I don’t remember
Please send it to me
I always agree with heb 11:6 faith is always a requirement
But not faith alone
My definition of faith is believing in someone or something with intent to act.
Question for the rest is what is the difference between
But I do like more, "walking in what you say you believe"
And the first walk usually begins in the mind.
So I get what people are saying that believe that way.
No one is saying that God did not create mankind and give Him a brain to use.
Nor is anyone saying that God is not the one that made man come alive by giving us His word...and etc other stuff like that.
What I believe people are saying in reguards to faith alone
Is they still have to believe. And there is no earned works based on their natural ability that have passed them to being quickened together with Christ but belief in who Jesus is.
Therefore belief alone in Jesus saves apart from trying to merit salvation by ones natural abilities to be saved.
For it is belief in who Jesus is with the intent to act that we receive His Spirit.
We know that if God did not create man, send His son, etc that we could not believe...
But it's man's belief alone, given by God that saves.
As for Water baptism for Salvation we must remember this if you see it in scripture of course.
That who is the man that can have His sins washed away but that He first believe in the one that can wash them away.
Now is it true that when man truly believes who Jesus is in his heart with the intent to follow He receives the Spirit?
If so then what has happened to Him? He has passed from death to life.
Could a man make a choice to committ (water baptism) if He did not believe?
Now lets see if people are given the Spirit...which
I was writing this earlier and phone died...I guess it didnt erase
Jesus Christ is Our salvation:
Truth / doctrine Jn 14:6
Sacrifice / sacraments Jn 1:16-17 Jn 1:29
Christ is in His person is our salvation Lk 2:30
How can it be “faith alone” Christ is not a doctrine or set of beliefs but He is our Passover sacrifice and He is our salvation, His person, Lk 2:30 I have seen my Salvation!
We must have union with Christ by faith and baptism.
Because you were not faithful unto death Christ was.
And I explained how the other view thinks.
No what I said is your church doctrine is what you seem to put trust in by how you treated me.
Trust in Jesus Christ changes peoples
It does not have a demeanor of boasting.
Trusting a doctrinenal system as I believe you do brings about a boastful attitude because if people do not see things from your system of beliefs you think they are damn to hell.
That is one reason salvation is found only in Jesus.
What you are exemplifying is Phariseesic behavior