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A look at 1 John 3.6

Yes, but now you have the verse reading, "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his Holy Spirit and the mystical body of Christ remaineth in him, and he cannot sin." Are you sure you wanna go with that reading?
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me (Galatians 2:20). Paul says that Christ remaineth/liveth in him.
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me (Galatians 2:20). Paul says that Christ remaineth/liveth in him.

Yes he does, but you keep jumping around a lot rather than dealing with the actual verse at hand, which you keep trying to retranslate into various things which are not found in the text.

What that generally means, Live2B, is that you are attempting to make the scriptures say something they do not, and that's not what anyone can regard as responsible exegesis. You evade a question that would expose flaws in your theology by simply rewriting the Biblical text, but you will never arrive at the truth like that.
Many Christians think that all believers continue to sin based on Paul’s description of himself in Romans the 7th chapter. However, this comes from not “rightly dividing the word of truth” (2nd Timothy 2:15).
You do err not knowing how to rightly divide Greek Grammar. To argue that the first person present tense verbs in Rom 7.14-25 are historic presents, which is what your position is saying, ignores the semantic pattern of the category of usage, of the hundreds of undisputed historic Presents in the NT, ALL ARE IN THE THIRD PERSON. There is no exception to this rule. Paul is definitely discussing his present situation. Paul is using the FIRST PERSON Present. To simplify what I said above, Paul is using the FIRST PERSON PRESENT TENSE, the only Historic Presents in the NT are in the THIRD PERSON. Historic Presents in this passage are impossible. (See Wallace GGBB p. 2)
No, Hopeful. We need to be skillful at exegesis, so that we accurately apply the written word to our theology. Live2Blive seems to be arguing that "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his Holy Spirit remaineth in him," and that is NOT what 1st John 3:9 says. We must take scripture in its immediate context, and in it's related context as seen in parallel passages, which is what I've been doing for him. The passage does not talk about the Holy Spirit, it is talking about the word of God. Once we can agree on the obvious in light of immediate and parallel contexts, we can move on to my question, which is how does the word prevent us from sinning.
OK, I didn't realize that the substitution of the word "Spirit" for "seed" had been made.
I agree with you on the on that, but not that "seed" means "word".
To me, seed in this case, just means seed: in order to illustrate the gendering effect of being reborn of God.
No longer being of Adam's seed, we can no longer bring forth Adam's fruit.
You do err not knowing how to rightly divide Greek Grammar. To argue that the first person present tense verbs in Rom 7.14-25 are historic presents, which is what your position is saying, ignores the semantic pattern of the category of usage, of the hundreds of undisputed historic Presents in the NT, ALL ARE IN THE THIRD PERSON. There is no exception to this rule. Paul is definitely discussing his present situation. Paul is using the FIRST PERSON Present. To simplify what I said above, Paul is using the FIRST PERSON PRESENT TENSE, the only Historic Presents in the NT are in the THIRD PERSON. Historic Presents in this passage are impossible. (See Wallace GGBB p. 2)
Yes, the more mature a believer is, the more acutely sensitive he would feel of sins - his own from his past, his struggle at present, and other people's around him. You've probably heard this quote - the church is neither the state's servant or master, but CONSCIENCE. That applies to every individual member of the church as well. If Rom. 7 is dismissed as "unrelatable", "past tense", "legalistic", then one's conscience must've been seared with hot iron.