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Advice in "The Search"

I once watch this example given by Phil Vischer (I hope I spelled his name right).

There were two Christians, and in this example their spiritual maturity was demonstrated by how high they can jump, and how tall they are.

The first person was 5'5, it could only jump one foot high, the second person could jump 2 ft high and he was 6 ft 4. And the taller person got haughty and arrogant, because according to human thinking and logic he was better.

But then God open the people's eyes and they saw the bare minimum height that needed to be jumped and saw that it was billions of miles high and counting. I hide so high that they could spend an eternity trying and it will never make it.

A burden of that lesson is Jesus is the only one who can make that standard, and just because someone appears to be taller or can jump higher, doesn't mean that one should get on a high horse or think they are better, because without Jesus, God standard is so high he sees them at the exact same.

Lowly and filthy sinners. So no man should boast or take credit for God's working his own life, or think he is more qualified than someone else.

That is proven in Matthew 20:1-16
the burden of proof is on you to back up your claim that what I gave you is unbiblical.

No, you've asserted that you are biblical, so you must show this is so. Thus far, you haven't been biblical in a way that handles God's word well.

Other than that it's just your conjecture, and it's in danger of heresy.

No, it's simply an observation on your answers thus far.

Calling something that is of scripture, not of scripture, is almost blasphemous. Definitely heretical. The need to be right isn't worth it.

See above. Any cultist, or Muslim apologist, or atheist can cite Scripture - and many of them do. Does this mean they've been biblical in their use of God's word? Not in the way I mean "biblical" and in the way most of the Christian folk I know commonly understand the term.

I already acknowledged that, but just like you've been admitted yourself, and I've been trying to figure out why you deviated into a topic that no one was caring about until you brought it up here:

It seems you think that the nature of your understanding of the Christian faith and the manner in which you walk with God (or don't, as the case may be) don't have any bearing on your search for a wife (which I assume, since you're a Christian, you want to be godly). But as I've explained in my several posts to you, this is very obviously not so. Hence, my first post to you.

The question I asked had nothing to do with age or whatever you were trying to prove.

??? I never said that it did.

Nowhere in Scripture does it equate your age in the faith as a way of your opinion being more valid.

Well, Scripture does indicate that there are mature and immature folk spiritually and that spiritual maturity is a process of growth and change happening over time. Since age and time are so inter-related as to be nearly (not perfectly) synonymous, spiritual maturity (which develops over time) is also inevitably related to age; for such maturity never happens in a single instant, or a few months, but over many years, as the example of Paul's life demonstrates.

In any case, I've never said that age alone validates opinion. This is another of the several Strawmen of my remarks that you've created.

I gave you large amounts of scripture and common Sense to refute that, what you have yet to address.

That you think I've not addressed your points simply reveals that you're not understanding what I'm writing - or have just ignored most of what I'm writing.

Instead of giving credit and humility to Christ Jesus for his mercy and Grace with for the past 50 years (unless that one is perfect and sinless), take credit for His work on to their own personal resume.


And narrowing down the infinite God to something so powerless that he is contained by time. Which is a human construct.

??? I have no idea what you're talking about here.

God who is beyond time is incapable of giving the same spiritual wisdom knowledge devotion and experience to someone who so happened to be born earlier than someone else.

Did I say this? No. This is another Strawman of my words.

But instead of accusing me of pseudocombativeness,

"Pseudo-combativeness"? No, actual combativeness, as your last post (and most of the ones before it) plainly demonstrate.

why are you skipping over the parts of my messages that directly destroy the premise of your theology?

Well, I'm sure, since you're not at all combative, you'll assume that I've not had the time yet to respond to everything you've written, or that I've got answering your posts out of order, as I said. And, just to be clear: You've not come anywhere close to "destroying the premise of my theology." So far, it seems you have almost no idea what the premises of my theology are. Mostly, you're just replying to your Strawman versions of what I've written and then complaining when I don't defend your Strawmen. Why should I defend them? They're your cartoons of what I've actually written.

I'm trying to figure out if you're here to give me Scripture or if you just want to be right, and not being right, especially in the face of an "unqualified" person like me is unacceptable?

??? I've offered you a great deal of Scripture.

Also in obedience to the moderators, you can just send me a PM, if you're going to reply about the other stuff.

