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Search results

  1. Genesis Owl

    Why do women fail?

    off topic reba
  2. Genesis Owl

    Church Of England Allows Female Bishops

    Yes. Paul said that women can not lead in the churches he founded. Jesus never said a word about that while here in his earthly ministry. In fact, women attended Jesus in his ministry and at the last supper. And to them he said this as he said to his apostles. "All authority has been given to...
  3. Genesis Owl

    Noah - DVD

    She's very good in this.
  4. Genesis Owl

    Noah - DVD

    I just finished watching the DVD, thanks to Redbox rental. Did anyone see the movie in theater? What did you think? I thought I would hate it due to the reviews when it was in the theater. And since I haven't gone to a movie in years , I figured I'd wait for the DVD. Glad I did. Good movie...
  5. Genesis Owl

    How About Creating Merchandise for "Christian Forums.Net" ? :)

    Hey, nothing says CFN has to limit itself to just one outlet. :) The more exposure CFN has, say at Redbubble and Zazzle, since they're both free to join, the more people CFN can reach in ministry. :bible:cross
  6. Genesis Owl

    How About Creating Merchandise for "Christian Forums.Net" ? :)

    I've not heard of Redbubble, but CafePress not only takes a percentage of each piece of merchandise sold at retail price, but charges a monthly fee to their store customers as well. Whereas Zazzle store is free to that customer. Allowing them to obtain a percentage in royalty from the retail...
  7. Genesis Owl

    The reason you cant lose your salvation is?.....

    Jesus taught OSAS in his ministry. People have just compartmentalized that to be OSAS. And scripture tells us that faith without works is dead.
  8. Genesis Owl

    You Learn Something New Every Day

    I learned that Comcast Cable is a service I would only wish on my worst enemy. I switched my business account from Verizon to Comcast Voice so as to consolidate the business expenses that included separate billing for cable TV & Internet with Comcast, and phone from Verizon. Idiot! When...
  9. Genesis Owl

    Why do women fail?

    Jesus was charged with blasphemy on the eve of Passover by the Pharisees.And they are the ones that pursued his death by petitioning the authorities of Rome! Luke 6:7 The Pharisees and the teachers of the law were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched him closely to see if he...
  10. Genesis Owl

    How About Creating Merchandise for "Christian Forums.Net" ? :)

    I clicked the link to "Merchandise" on the homepage here. All that happened was the page refreshed so as to open on the homepage again. I'm wondering if the owner, or Admin. , ever considered creating merchandise to promote not only Christian, but to spread the good news of Christ in...
  11. Genesis Owl

    I Love Animals

    Yes indeed. The cats are gorgeous too. Mmmm, I has a flavor!
  12. Genesis Owl

    I Love Animals

  13. Genesis Owl

    I Love Animals

    Yes, they're real. Baby porcupines.
  14. Genesis Owl

    How We Know We Are "NOT" In The Last Days

    Good. But you really gotta learn how to dance better before it really comes to the end. :lol
  15. Genesis Owl

    The reason you cant lose your salvation is?.....

    God is not a man that he should lie. John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. Just one example that Jesus will never cast out those who accept him. Those who believe they have lost their salvation, never had it. It really...
  16. Genesis Owl

    Car Hacking

    I wanted to update and say I followed the advice in # 9. Clean foggy headlights with toothpaste. The headlights on my 2005 Chevrolet were cloudy and had a gold like tint due to age. This method cleaned all that off and now they're clear. But they're not sparkling new as in the picture in that...
  17. Genesis Owl

    Why do women fail?

    Again? I don't recall anyone saying anything near to that. Let's just drop this. It appears to be getting out of hand.