Suffering is random but that doesn't disprove the existence of God any more than the fact religion gives hope proves there is a God. I'm assuming then you disagree with Professor Dawkins.
You say its beneficial from an evolutionary standpoint. That may well be true and if you look back in history there are many practices that were normal then that are abhorrent to us now. But again, that doesn't disprove God due to the mechanism/agent argument (just because you have a mechanism, doesn't exclude an agent who designed it) I don't fit God into a gap that I don't understand, my faith is not based on that.
An innate sense of wanting to be happy, at what cost though? Should I make myself happy regardless of the impact on anyone else?
I believe all people are created in the image of God which is why we have innate sense of morality. Just because you don't believe that, doesn't mean it's not true (and yes, just because I believe it, doesn't mean it is) I think it was yourself that said "belief doesn't change the truth"
I completely understand the argument against God from the suffering standpoint, especially after listening to Professor Rose. As you said, atheism cannot offer anything or comment on it.
I never said my position of this issue does disprove God, but it makes a case for a non loving, or a non all powerful God.
I agree with the quote. Dawkins is talking about the material world. DNA doesn't care about what position we sleep with our partners in, nor anything for that matter, but that doesn't mean it isn't the source of Morality. Evolution is the process of which we gained it, the DNA doesn't care if it got any useful adaptations either, it just does what it has been programmed to.
You are applying a quote from observation, and misapplying it. I agree with Dawkins that things are random, people get lucky, but this is a quote on material things. Good and evil aren't material things. They are pure contructs of the mind. They are abstract ideas about negatives and positives.
I have said multiple times suffering is random, people get lucky.
We humans rely on eachother to get through life, it is beneficial to ourselves and eachother to help other people. People like me, who help for the reason that it is our responsiblility, not God's to give out justice, help people in need, etc, are happy to help another person, it makes us happy.
We were evolved. Not created, and natural selection did the process, use Okham's Razor, and cut out the unnecessaries. Chimps are observed comforting other chimps, and trying to cheer others up. This is even more evidence of evolutionary basic morals. Society has a swing on specific Morals, and if taught in direct opposition, it can ldefuse the basic morality in us.
While atheism can't comment on suffering, Humanism can.
The world acts as if there is no God watching over it. That is my contention, and it will be until proven otherwise. As I said, a case CAN be made for deism, but not for theism because it claims knowledge that people can't possibly know.
And it shows.