Is that what you want?
No, you've asserted that you are biblical, so you must show this is so. Thus far, you haven't been biblical in a way that handles God's word well.
No evidence to prove that. Anyone can just say stuff for the sake of saying it.

, it's simply an observation on your answers thus far.
You won't even be able to point to what my answer was.

above. Any cultist, or Muslim apologist, or atheist can cite Scripture - and many of them do. Does this mean they've been biblical in their use of God's word? Not in the way I mean "biblical" and in the way most of the Christian folk I know commonly understand the term
Again it's obviously clear that you're avoiding stating what I said, and showing how it's unbiblical. Instead you're just saying 1 + 1 = 3 because I said so.

seems you think that the nature of your understanding of the Christian faith and the manner in which you walk with God (or don't, as the case may be) don't have any bearing on your search for a wife (which I assume, since you're a Christian, you want to be godly). But as I've explained in my several posts to you, this is very obviously not so. Hence, my first post to you.
Oh it does all right, it just doesn't go along with the 11th commandment which Moses forgot to write down, and that you've been advocating for.

Well, Scripture does indicate that there are mature and immature folk spiritually and that spiritual maturity is a process of growth and change happening over time. Since age and time are so inter-related as to be nearly (not perfectly) synonymous, spiritual maturity (which develops over time) is also inevitably related to age; for such maturity never happens in a single instant, or a few months, but over many years, as the example of Paul's life demonstrates.
I like how you for one didn't State any Scripture, you just said it generally. But I guarantee you you couldn't point to one single scripture. (Is it because you know there isn't any, and you're hoping that I will be ignorant enough to just accept a statement like that?

And two, how you interweave something that is biblical, spiritual maturity as Paul dictated in 1 Corinthians, in case you didn't know what scripture to point to, to something that Paul never mentioned in it, which is age and time. That's called a reading your opinion & doctrine into scripture rather than taking it at face value.
for such maturity never happens in a single instant, or a few months, but over many years, as the example of Paul's life demonstrates.
I wouldn't consider giving you $1,000 if you found one Scripture that plainly just states that. That maturity can never happen over a short period of time.

In any case, I've never said that age alone validates opinion
I'm going to refute this for the third time hopefully you won't ignore this one. This is going to be an example that mention one last time.
Since you use sports like boxing I'm going to use football.

The quarterback known as Aaron Rodgers has been in the league for 20 years. However Patrick mahomes has been in the league for 14 less years, but as accomplished far more than Aaron Rodgers will ever. Patrick mahomes was still in elementary when Aaron Rodgers started playing football. They both train in the same NFL organization each and every year and play the same 16 games and fight for the same super bowl. But Patrick go home was although younger, in less time in the NFL, is regarded as the number one quarterback. Aaron Rodgers is not even top five.

That you think I've not addressed your
You kind of hurt your own argument by saying this, aka you're acknowledging that you have not responded to everything.
you'll assume that I've not had the time yet to respond to everything you've written, or that I've got answering your posts out of order, as I said.
If you have the time to scratch for the low hanging fruit of the tree, then you definitely could have had time to attack the meat.

have no idea what you're talking about here.
I'm going to paraphrase it just like a wise man once, "Its beyond your current understanding of Christianity"

Pseudo-combativeness"? No, actual combativeness, as your last post (and most of the ones before it) plainly demonstrate.

If me not willing to accept heresy, and challenging one's belief for the purpose of growing and edifying them is combative, well then I'm combative 😎.

that what you want

That's what they said, they were supposed to obey the governing powers as Paul said correct? So are you obey even the governing powers of this website.

I've offered you a great deal of Scripture.

None of which justify the irrelevant argument about time and age equaling intimacy and maturity in Christ.

I would be willing to go through every single scripture you provided and prove to you why, but I wouldn't want to waste all that time doing something that will probably just get ignored, I have better things to do then waste my time.

So far, it seems you have almost no idea what the premises of my theology are. Mostly, you're just replying to your Strawman versions of what I've written
Didn't they teach in college that you can't just make a bunch of assumptions, give zero evidence, and expect people to believe them?

There's only two reasons one won't give evidence, either because there is none and they're trying to hide behind that fact, or because they don't want to do the work of answering a powerful negate.

