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Always Spirit-Filled Or A Leaky Vessel?

Then one day when I was just praying in general and wasn't even thinking about tongues, my speech turned into tongues of an unknown language right then in the middle of my man prayer (lol). I immediately knew what was going on, so I shut my mouth and just listened while my mouth was still speaking tongues. When He was done, I finished my own prayer.
Amen ! :goodpost
Ok, how's this one? I'm sitting on my computer checking emails and suddenly the strongest presence of the Lord that I've ever felt before (or since!) came into my room. It was like, Jesus walked into the room. He didn't manifest so I couldn't see Him but I could feel the power and the love and then He spoke to me in an audible voice. He said pray for your Brother Michael he needs help...

I did not test that Spirit and ya know why? Because I recognized His voice. I knew who it was. I may not be able to remember any life before being earth born but I knew that voice, like scripture says, my sheep know my voice.

I did the stupid thing of course and questioned God, why, what happened is he ok? ...and that did not go over well. He literally changed His tone with me and took on that tone that parents use with their children sometimes the tone of doom. He said he needs help now pray for him. And I tell you, a change in tone was all it took to frighten my socks off and I said, yes Lord and immediately went into prayer for my Brother. Then the heavy presence left and I was left sitting still wondering what happened. I found out later he did need help and he did get help so it turned ok for all involved.
I like this one too ! :goodpost Feeling God's presence in the room , that had to be awesome ! I have felt the presence of the The Holy Ghost in church service before and , oh my !

I have wondered about this kind of contact from God's supernatural realm .
I am NOT discounting what you are saying Edward at all . But here is my story .

I was awakened one night from a deep sleep to pray for a cousin half way around the world one night .
I kind of wondered if it was an angel contacting me to pray for my cousin , a heavenly prayer network if you will . Maybe the angel contacted others to pray for my cousin too . Or was it The Holy Spirit giving me the prompting to pray :chin .
Oh yeah my cousin , he was in a humvee hit by an IED and just barely survived .
I need to write this story up proper and post .

Hey eddif sorry no PM yet !
Amen ! :goodpost

I like this one too ! :goodpost Feeling God's presence in the room , that had to be awesome ! I have felt the presence of the The Holy Ghost in church service before and , oh my !

I have wondered about this kind of contact from God's supernatural realm .
I am NOT discounting what you are saying Edward at all . But here is my story .

I was awakened one night from a deep sleep to pray for a cousin half way around the world one night .
I kind of wondered if it was an angel contacting me to pray for my cousin , a heavenly prayer network if you will . Maybe the angel contacted others to pray for my cousin too . Or was it The Holy Spirit giving me the prompting to pray :chin .
Oh yeah my cousin , he was in a humvee hit by an IED and just barely survived .
I need to write this story up proper and post .

Hey eddif sorry no PM yet !
Edward also.

Repeating a portion from a quote from another thread.

You are still my brother, and we may agree on some things Biblically and even in the belief like who the 2 witnesses are even though we have credible support from scripture lending to that belief, but I am commanded from the Lord to withdraw from you to admonish you in the hope you will actually start testing the spirits by the scripture.

2 Thessalonians 3:1-15 I do need His help to do that while in this forum with you.

I do not want to put you on ignore because I hope the Lord will recover you from that snare of the devil of thinking tongues are for private use. 2 Timothy 2:15-16 & 2 Timothy 2:24-26

It bothers me that you are still not testing the spirits when you feel what you believe is the Holy Spirit, but it is not when it is the same way the world feels for spirits in receiving them ( John 14:16-17 ), when all what that spirit is doing is taking your eyes & focus off of the Son in that moment but the real indwelling Holy Ghost would never do that, but the spirit of the antichrist would.

Jesus is God and He is the only way for how we come to God the Father by John 14:6

The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, and although God, He is not Another Go To God to come to the Father by. John 10:1-9 Additional edit --> Note those who go astray by following a stranger's voice; tongues without interpretation & thus assumed for private use.

And that is because there are other spirits in the world & God the Father is calling those sinners away from that rudiment & those spirits and their pagan supernatural tongue to a personal reconcile relationship with the Father thru the Son to be praying normally to give the Father thanks in Jesus's name for known answers to prayers. John 14:13-14

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

You have known how supposedly the Holy Spirit interrupts someone normal praying time and yet we are instructed to pray without ceasing. So how can that be if the real Holy Spirit really interrupts them? But as it is, it will take a miracle from the Lord to recover you from his snare of the devil. I'll be praying for you, brother.

And you too brother, Edward
Last edited:
eddif also.

Repeating a portion from a quote from another thread.

You are still my brother, and we may agree on some things Biblically and even in the belief like who the 2 witnesses are even though we have credible support from scripture lending to that belief, but I am commanded from the Lord to withdraw from you to admonish you in the hope you will actually start testing the spirits by the scripture.

