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Advice in "The Search"

This is a wrong question to ask, the meaning of our being is found In Christ, not a wife, we’re called to multiply our god given talents, not wasting them on a foolish dating game. If it is really God’s will for you to marry, he’ll bring her into your life, he’ll present her to you, you’ll have the opportunity to know her, then feelings, either positive or negative, naturally grows, and you’ll know whether there’s any connection, whether she’s compatible with you or not, whether you have shared faith, values and experiences. This process cannot be forced or artificially staged, you know, if you aim to “search” for such a soul mate at the beginning, it’s doomed to be a wild goose chase and you’ll never find her, no matter how fervently you pray, because you don’t know whether she’s real, whether she even exists. It’s not like the OP has already had a girlfriend and now he’s on a “search” for the godly qualities in her.
Again, only your hatred of marriage.
Jesus was explicitly condemning those who still indulge in their pleasures with no awareness of the impending doom, ignoring all the signs of his coming around them, those are the kind of foolish virgins who don’t have oil in their lamps as they’re not prepared.
Again only your opinion.
That's not my opinion, that's what's written in several common bible versions. KJV might be the most authoritative version, but it's not perfect, it has its own inaccuracies and preconceived notions. No bible translation is perfect, treating any translation as perfect is idolatry.

Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you. (ESV)
And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.” (NLT)
You will want to control your husband, but he will dominate[ax] you.” (NET)
Opinion with out facts. Where are these scriptures found so we can read them.
Doesn't say anything here if the Apostles were married or not so once again you have been proven wrong in your theology.
Am I? How about taking a closer look at Matt. 8:14? It only says Peter's MOTHER-IN-LAW was sick, it doesn't even mention his wife directly, she’s NOT named or identified, we don't even know if she was still around or alive at the time, Peter could’ve been a widower.
If you would read what I said, I said it was a possibility, not a fact.
Says you who repeatedly accuses me of dropping opinions not facts.
@Rookie asked a very legit question. It was the right question, but you would rather bash marriage. Did you have a bad experience at one time with marriage?
As legit as “is it lawful to pay tax to Caesar”, “whose wife is she, all seven have had her”. That’s a loaded question or a misleading question, you see it, you bust it. As for marriage, what I’m bashing is the abomination it has become of, considering no fault divorce, harsh alimony laws, 2015 Supreme Court ruling on homosexual union, etc. The solemnity and sanctity are long gone. I don’t need to have a personal “bad experience” with marriage as much as I don’t need to have a personal “burning experience” with fire or a “bleeding experience” with knife.
Again, only your hatred of marriage.
You’re entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts. I hate marriage as much as the Lord hated the pharisees’ serial monogamist style marriage. It’s like an atheist proclaiming he hates God, then you ask him what God is like, he describes something like a topless Santa in a medieval painting. Hey, that’s not God, that’s Zeus! A man made idol! If you hate him, count me in, I hate this pagan deity as much as you do!
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Am I? How about taking a closer look at Matt. 8:14? It only says Peter's MOTHER-IN-LAW was sick, it doesn't even mention his wife directly, she’s NOT named or identified, we don't even know if she was still around or alive at the time, Peter could’ve been a widower.
Mat 8:14 And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of a fever.

Whether Peter's wife was alive or dead at that time the point is he was married. I do not speculate or assume anything when it comes to the word of God. Remember, it was you that claimed none of the Disciples were married.
Mat 8:14 And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of a fever.

Whether Peter's wife was alive or dead at that time the point is he was married. I do not speculate or assume anything when it comes to the word of God. Remember, it was you that claimed none of the Disciples were married.
Nope, by biblical definition, if one’s spouse has departed or deceased, they’re no longer bound in marriage. If either was the case for Peter, which was possible, then he was NOT married any more.

But if the unbeliever departs, let him depart; a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases. But God has called us to peace. (1 Cor. 7:15)

A wife is bound by law as long as her husband lives; but if her husband dies, she is at liberty to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord. (1 Cor. 7:39)
Tell that to those cessationists who worship the bible as the complete compendium of God's word and reject any general revelation of God beyond the bible and beyond words.
No, that is a gross mischaracterization of the cessationist position, perhaps based on not understanding the nature of revelation. General revelation is that which can be known about God through nature. The only cessationists that would possibly reject that are fundamentalists who reject a lot of things due to their spiritual pride.

The issue is that of special revelation, the ways God reveals himself through miraculous or supernatural means. This, I believe they would argue, has ceased since we have the sufficiency of Scripture (2 Tim 3:15-17; 2 Pet 1:3; Jude 1:3) for "what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man" (Westminster Shorter Catechism, Q3), that is, for Christian belief and practice.

The danger of not seeing the sufficiency of Scripture and seeking further special revelation is what, in part, has led to false beliefs such as Mormonism and JWs, not to mention the many heretical Word of Faith teachings and all manner of false prophecies.
More credible than your conspiracy theories about any disciple being married.

Read Gen. 4:7, the same phrase “desire shall be for” is found. I argue with valid scriptural evidence, you have nothing. NIV and NLT translators are more credible and authoritative than you.
What does Cain killing his brother Abel have to do with having a wife. That verse describes sin as being Cains desire. God was telling Cain "If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.