It reminds me of Trump's debate with Biden 4 years ago, where you try to be big dog and everything, but when they ask about his tax returns and to condemn white supremacy, he just danced around that topic.

Only you know you Techni,? Why are you dancing? Why are you avoiding the elephant in the room? You can try to take out the grasshoppers, but if you're really the top dog here between me and you, you should have no problem going for the meat of the animal instead of individual hairs. See that's the problem of gloating over a spiritual resume.

When you boast a lot, but you don't come and deliver, it becomes humiliating. It is even more humiliating when you fight and thrash to maintain the illusion.
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God will bring you the right girl when you pray if you let God join the two of you in friendship first. That's how my husband and I began our friendship as we met in Church and started talking to each other and then started dating getting to know each other. But, it's up to you to see the one God has brought before you.

For a good marriage to work one should study 2 Corinthians 6:14 be ye not unequally yoked together with non-believers for what fellowship hath righteous with unrighteous, and what communion has light with darkness. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ then you need to choose a mate that also believes in the faith of Christ.

Before ever getting married take time to really know each other and establish a friendship that consist of trust and belief in each other. Allow Christ to be the center of your friendship and this will allow you to begin a marriage that is totally Christ centered. Always resolve your problems with the Holy Ghost guidance through the word and you will always have a good marriage. Always be opened and honest with each other for this builds trust in the relationship, but if that trust is broken there is no relationship. Love each other unconditionally as Christ loves us and forgives us our faults.
Ofc, I originally meant 1-2, in actuality in order to obey Romans 12:1-2, we have to know what 11 verses 33-36 say. Particularly in verse 36 where it says, "for from him and threw him into him are all things to him be the glory forever amen".

Then when 12:1 says, therefore I urge you... We see here what are indicative into obeying God is.

- Because everything came from him aka Divine Ownership
- Everything came through him aka Divine Conduit
- And everything was made for him and dedicated to him, Divine Authority.

The scripture in 1st John and Matthew are perfectly cohesive, there was no contradiction within those two. It is not possible to do God's will and neglect the first and greatest commandment. Idk what you're getting at.

Through Holy Spirit inspired obedience lol, it's not rocket science

It's quite easy to be honest, if you look at the verse just right above Philippians 2:13, you will see how it can easily co-align with James chapter 1 verses 22 to 23, all it is is God is actually the one who produces the work, we have the responsibility of not pressing override.

It is implied when you went on the rant about legalism and compulsory obedience, which is similar to what these new age progressive Christians try to preach, that we have to conjure up some something as a prerequisite to obeying God.

Granted some people can obey God immediately just based off of love, but if anyone is like me that didn't work, it first took for me to repent of my sins and have that spiritual blindness lifted from my eyes, in order for me to see that God's way is much better and that's when the love started to grow. But while I was in the midst of my sin, I thought I was living the life and living for God was miserable, and if it wasn't for some of my brothers and sisters in Christ just shut me down and shut me out of my addictions, despite it how much I hated what they were doing at the time, I would not be a Christian today. Remember Nineveh repented because they feared the wrath of God, not quite cuz of the love of God

Am I saying the love of God is not a part of the process no, but the very first initial hit may not be because of love. That wasn't my story at least.

Congratulations on your extravagant journey in Christ, and I respect that, but age does not mean anything when it comes to Christ. I know plenty of people who claim to be in Christ for 40 50 and even 60 years, but still don't know enough scripture to stop smoking weed. But I've seen people who in their first three weeks of Christianity have given up in pursued God on a skill more higher than any of these supposedly long-term Christians. I was even debating an 80 year old on this platform last year and he was still using immature tactics from kindergarten like calling names, etc.

And I find that those as such yourself believe that once you hit a certain decade and Christianity you know everything, pride takes over, and anyone who is Young is automatically wrong. That is also a big grievance that I hear amongst younger Christians when speaking of older Christians.

Thank God that is contrary to scripture (i.e. 1 Timothy 4:2, 1 Corinthians 1:27)

Your long straw-man fallacy automatically proves my point of the message above. Never in scripture does it say age equals spiritual authority. Of course you can bring up the scripture in first and second Timothy about elders and take out out of context if you want to.
I don't see why you are here to debate on a topic that I didn't even ask about, the moment you started talking already know it was going to be about something irrelevant to my question, probably a theological rant in which you argued with several other people about.

