter into what he did by faith. Some questions to ask yourself, who or what did the apostles preach, a day or the death and resurrection of the Savior? What saves someone? This is the message of the NT. There are three options, you can keep the Sabbath day and never be saved by Christ. You can be saved by Christ and never keep the Sabbath day or you can be saved and keep the Sabbath day by personal choice, but you cannot say for one to be saved and live a Christian life, they MUST keep the Sabbath.
Again Tina,
You’re missing the context of scripture. Paul was speaking about the Israelites and how they attempt to be saved by keeping the law – Rom 10:3 says “For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of Godâ€Â... In other words, they are trying to be righteous on their own merit which cannot happen because of their sinful nature. Christ came to “fulfill†our righteousness so now instead of us being righteous by keeping law (which is impossible) we are now righteous by faith in Him. Now a believer is saved by grace, but AFTER they are saved, how do they live?? Do they live in sin or live in obedience to God and His Word?? They live in obedience Tina. That’s why James says faith without works is dead. How can you say you have faith, and attempt to pronounce blessings on one who is in need but DO nothing about it?? It’s the same with Jesus. How can you say you have faith in Jesus and that you are saved by Him and yet do nothing He says. That’s why He said “And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?†So to say that all we have to do is believe and we’re automatically saved is sooo not true. God calls for obedience, obedience to His Word and His Law. Christ came to empower us to keep His law, all ten of them. Yes, Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness and He wants us to be obedient to Him, that includes keeping His commandments, all ten of them. Not TO BE SAVED, but BECAUSE WE ARE SAVED. Because Jesus is now our righteousness.