@who says. I will have to admit that I found a lot of what you had to say confusing. I am not a new christian nor am I new to apolgetics and study. I think I just couldn't figure out exactly what you were saying about free-will. If you will answer these questions with yes or no, maybe with a simple explanation maybe I can nail down your points.
Can unbelievers choose to do right and/or wrong? Example: When faced with a decision to steal or not to steal can a believer choose not to steal?
To me that is the simple definition of free will. The ability to chose to obey God or not. However, that is NOT to say that the unbeliever can choose to be perfect. They cannot. All it takes is for one sin to separate us from God eternally and the bible is pretty clear that we are born into sin and have NO ability to be sinless.
Lets take a look at a hypothetical and purely illustrative conversation between God and an unbeliever as he stands before the judgement seat.
Unbeliever: I lived a pretty good life. I didn't kill anyone, nor did I ever steal anything from anybody. I kept my nose clean and didn't cheat on my wife. I think I deserve to get in.
God: Did you ever tell a lie?
Unbeliever: Well, yes I did lie a few times. But mostly I spoke the truth.
God: Why did you lie to your boss on June 8th 1998?
Unbeliever: I did not want to get in trouble for screwing up that assignment.
God: Could you have told the truth?
Unbeliever: Well yes
God: Then you chose to lie.
Unbeliever: Yes, but remember that time when I saw that guy drop that money in the parking lot at Wal-Mart and I gave it back to him?
God: Of course I remember
Unbeliever: I did the right thing then didn't I? I could have kept it, but didn't. I chose to do the right thing.
God: I am sorry, but that is not good enough to cover for the bad things you did.
Unbeliever: What bad things?
God: Well, how about on August 26, 2000 when you looked at that woman on the beach and thought about having sex with her? You could have chosen not to give in to that.
Unbeliever: Well....
God: What about on May 15, 1997 when you used Jesus Christ as a curse word and on.... (and God goes on to list all his sins.)
And finally what about March 20, 2011 when someone told you about needing to accept my son as your Lord and Saviour and you rejected him.
The unbeliever could point to times in his life when he chose to do right. But, he can never chose to be right. Even the "good" choices he makes are not good enough for God. Even though he makes the "right choice" at a moment. He is a slave to sin and has no ability to chose right in every situation he faces.
And when it comes to salvation that is the ultimate free-will choice. Believe or not believe.
I guess what I am saying is there is small free will in the choices people make when it comes to following God's commands. Sometimes people do make a choice to follow a command of God. Although that might not be exactly what they are thinking. But because they are a slave to sin, it is impossible for them to lead a sinless life.
Does that make sense?