Correction that isn't what you believe it teaches. Not only am I living witness, scripture proves it.

Matthew 4:17 says repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. It didn't say, fall in love with Jesus and then repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand. It also didn't say, "Jesus developed relationships with people, then he preached and said repent for the kingdom of God is at hand".

Your eisegesis of Scripture is self-idolatry.

Because this man was already living in sin before he met this woman, and once he saw that this woman was the Way the Truth and the Life (probably should have used a woman to her husband instead of husband to his wife as an example), he felt convicted for his sinful relationship in attempted repentance. The problem was he was still in love with ol girl, while still in covenant with the Way. Hence why he kept dabbling and maintaining the sin.

That was me, I knew that God was the right way and I knew that my sin was the wrong way, so I attempted to repent, but I didn't take God that seriously, and I was still in love with my sin, even today I still face the seduction of my sin. Only this time I have the fear of God in me, which is the beginning of wisdom, and indulging my lust is far less worth it than to fall in the hands of an Awesome and Powerful God. And as God starts to uncover my eyes, (because it's kind of hard to see send for what it is when you're in the darkness of it), the more I abide in the light the more I see how dark darkness really is, and I start to hate it, and I start to love God.

Apparently since there is no comprehensive answer to this, I think it's safe to assume that pride has blocked a productive admission to the fact that you refuse to admit to the truth. Because it will hurt your pride too much, that someone who has serve the Lord for half a century, can be one-uped by a newbie who's not even legal yet

While I do know countless examples, I don't need to worry about their lives because I was one of them, and now I'm a living testimony to God's grace and mercy, not to your personal opinion of theology. How about this you go conquer your side for Christ, I'll conquer my side, and we'll meet each other on the other side?
I don't believe any of us truly knew the love of God when we first came to Him. This is why it is a working relationship with Christ every single day learning about His grace and mercy He shows us everyday as as each day is a new day to grow stronger in that relationship, stronger in faith and stronger in trusting Him in every area of our life.

I'm 70 years old and became a Spiritually born again indwelled with the Holy Spirit child of God way so many years ago, but yet my relationship with Christ Jesus was a rocky one for many years until I truly started developing my relationship with Him learning of the greatest love I will ever know. I'm still growing as I keep learning His ways that are better for me personally and studying His word. Am I perfect, no. Do I sin at times, yes and His grace will forgive me when I admit to my sin. It's usually my temperament when I get angry that I still need His help with as He has brought me a long way with that. I think we are all a work in progress in our areas of weakness and as long as we are going forward we need to never look back and keep perfecting ourselves through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and our love for the Lord.

I've been married three times as the song says, looking for love in all the wrong places, but when I met my third husband, been happily married 26 years now with a few bumps here and there, I knew God had sent him to me and me to him as I wasn't looking to ever get married again, but God had plans for both of us and it was only through answered prayers we knew we were right for each other.

I feel that Tenchi has made this to personal between the two of you getting up in your face and derailing this thread taking if off topic from the OP. God knows when the time will be right for you to find the right woman and will place her in your path. Until then, keep growing in your faith, love and relationship with Christ Jesus.

God bless

God will bring you the right girl when you pray if you let God join the two of you in friendship first. That's how my husband and I began our friendship as we met in Church and started talking to each other and then started dating getting to know each other. But, it's up to you to see the one God has brought before you.

For a good marriage to work one should study 2 Corinthians 6:14 be ye not unequally yoked together with non-believers for what fellowship hath righteous with unrighteous, and what communion has light with darkness. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ then you need to choose a mate that also believes in the faith of Christ.

Before ever getting married take time to really know each other and establish a friendship that consist of trust and belief in each other. Allow Christ to be the center of your friendship and this will allow you to begin a marriage that is totally Christ centered. Always resolve your problems with the Holy Ghost guidance through the word and you will always have a good marriage. Always be opened and honest with each other for this builds trust in the relationship, but if that trust is broken there is no relationship. Love each other unconditionally as Christ loves us and forgives us our faults.
I first want to say thank you for taking out the time for answering my question in detail, secondly I have a question.

I know the scripture that all have sinned and fall short of God's glory, but there's certain things I've done in my pre-christ era and even lukewarm era, that sometimes I I know might be an important topic to bring up one day, then on the other hand I wonder what if my past will derail things. Even though I'm not practicing them.

