If a saved Christian believes the lie that they can receive the Holy Spirit again after salvation, God will permit that strong delusion to occur by removing the restraining part of the Holy Spirit since the believer is suffering a thief to break thru.
So no one can even receive an anointing from the Holy Spirit? That don't make sense. You would be limiting God and what He is allowed to do.
#1. Jesus Christ is in you and is with you always per
2 Corinthians 13:5 which is the same thing as saying
1 John 4:2 in testing the spirits in
1 John 4:1-4 as that spirit of antichrist outside of us in the world is not of God.
1 John 4:4 is how you can test the spirits of the antichrist as being felt outside of us as opposed to the Spirit of Christ in us. Jesus said we will know Him by Him dwelling in us
John 14:17.
So #1 Feeling a spirit outside of us when our body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit per
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 is how that spirit that made you feel its presence was not God.
If we will know Him by His dwelling in us, then that explains why I recognized His voice. If He was not dwelling in me then I would not have known His voice.
I felt His presence outside of me, inside of me and everywhere because the room was saturated with His presence,
#2. Why ask you to pray when the Father already knows before you ask Him in prayer per
Matthew 6:7-8. That reference is about not praying in vain repetition, and so do consider why He would ask you to pray as if He is not going to do anything until somebody prays for him? Think about that.
What does that even mean? If what you say is so, then you just eliminated a lot of the Bible! Ask and ye shall receive, you have not because you ask not, Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God., if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:,
What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them, 6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly...so if God don't want us to pray because He already knows what everyone needs then why does He tell us in scripture to pray? God would not need my help for my Brother to be helped by God. Who am I?! So why would He ask me to pray for the man? Am I supposed to obey or not?
An evil spirit is not going to come to Christians and ask them to pray for someone they need help from God! You, my Brother...are funny.
It is true that we are to pray for one another, but if God really told you to pray for your brother, Michael, that means He already knows about it, but for some reasons He needs your help to pray before He could do anything? Did you get that vibe?
Yes, I found that very curious. God don't need my help! So what was He doing? Well, His ways and thoughts are way above ours so I have to concede that I don't know why He did that. Maybe He was testing me to see if I would obey? I actually feel honored by God that He would allow me to participate in the Brother getting help. And I learned a valuable lesson about not questioning God, so maybe He was using the affliction which caused him to need help to turn a bad situation into good and a teaching tool?
Which means I discern that encounter as misleading you to expect that "God" will do more of that supernatural "visitation" in feeling "His Presence". Your eyes on God is now also to future visitations in feeling "His Presence" rather than only on the Son being in you and is with you always since salvation.
Brother, your discernment couldn't be further from the truth. This was years back now but I did have somewhat of an expectation in feeling His presence in the future...for a short while. I figured it would come, after all, God used me so is starting to use me and it left me looking forward to it!
But my Brother, that is not the direction that His interactions with me went. He began teaching me to listen to and hear His still small voice, without any fanfare or miracles. It seems God likes to save bigger miracles for in front of bigger crowds so that more souls would be drawn to Him. He told me He wants us to pay attention to His voice inside of me and instantly obey. Exactly how to do that, is a whole 'nother thread!
So I have not since the interaction felt His presence to the same degree as I did that day. And I have learned how to hear His still small voice inside me therefore am not looking for a feeling or a presence any more. It's (hard to learn) easy to hear and differentiate the Lord's voice inside of you. He doesn't talk like I do, I know whats me and whats Him. I know how he talks now so it gets even easier. I did notice that...He always always seems to say just the right thing.