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Bible Study Adam and Eve


Dramione love 3333
First of all, I'd really like to thank everyone for their prayers. I'm still sick of course and a bit feverish, but I've been sleeping most of the day so that is really helping me. Anyway here's a quick question that was running through my mind. If God knows everything, that means He knew that Adam and Eve would eat the forbidden fruit no matter what, so why did He even bother telling them that they shouldn't? Why did He seem so surprised? And most importantly, if all humans are meant to be sinners, why Did He even create us in the first place already knowing that we would be so imperfect? I'm not complaining about being here on this planet, I love my life. I'm just curious.
First of all, I'd really like to thank everyone for their prayers. I'm still sick of course and a bit feverish, but I've been sleeping most of the day so that is really helping me. Anyway here's a quick question that was running through my mind. If God knows everything, that means He knew that Adam and Eve would eat the forbidden fruit no matter what, so why did He even bother telling them that they shouldn't? Why did He seem so surprised? And most importantly, if all humans are meant to be sinners, why Did He even create us in the first place already knowing that we would be so imperfect? I'm not complaining about being here on this planet, I love my life. I'm just curious.
Genesis 1:31 Well it doesn't say he knew they would sin , then later before Noah he seemed surprised that man had went so bad that he was sorry he had made man .. Genesis 6:5-8 .. Perhaps with the forbidden fruit it was there to give salt to their obedience and freewill but they failed ..
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First of all, I'd really like to thank everyone for their prayers. I'm still sick of course and a bit feverish, but I've been sleeping most of the day so that is really helping me. Anyway here's a quick question that was running through my mind. If God knows everything, that means He knew that Adam and Eve would eat the forbidden fruit no matter what, so why did He even bother telling them that they shouldn't? Why did He seem so surprised? And most importantly, if all humans are meant to be sinners, why Did He even create us in the first place already knowing that we would be so imperfect? I'm not complaining about being here on this planet, I love my life. I'm just curious.
Your assessment is correct and the account is written the way it is structured to teach each of us lessons. And in the New Testament we find Jesus informing us that He did not come to abolish the Law and that He came to restore what had been lost. #What was lost?

In chapter three of Genesis 3 we find God, knowing what has happened and where they7 are, pretending, to search for them, Adam and Eve. it is logically inferred that God did with Adam, daily, what He created Adam for, Fellowship as they walked in the cool of the evening. We were created to fellowship with the Most Holy God.
First of all, I'd really like to thank everyone for their prayers. I'm still sick of course and a bit feverish, but I've been sleeping most of the day so that is really helping me. Anyway here's a quick question that was running through my mind. If God knows everything, that means He knew that Adam and Eve would eat the forbidden fruit no matter what, so why did He even bother telling them that they shouldn't? Why did He seem so surprised? And most importantly, if all humans are meant to be sinners, why Did He even create us in the first place already knowing that we would be so imperfect? I'm not complaining about being here on this planet, I love my life. I'm just curious.
Of course God knew from the beginning everything that would happen in all of human history.
God created man with free will.
Man is able to choose whether to love God (which would include trusting and obeying Him) or to try to manage on his own depending on his own intellect and powers of observation etc.
God new that mankind would try to be gods in our own right and He told us ahead of time that trying to be your own god leads to death.
God know that Satan would use man's foolishness to cause us to sin and separate us from Him in whom alone was life. (God)
GOd knew what He would do about it; he wuld send Jesus to die and rise from the dead thereby destroying the devil's tool of sin and death.
Nobody stays dead.
Everybody gets resurrected.
But God did not take away man's free will.
We will all be resurrected but we still get to choose eternal life (love and trust God) or eternal (2nd) death (do our own thing.)
Since you cannot force anyone to love you, God gave us the choice to love Him or not.
But He always loves all of mankind.

Pick you eternity.

iakov the fool
First of all, I'd really like to thank everyone for their prayers. I'm still sick of course and a bit feverish, but I've been sleeping most of the day so that is really helping me. Anyway here's a quick question that was running through my mind. If God knows everything, that means He knew that Adam and Eve would eat the forbidden fruit no matter what, so why did He even bother telling them that they shouldn't? Why did He seem so surprised? And most importantly, if all humans are meant to be sinners, why Did He even create us in the first place already knowing that we would be so imperfect? I'm not complaining about being here on this planet, I love my life. I'm just curious.
These are fair and honest questions which I don't necessarily excel in answering. :)
Sometimes I think we need to ask even tougher questions though. Like the following:
Have I tried my hardest to get to know God?
Have I tried my hardest to let God into my life?
Do I trust God enough?
Can I truly trust God?
Who is God?
Do I really believe in eternal life?
What is faith?\
How much do I love God?
How much does God love me?
Am I prepared to truly surrender to the God of Israel and Jesus Christ?
Do I really understand the greatest story ever told? (of salvation)
Of course God knew from the beginning everything that would happen in all of human history.
God created man with free will.
Man is able to choose whether to love God (which would include trusting and obeying Him) or to try to manage on his own depending on his own intellect and powers of observation etc.
God new that mankind would try to be gods in our own right and He told us ahead of time that trying to be your own god leads to death.
God know that Satan would use man's foolishness to cause us to sin and separate us from Him in whom alone was life. (God)
GOd knew what He would do about it; he wuld send Jesus to die and rise from the dead thereby destroying the devil's tool of sin and death.
Nobody stays dead.
Everybody gets resurrected.
But God did not take away man's free will.
We will all be resurrected but we still get to choose eternal life (love and trust God) or eternal (2nd) death (do our own thing.)
Since you cannot force anyone to love you, God gave us the choice to love Him or not.
But He always loves all of mankind.