Now some may say that things I did were very minuscule compared to what others did, but what makes mine so bad is that a lot of things I did were simultaneously while I was proclaiming to be a Christian.

Idk what's your take on that?
I first want to say thank you for taking out the time for answering my question in detail, secondly I have a question.

I know the scripture that all have sinned and fall short of God's glory, but there's certain things I've done in my pre-christ era and even lukewarm era, that sometimes I I know might be an important topic to bring up one day, then on the other hand I wonder what if my past will derail things. Even though I'm not practicing them.

Now some may say that things I did were very minuscule compared to what others did, but what makes mine so bad is that a lot of things I did were simultaneously while I was proclaiming to be a Christian.

Idk what's your take on that?
Your welcome :)

Many of us have done bad things in our past that we are not proud of, even while being a Christian, but in a time of weakness taking our focus off of Christ and yielding to the flesh temporarily. But the greatest thing is when we humble our self before the Lord in true repentance, He not only forgives us, but remembers that sin no more. That doesn't mean He will forgive us every time for the same sin as Hebrews 10:26-27 explains that. The only reason we need to bring up our past transgressions is part of our testimony as we witness and testify how God's love is working in us perfecting us daily to be overcomers.

Just pray and ask the Holy Spirit guide you in this is my best advice.
I first want to say thank you for taking out the time for answering my question in detail, secondly I have a question.

I know the scripture that all have sinned and fall short of God's glory, but there's certain things I've done in my pre-christ era and even lukewarm era, that sometimes I I know might be an important topic to bring up one day, then on the other hand I wonder what if my past will derail things. Even though I'm not practicing them.

Now some may say that things I did were very minuscule compared to what others did, but what makes mine so bad is that a lot of things I did were simultaneously while I was proclaiming to be a Christian.

Idk what's your take on that?
Man, I guess I'll never understand why people would risk everything they have to date, marry and breed. It's all vanity, all illusion, all of a fiction, a fantasy. I love romance over any other genre, I even weep over epic, tearjerking love stories, especially memoirs based on real personal accounts, but I'm sober enough to know that it's not real. Maybe it's more about self-esteem and evaluation. I'm cynical, but not pessimistic or nihilistic like many of my peers. I have a life worth living, but I don't have a life worth sharing, and I certain't don't have a life worth multiplying.
Man, I guess I'll never understand why people would risk everything they have to date, marry and breed. It's all vanity, all illusion, all of a fiction, a fantasy. I love romance over any other genre, I even weep over epic, tearjerking love stories, especially memoirs based on real personal accounts, but I'm sober enough to know that it's not real. Maybe it's more about self-esteem and evaluation. I'm cynical, but not pessimistic or nihilistic like many of my peers. I have a life worth living, but I don't have a life worth sharing, and I certain't don't have a life worth multiplying.

Gods' grand design was for man to take care of the earth and have dominion over all living things. God knew this was to big a job for one man so he created man a helpmate and called her woman. The two were to multiply and replenish the earth with more helpers to till the land and help take care of Gods creation, Genesis 1, 2.

Gods will for woman was to be a helpmate to the man in every way, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically. She was also created to bare the generations to come. A woman was not greater or less than the man, but was his equal.
Gods' grand design was for man to take care of the earth and have dominion over all living things. God knew this was to big a job for one man so he created man a helpmate and called her woman. The two were to multiply and replenish the earth with more helpers to till the land and help take care of Gods creation, Genesis 1, 2.

Gods will for woman was to be a helpmate to the man in every way, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically. She was also created to bare the generations to come. A woman was not greater or less than the man, but was his equal.
And I've argued that those are DEscription not PREscription, blessings not commands. Jesus himself never married or engaged with any woman who followed him during his ministry, neither did his disciples; throughout history, countless devout priests and missionaries had taken a vow of celibacy to serve God without a divided heart. A huge problem in today's Christianity is this idolatry of marriage, as though church is a matchmaking service and a dating site, instead of the body of Christ and God's embassy on earth, where we receive the word of God.

