Presently, I'm studying the history of Israel, or the Jewish people....So, the Old Covenant (OT) was written concerning Israel.
1 Corinthians 10:11 Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.
Now we come to the New Covenant (NT). As it was for Israel, so it is with the writings of the Apostles etc. They are a history of the early churches that got established. The letters by Paul was to specific churches. Each one received instruction in righteousness.
Here's my question. The Bible is a holy Book of history concerning Israel and the early churches. What makes you think that those words are for us, 2,000 years later? As 1 Corinthians 10:11 was an example to those early churches, and to anyone who was alive at that time.
Hi Chopper, Because God's dealing with sin has not changed. Christ is the same God of the OT before His incarnation. The OT theme is God is LORD. The NT theme is The Lord is God. The only thing Christ gave up as God was "JUDGMENT " The OT type is the NT in fulfillment in grace. All the laws in the OT were Spiritual, But Israel tried to obtain God's favor by the works of the flesh. (Cain)
NO ONE can fully understand the NT without studding the OT. So the OT words are how God deals with sin and disobedience. God's grace in this age means He forgives sin. He does not tolerate sin. And the OT is a reminder of that.
In Christ
Douglas Summers