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- #21
You continuosly post this stuff about married preists and popes like it is a big dilema for us. i've answered it many times and do wonder if you read my posts. Most certainly you don't engage your mind but keep trumpting the same old straw men and red herrings. I know you sick of hearing that but stop doing it. It's silly. I am embarrassed for you and your prejudicial disposition that allows you and your friend Gary to post such nonsense.
Do you have some point here? It's not doctrine that Popes, Bishops and priests are celibate today. In fact not all are. The eastern rite Catholics have many married priests. There are married priests in the latin rite who have come in from other religios and have been allowed to be preists. Celibacy is a discipline and has not been universal throughout the history of the Church. Once again you only show your ignorance of Catholicism and post off topic points that are simply straw men. You don't understand how the Catholic Church operates. You speak out of prejudice rather than understanding. That's a simple fact. I welcome such posts because for the one who really wants to analyze between your brand of protestantism (one of the thousands) and the unity of Catholicism there is no contest, though you certainly think there is.
I don't continuously post about this...I thought it fit rather nicely here in that we're talking about papal succession. As for the docteriine of celibacy, if it were dogma a thousand years ago, it should be for today as well. Rome never changes from what she proposes...semper eadem remember? Howbeit, many doctrines have changed and been added over the centuries -so much for "never changes". When are you going to come to the realization that you just MIGHT be wrong, Thess? Is there no place for that possibility in your deceived mind? You're not hopeless but, you may well be bordering on it until you see that religious system you're in just might be totally wrong. Do you believe that the countless websites, thousands of programs, books, tapes, and more importantly the Bible itself, has pointed to the errors of Rome and what an amalgamation of various beliefs she has fostered and decieved billions with for so long?
I think the "simple fact" is that you don't understand how the Catholic Church operates. If you did, you would leave it. Perhaps you are so programmed and brainwashed, you can't see it. Have you never questioned the possibility that all the posts on this board against the fallacies and errors of Catholicism may have some credence to them? If someone wrote the amount of books, tapes, had websites, etc. about my church, questioning why so many doctrines my church upheld that was not in the bible, I sure would be looking into the possibility that perchance something was awry here and search for myself. You apparently have no desire for that and wish to contend rather than seek the truth.