Yes, indeed God created woman as a helpmate equal to man, but you've left out what happened next, that He also cursed woman to suffer the pain of childbirth and to have conflict with man (Gen. 3:16). There's quixotic ideal, and there's brutal reality.
And I've argued that those are DEscription not PREscription, blessings not commands. Jesus himself never married or engaged with any woman who followed him during his ministry, neither did his disciples; throughout history, countless devout priests and missionaries had taken a vow of celibacy to serve God without a divided heart. A huge problem in today's Christianity is this idolatry of marriage, as though church is a matchmaking service and a dating site, instead of the body of Christ and God's embassy on earth, where we receive the word of God.

Yes, indeed God created woman as a helpmate equal to man, but you've left out what happened next, that He also cursed woman to suffer the pain of childbirth and to have conflict with man (Gen. 3:16). There's quixotic ideal, and there's brutal reality.
Technically Christ does have a bride, called the church, Jesus created marriage as a physical representation of what we're ultimately going to have with him in eternity.

Just because seeing her than a lot of things to attempt to corrupt marriage doesn't mean that marriage and of itself is not of God, remember the first state of human beings was in a marriage (Adam and Eve).

Assuming you're not married, or you've seen horrible marriages in the past, that could explain your view towards it.

And marriages never about the romance, true marriage is about seeking God's Kingdom first, everything else that comes with marriage is just a byproduct, but since our culture has made the byproducts the main thing and pushed aside seeking God first, that's why you see the disappointing marriage examples in which makes you not like it.
Technically Christ does have a bride, called the church, Jesus created marriage as a physical representation of what we're ultimately going to have with him in eternity.

Just because seeing her than a lot of things to attempt to corrupt marriage doesn't mean that marriage and of itself is not of God, remember the first state of human beings was in a marriage (Adam and Eve).

Assuming you're not married, or you've seen horrible marriages in the past, that could explain your view towards it.

And marriages never about the romance, true marriage is about seeking God's Kingdom first, everything else that comes with marriage is just a byproduct, but since our culture has made the byproducts the main thing and pushed aside seeking God first, that's why you see the disappointing marriage examples in which makes you not like it.
And technically, that is a match made in heaven, not on earth. And as the bride we belong to our Lord and Savior, not to a spouse, any earthly marriage we have is nothing but a reflection and foretaste of this heavenly union, there won't be any earthly marriage or sexual relationship in heaven (Matt. 22:29-30) precisely because we'll be collectively married to Jesus. For the record, I've never stated or implied that marriage is not of God. In fact, marriage, government and church are all God-ordained institutions, they're all designed as social institutions for a functional society; but as long as human beings are not robots, these institutions are only as good as the people who run them.

Back during Jesus's ministry, marriage was already corrupted, those Pharisees were "serial monogamists" who frequently marry, divorce and remarry just to avoid the charge of adultery, which had turned marriage into a joke, hence the debate "is it lawful to divorce for any reason" in Matt. 19:1-12. Jesus had to educate these teachers of the law the original purpose and design of marriage, and later His disciples reached the conclusion that it's better to not marry at all. Later in the Olivet Discourse, marriage was a sign of negligence and complacency, lack of discernment, and if you have any discernment, you'd know that we're living in a perilous, tumultuous time not favorable for marriage. That's not my personal view, that's solid biblical teaching.

You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven. (Matt. 22:29-30)

For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. (Matt. 24:38-39)
And technically, that is a match made in heaven, not on earth. And as the bride we belong to our Lord and Savior, not to a spouse, any earthly marriage we have is nothing but a reflection and foretaste of this heavenly union, there won't be any earthly marriage or sexual relationship in heaven (Matt. 22:29-30) precisely because we'll be collectively married to Jesus. For the record, I've never stated or implied that marriage is not of God. In fact, marriage, government and church are all God-ordained institutions, they're all designed as social institutions for a functional society; but as long as human beings are not robots, these institutions are only as good as the people who run them.

Back during Jesus's ministry, marriage was already corrupted, those Pharisees were "serial monogamists" who frequently marry, divorce and remarry just to avoid the charge of adultery, which had turned marriage into a joke, hence the debate "is it lawful to divorce for any reason" in Matt. 19:1-12. Jesus had to educate these teachers of the law the original purpose and design of marriage, and later His disciples reached the conclusion that it's better to not marry at all. Later in the Olivet Discourse, marriage was a sign of negligence and complacency, lack of discernment, and if you have any discernment, you'd know that we're living in a perilous, tumultuous time not favorable for marriage. That's not my personal view, that's solid biblical teaching.

