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A look at 1 John 3.6

You proclaimed the following before I ever spoke word one to you about sinless Christians.
You brought it up , not me .
If you are going to make such profound proclamations concerning the spiritual condition of people you should be prepared to fully unpack the allegation much further than you now seem so unwilling to do .
It is written..."And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him." (1 John 2:3-4)
You proclaimed the following before I ever spoke word one to you about sinless Christians.
You brought it up , not me .
If you are going to make such profound proclamations concerning the spiritual condition of people you should be prepared to fully unpack the allegation much further than you now seem so unwilling to do .
live2blive said:
.... If some Christians sin, it means they don't know Him.
I did say that. However, it is very different from what you are accusing me of, i.e. "repeatedly bringing up the example of super-holy never sinning unnamed , anonymous Christians".

It looks like you are not interested in discussing what "sin' is. If you are, I will be happy to continue the discussion, but after a week or so as I am planning to go on vacation.
I did say that. However, it is very different from what you are accusing me of, i.e. "repeatedly bringing up the example of super-holy never sinning unnamed , anonymous Christians".

It looks like you are not interested in discussing what "sin' is. If you are, I will be happy to continue the discussion, but after a week or so as I am planning to go on vacation.
If you your claim of the criteria which establishes who and who is not a Christian:

live2blive said:
".... If some Christians sin, it means they don't know Him."

is too much of challenge for you to discuss I certainly understand .

Kind Regards
If you your claim of the criteria which establishes who and who is not a Christian:

live2blive said:
".... If some Christians sin, it means they don't know Him."

is too much of challenge for you to discuss I certainly understand .

Kind Regards
Christian - one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

Some Christians sin and some don't. If you believe that ALL believers in Christ sin, and it is impossible not to sin, you are not a Christian according to the above definition, because Christ taught that after knowing the truth, the believers would not sin (John 8:32-36).

Does it matter if I tell you that some John Smith from Ohio does not sin? What will it change for you? If you need names, lets look at the apostles in the Bible and find out if THEY sinned after receiving the Holy Spirit.

It is you who repeatedly don't want to discuss what sin is, even though it is critical.

As I said, I will be able to resume the discussion, if needed, after a week.
Does it matter if I tell you that some John Smith from Ohio does not sin? What will it change for you?
It would be the first time I ever heard the name of a living breathing person , out of the billions walking around today who claims they never sin.
What about the tens of thousands of Christian authors / preachers who each have spoken thousands of times publicly & each penned dozens of books , adding up to hundreds of thousands of books & and hundred of thousands of televised sermons on Christianity and living as a Christian ???????

How strange that in all the tens of thousands of public Christian expositors alive today you could not name even one that has spoken or written attesting to the fact that they never commit sin ?
Why is it that there cannot be found one person who has made giving out the Word of God publicly. both written and in public speaking, their life's work and yet not one instance in all their public speaking and writing of them ever claiming to never commit sin ?
Why can't any of the tens of thousands of them be like you and just claim it ?
How can this be explained ?