Pick you eternity.

iakov the fool

Then why did God regret creating all of humankind before the flood? I'm sorry, I'm not really questioning Him, just trying to understand Him a bit better.
First of all, I'd really like to thank everyone for their prayers. I'm still sick of course and a bit feverish, but I've been sleeping most of the day so that is really helping me. Anyway here's a quick question that was running through my mind. If God knows everything, that means He knew that Adam and Eve would eat the forbidden fruit no matter what, so why did He even bother telling them that they shouldn't? Why did He seem so surprised? And most importantly, if all humans are meant to be sinners, why Did He even create us in the first place already knowing that we would be so imperfect? I'm not complaining about being here on this planet, I love my life. I'm just curious.

Interesting subject Helen,

Hope you are feeling better. What I love about God's Word is that yes God is God and knows the end from the begining and know all things but he is a God of LOVE not willing that any should perish but that all should come to accept the gift of Grace through FAITH in God's dear son. He could have quite easily given up on us and started again but he LOVED us so much that he gace us his ONLY SON to save us. However he never forces anyone to follow him. Everyone has a free will to choose for themselves who they will BELIEVE and FOLLOW. All things will be made NEW when he returns but this starts today in those who BELIEVE and FOLLOW him by faith through LOVE in God's promises.

The wages of SIN is indeed death but God has given those who BELIEVE and FOLLOW a gift in Jesus.

May God bless you as you seek him through his Word.
Interesting subject Helen,

Hope you are feeling better. What I love about God's Word is that yes God is God and knows the end from the begining and know all things but he is a God of LOVE not willing that any should perish but that all should come to accept the gift of Grace through FAITH in God's dear son. He could have quite easily given up on us and started again but he LOVED us so much that he gace us his ONLY SON to save us. However he never forces anyone to follow him. Everyone has a free will to choose for themselves who they will BELIEVE and FOLLOW. All things will be made NEW when he returns but this starts today in those who BELIEVE and FOLLOW him by faith through LOVE in God's promises.

The wages of SIN is indeed death but God has given those who BELIEVE and FOLLOW a gift in Jesus.

May God bless you as you seek him through his Word.

Thank you but my name isn't Helen, it's April. My username is HeIsRisen2018. Also, if Cain and Abel were the first two children, where did they find their wives?
Thank you but my name isn't Helen, it's April. My username is HeIsRisen2018. Also, if Cain and Abel were the first two children, where did they find their wives?
The Bible does not say but it does say God created mankind on the 6th day and for Adam no suitable helpmate was found and that Eve is the mother of all the living , Jesus, Noah, his 3 sons and all the rest of us are traced back to Noah then back to Adam and Eve the paternal line , mankind was instructed what was their food and to subdue the Earth , Adam received a law and was placed in a garden
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Do you buy that ?
I don't know Hebrew, so I have to trust the linguists of their own language. It is complicated, as is the ancient style Moses wrote in.

Cain… his brother Abel: Heb. אֶת קַיִן אֶת אָחִיו אֶת הָבֶל. The word אֶת is repeated three times to suggest additional things. This teaches that a twin sister was born with Cain, and with Abel were born two. Therefore, it is said: וַתֹּסֶף, and she continued, or added. — [from Gen. Rabbah 22:2, 3]
I don't know Hebrew, so I have to trust the linguists of their own language. It is complicated, as is the ancient style Moses wrote in.

Cain… his brother Abel: Heb. אֶת קַיִן אֶת אָחִיו אֶת הָבֶל. The word אֶת is repeated three times to suggest additional things. This teaches that a twin sister was born with Cain, and with Abel were born two. Therefore, it is said: וַתֹּסֶף, and she continued, or added. — [from Gen. Rabbah 22:2, 3]
Sorry Steve if I come off as abrupt, I have little artistic value , here is my reasoning .. The Bereshit (:lol) seems to have come about a tad after the Talmud 200-500 AD and also from the Jewish Pharisees who are not inspired but enemies of their Messiah .. Jus sayin .
So, then if the human race began with incest, why are there so many different races and nationalties today? (not saying that Cain and Abel had much of a choice since there weren't any other women at the time that being indeed the case)
Sorry Steve if I come off as abrupt, I have little artistic value , here is my reasoning .. The Bereshit (:lol) seems to have come about a tad after the Talmud 200-500 AD and also from the Jewish Pharisees who are not inspired but enemies of their Messiah .. Jus sayin .
So, then if the human race began with incest, why are there so many different races and nationalties today? (not saying that Cain and Abel had much of a choice since there weren't any other women at the time that being indeed the case)
It's called genetic diversity.
In short and in theory, you can breed wolves into poodles, but you can't breed poodles into wolves.

Wolves have more genetic diversity which makes them capable to be downbread. Each time you down breed, you take away diversity. In other words, you take genetics out of a wolf to produce a poodle. Once its gone, you dont get it back.

This is where natural selection and macro evolution, not to be confused with micro evolution occurs.