You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven. (Matt. 22:29-30)

For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. (Matt. 24:38-39)
Then again you ignore the point that I made that, just because evil men make a mess of marriage doesn't make marriage any less worth of anything.

There is no use of being single if you're going to be single and sinning. You can have your own opinion about marriage, but please don't try to enforce your opinion of who should and shouldn't marry upon others. This thread isn't questioning is marriage good or not according to opinion, this threat is for asking what steps to take into finding a god ordained Godly marriage.

Remember and don't overlook the point that I made that physical marriage is just a representation of the spiritual marriage that we're going to have in Christ. That's why I got my marriage so we can have an example of the intimacy we're going to have with Christ

Of course there will be no sexual interactions, but sex wasn't just created just to make babies or for the pleasure of it, it was made as an holy institution, and God's way of speaking in our language of the kind of intimacy he wants with us, one so powerful that only introducing sexual intimacy will give us a very vague but close idea of the intimacy he wants with us.

That is the reason why when two people, even when I'm married have sexual relations, their emotional, physical, and spiritual bonds become all the more tighter. You take on Spirits they've been entertaining, you take on their characteristics, you take on a big part of them.

It is not fair that are God's marriage to look at the corruptive version and then deduced by the corrupted version say that people shouldn't marry. If God called you that that then great, but for no means that is to condemn others who want to marry.

If everyone was like Paul or Jesus, the entire planet would be depopulated in 120 years.
Then again you ignore the point that I made that, just because evil men make a mess of marriage doesn't make marriage any less worth of anything.

There is no use of being single if you're going to be single and sinning. You can have your own opinion about marriage, but please don't try to enforce your opinion of who should and shouldn't marry upon others. This thread isn't questioning is marriage good or not according to opinion, this threat is for asking what steps to take into finding a god ordained Godly marriage.

Remember and don't overlook the point that I made that physical marriage is just a representation of the spiritual marriage that we're going to have in Christ. That's why I got my marriage so we can have an example of the intimacy we're going to have with Christ
And you ignore the notion that marriage is NOT an idol or some kind of magic fix for your sexual sins. You don't marry for the sake of getting married as some kind of political statement, or so you can stop watching porn or sleeping around town. Again, it's all about "who", not "why", a marriage is only as godly as how godly you and your spouse are. Was king Ahab and queen Jezebel's marriage ordained by God? Was Solomon's with numerous women ordained by God, which directly violated God's law against the king of Israel amassing wives? Such "example" is nothing but crumbs fallen off the master's table of feast.
It is not fair that are God's marriage to look at the corruptive version and then deduced by the corrupted version say that people shouldn't marry. If God called you that that then great, but for no means that is to condemn others who want to marry.
Then why did Jesus condemn them in Matt. 24:38-39?
If everyone was like Paul or Jesus, the entire planet would be depopulated in 120 years.
I'd rather see and live such a depopulation in a gradual and peaceful way than a bloody and abrupt way:

So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth. (Rev. 6:8)

So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind. (Rev. 7:15)
neither did his disciples
We know that Peter was married, but as for the other Disciples scripture is silent if any of the other ones were married.

Matthew 8:14 And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of a fever.
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Yes, indeed God created woman as a helpmate equal to man, but you've left out what happened next, that He also cursed woman to suffer the pain of childbirth and to have conflict with man (Gen. 3:16). There's quixotic ideal, and there's brutal reality.
And you left out the reason God said that the woman would suffer the pain of giving birth. That was because of her disobeying God's command eating that which was forbidden to eat as she also gave to Adam to eat who also disobeyed God's command and they were both cursed as they lost that Spiritual connection with God because they sinned against Him.

No where in those verses does it say that the woman would have conflict with man

Gen 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Gen 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
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Then why did Jesus condemn them in Matt. 24:38-39?
Seriously!!! Where did Jesus condemn anyone in these verses? Jesus is speaking about no one knowing the day or the hour of His return and comparing that with the flood in Noah's day as only Noah and his family were ready for the flood to come.

Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Mat 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Mat 24:38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
Mat 24:39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

If you want to remain unmarried that is your choice, but quit condemning others that are making it sound like a sin against God.
Was king Ahab and queen Jezebel's marriage ordained by God? Was Solomon's with numerous women ordained by God, which directly violated God's law against the king of Israel amassing wives? Such "example" is nothing but crumbs fallen off the master's table of feast.
If you would go back to the OP Rookie is asking, "I was just curious to hear what y'all think about certain signs to when you knew who was for you (friend wise), who wasn't, and particularly when you're looking for in my case, a future wife, what are some things to look out for."

It seems like he is asking how to tell the difference between good Godly influences in finding the right friends and how to know that when you find a girl you might want to marry, how do you know she is the right one for you.

Condemning one telling them they do not know the scriptures and saying no one should get married is not advice, but only displaying your own arrogance and just giving your life choice to stay single like marriage is some kind of poison.
I read this book and one of its advice is sort of "make yourself available" meaning don't expect that God is going to bring the one for you like an Amazon delivery package to your door while you're locked up hidden from society. And I've been told that for some reason I seem him standoffish.
Making yourself available could also mean that you allow yourself to be a little vulnerable. I am 66 years old, and I can tell you that I can be a bit standoffish myself, if my understanding is correct. What I think that means is that I tend to put up barriers around myself and when I meet new people, I can come across as distant and not very social. This is particularly evident with those of the opposite sex. Is that what it means to be introverted or maybe lack some self-esteem?

To truly get to know someone does involve lowering those defensive walls and allowing them to get to know you on a more personal level. I have experienced times when I meet someone and for some reason which I cannot explain, I find them easier to just have conversation with. Is it something about them or me? I do not know. Probably a little of both.

My wife is one that makes friends very easily. She's much more outgoing and isn't afraid to let herself be known. In all honesty, I actually have felt a certain level of jealousy regarding her ability to do that and wish I could be more like her. We can be in a crowd of people and in very short order she is able to strike up conversations with just about anyone while I am a bit more reserved. I find it amazing, but I just can't quite do it.
They weren't meant for each other because marriage is NOT for everyone, a sustainable relationship requires commitment and investment, it's not given for granted as most people assume. It is a common misunderstanding that "be fruitful and multiply" (Gen. 1:28) and "leave his parents and join his wife" (Gen. 2:24) are a "cultural commandment", since marriage is ordained by God, it is our duty to fulfill it, that is conflating DEscription with PREscription and taking God's will in your own hands, that was one big mistake Aabraham made by mating with Hagar, so he could be the father of many nations as God told him.

My practical advice to stay celibate and not lust for any woman, you don't go to college for dating, God loves single people as much as married people; actually, celibacy is more of a blessing as it gives you the freedom to pursue what God calls you to do without the distraction of woman and burden of family. However, if you've made up your mind that dating is your calling and college is a good time for that, then take caution, 'cause although the book you read is more about why than who, the primary concern according to biblical principles is always who, not why. Dating a good woman is a blessing, dating a bad woman is a curse, marriage itself is a neutral institution.

Historically, the "why" is peer pressure. Previous generations were raised in such an environment where one had a lot of opportunities to meet the opposite sex in person, and they were usually surrounded by siblings and friends who engaged in dating, marriage and kids, and it feels good as the "happiness hormones" rages when you're bonding with other people; these days this environment doesn't exist anymore, everybody is hooked to their phones, everybody is entitled to their own truth, there's a general lack of trust in one another, and online dating is a scam; also, the societal attitude toward dating, marriage and kids has also changed, they'renot something you naturally experience as life progresses, but conscious lifestyle choices, and they're all optional. Dating is not meant to be an idol that you must worship and serve, you better figure out what you really want in your life and count the cost of energy, money and time for dating before you throw yourself into the dating pool. The way I see it, dating is nothing but a wild goose chase that'll leave you with nothing but a bruised ego, "making yourself available" is making yourself vulnerable.

He said to them, "All cannot accept this saying, but only those to whom it has been given: For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mother's womb, and there're eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He who is able to accept it, let him accept it. (Matt. 19:11-12)

I suppose therefore that this is good because of the present distress—that it is good for a man to remain as he is: Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be loosed. Are you loosed from a wife? Do not seek a wife. But even if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. Nevertheless such will have trouble in the flesh, but I would spare you. (1 Cor. 7:26-28)
No matter how many or how few friends we have on this earth please know that when no one is around, Christ
is and will be.