The phrase "desire shall be for" is a term is either negative in nature or positive, occurring in a context of sin and judgement as in God's judgement against Cain as God gave him a choice of doing good or doing evil and Cain chose to lead a life of sinning against God.
You’re entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts. I hate marriage as much as the Lord hated the pharisees’ serial monogamist style marriage. It’s like an atheist proclaiming he hates God, then you ask him what God is like, he describes something like a topless Santa in a medieval painting. Hey, that’s not God, that’s Zeus! A man made idol! If you hate him, count me in, I hate this pagan deity as much as you do!
Yea, we gather you hate marriage so I must ask why are you even in this thread as you are giving no advice to the questions asked in the OP. If the husband and wife keep Christ in the center of their marriage then there is no abomination of a worldly marriage that gives no place to God.
No, that is a gross mischaracterization of the cessationist position, perhaps based on not understanding the nature of revelation. General revelation is that which can be known about God through nature. The only cessationists that would possibly reject that are fundamentalists who reject a lot of things due to their spiritual pride.

The issue is that of special revelation, the ways God reveals himself through miraculous or supernatural means. This, I believe they would argue, has ceased since we have the sufficiency of Scripture (2 Tim 3:15-17; 2 Pet 1:3; Jude 1:3) for "what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man" (Westminster Shorter Catechism, Q3), that is, for Christian belief and practice.

The danger of not seeing the sufficiency of Scripture and seeking further special revelation is what, in part, has led to false beliefs such as Mormonism and JWs, not to mention the many heretical Word of Faith teachings and all manner of false prophecies.
That special revelation is an unfathomable well of wisdom, marvels and knowledge, human understanding of it evolves over time while the special revelation itself never changes. One simple example, the fall of Israel had always been thought as a cautionary tale, as written in Deut. 28:37 " And you shall become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword among all nations where the Lord will drive you." Replacement theology was the mainstream doctrine until the founding of modern state of Israel in 1948, then the capture of Jerusalem in 1967. That was a general revelation which fulfilled the prophecy of Israel's rebirth (Is. 66:8), whether that is a miracle is up to debate. That is NOT seeking further special revelation, that is a new insight of existing revelation which had been ignored and misinterpreted. Cessationists are the kind of heretics who attribute this to Satan, the same thing those Pharisees did as they attributed Jesus's miraculous healing to Beelzubub, they were the cessationists at the time, preaching God's word and yet denying its power.
What does Cain killing his brother Abel have to do with having a wife.
It has everything to do with explaining the real meaning of Gen. 3:16, the same phrase is used therein.
The phrase "desire shall be for" is a term is either negative in nature or positive, occurring in a context of sin and judgement as in God's judgement against Cain as God gave him a choice of doing good or doing evil and Cain chose to lead a life of sinning against God.
There's a clear CONFLICT between "if you do well" and "if you do NOT do well", the same sense applies to Gen. 3:16 where man's desire overpowers woman's. "Ruling over you" would be pointless if there's no conflict.
Yea, we gather you hate marriage so I must ask why are you even in this thread as you are giving no advice to the questions asked in the OP. If the husband and wife keep Christ in the center of their marriage then there is no abomination of a worldly marriage that gives no place to God.
The OP was NOT asking for marriage advice, marriage wasn't even mentioned, all this "husband and wife keep Christ in the center" is nothing but your wishful thinking. You should ask yourself why you're in this thread. The OP asked about the "search" for a potential mate by "making yourself available", and all I'm saying is that that's foolish and futile,have you put Christ in the center of your life? Are you yoked to Christ before you ask about being "unequally yoked"? You can't be "unequally yoked" with anybody when you're not yoked in the first place, that's simple logic, right? My advice is that search for the meaning of your life in Christ, make yourself available to Christ first when he knocks at your door.

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. (Rev. 3:20)
That special revelation is an unfathomable well of wisdom, marvels and knowledge, human understanding of it evolves over time while the special revelation itself never changes. One simple example, the fall of Israel had always been thought as a cautionary tale, as written in Deut. 28:37 " And you shall become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword among all nations where the Lord will drive you." Replacement theology was the mainstream doctrine until the founding of modern state of Israel in 1948, then the capture of Jerusalem in 1967. That was a general revelation which fulfilled the prophecy of Israel's rebirth (Is. 66:8), whether that is a miracle is up to debate. That is NOT seeking further special revelation, that is a new insight of existing revelation which had been ignored and misinterpreted. Cessationists are the kind of heretics who attribute this to Satan, the same thing those Pharisees did as they attributed Jesus's miraculous healing to Beelzubub, they were the cessationists at the time, preaching God's word and yet denying its power.
Okay. Heretics is too strong a word and I don't see what this has to do with my post, which shows that your statement regarding cessationists and general revelation is not correct.
Okay. Heretics is too strong a word and I don't see what this has to do with my post, which shows that your statement regarding cessationists and general revelation is not correct.
I clarified what cessationism means - denying the power and fulfillment of God's word by mistaking them as supposed "further revelation" of God's word. Not only are cessationists heretics, they're the worst kind of heretics, as they've rendered God's word outdated and irrelevant - if God's word is just empty words from an ancient codex without any "miraculous or supernatural" events in the 21st century to substantiate them, they have "ceased" to be when John the Revelator passed away, then what use is it? Isn't God's word alive and active, never ceases "till heaven and earth pass away"? Who are you or me to deny God the prerogetive to reveal himself through dreams to Arabs and Chinese who would have no other "natural" access to him? Whatever you think cessationism is, to me, it directly contradicts Scriptural teaching.

“As for Me,” says the Lord, “this is My covenant with them: My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendants’ descendants,” says the Lord, “from this time and forevermore. (Is. 59:21)

For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. (Matt. 5:18)

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Heb. 4:12)
It has everything to do with explaining the real meaning of Gen. 3:16, the same phrase is used therein.

There's a clear CONFLICT between "if you do well" and "if you do NOT do well", the same sense applies to Gen. 3:16 where man's desire overpowers woman's. "Ruling over you" would be pointless if there's no conflict.
Nothing more than you bashing marriage.