2 Thessalonians 3:1-15 I do need His help to do that while in this forum with you.

I do not want to put you on ignore because I hope the Lord will recover you from that snare of the devil of thinking tongues are for private use. 2 Timothy 2:15-16 & 2 Timothy 2:24-26

It bothers me that you are still not testing the spirits when you feel what you believe is the Holy Spirit, but it is not when it is the same way the world feels for spirits in receiving them ( John 14:16-17 ), when all what that spirit is doing is taking your eyes & focus off of the Son in that moment but the real indwelling Holy Ghost would never do that, but the spirit of the antichrist would.

Jesus is God and He is the only way for how we come to God the Father by John 14:6

The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, and although God, He is not Another Go To God to come to the Father by. John 10:1-9 Additional edit --> Note those who go astray by following a stranger's voice; tongues without interpretation & thus assumed for private use.

And that is because there are other spirits in the world & God the Father is calling those sinners away from that rudiment & those spirits and their pagan supernatural tongue to a personal reconcile relationship with the Father thru the Son to be praying normally to give the Father thanks in Jesus's name for known answers to prayers. John 14:13-14

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

You have known how supposedly the Holy Spirit interrupts someone normal praying time and yet we are instructed to pray without ceasing. So how can that be if the real Holy Spirit really interrupts them? But as it is, it will take a miracle from the Lord to recover you from his snare of the devil. I'll be praying for you, brother.

And you too brother, eddif
The bold face quote was not my words. You have taken a post made by me in which I was quoting someone else.

It happens.

The bold face quote was not my words. You have taken a post made by me in which I was quoting someone else.

It happens.

Sorry. Thanks for your understanding. Accidentally tagged you to another thread too, but you may find it interesting.

I have edited it in time for that post above that I accidentally tagged you to
If a saved Christian believes the lie that they can receive the Holy Spirit again after salvation, God will permit that strong delusion to occur by removing the restraining part of the Holy Spirit since the believer is suffering a thief to break thru.

So no one can even receive an anointing from the Holy Spirit? That don't make sense. You would be limiting God and what He is allowed to do.

#1. Jesus Christ is in you and is with you always per 2 Corinthians 13:5 which is the same thing as saying 1 John 4:2 in testing the spirits in 1 John 4:1-4 as that spirit of antichrist outside of us in the world is not of God. 1 John 4:4 is how you can test the spirits of the antichrist as being felt outside of us as opposed to the Spirit of Christ in us. Jesus said we will know Him by Him dwelling in us John 14:17.

So #1 Feeling a spirit outside of us when our body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit per 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 is how that spirit that made you feel its presence was not God.

If we will know Him by His dwelling in us, then that explains why I recognized His voice. If He was not dwelling in me then I would not have known His voice.
I felt His presence outside of me, inside of me and everywhere because the room was saturated with His presence,

#2. Why ask you to pray when the Father already knows before you ask Him in prayer per Matthew 6:7-8. That reference is about not praying in vain repetition, and so do consider why He would ask you to pray as if He is not going to do anything until somebody prays for him? Think about that.

What does that even mean? If what you say is so, then you just eliminated a lot of the Bible! Ask and ye shall receive, you have not because you ask not, Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God., if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:,
What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them, 6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee if God don't want us to pray because He already knows what everyone needs then why does He tell us in scripture to pray? God would not need my help for my Brother to be helped by God. Who am I?! So why would He ask me to pray for the man? Am I supposed to obey or not?
An evil spirit is not going to come to Christians and ask them to pray for someone they need help from God! You, my Brother...are funny.

It is true that we are to pray for one another, but if God really told you to pray for your brother, Michael, that means He already knows about it, but for some reasons He needs your help to pray before He could do anything? Did you get that vibe?

Yes, I found that very curious. God don't need my help! So what was He doing? Well, His ways and thoughts are way above ours so I have to concede that I don't know why He did that. Maybe He was testing me to see if I would obey? I actually feel honored by God that He would allow me to participate in the Brother getting help. And I learned a valuable lesson about not questioning God, so maybe He was using the affliction which caused him to need help to turn a bad situation into good and a teaching tool?

Which means I discern that encounter as misleading you to expect that "God" will do more of that supernatural "visitation" in feeling "His Presence". Your eyes on God is now also to future visitations in feeling "His Presence" rather than only on the Son being in you and is with you always since salvation.

Brother, your discernment couldn't be further from the truth. This was years back now but I did have somewhat of an expectation in feeling His presence in the future...for a short while. I figured it would come, after all, God used me so is starting to use me and it left me looking forward to it!

But my Brother, that is not the direction that His interactions with me went. He began teaching me to listen to and hear His still small voice, without any fanfare or miracles. It seems God likes to save bigger miracles for in front of bigger crowds so that more souls would be drawn to Him. He told me He wants us to pay attention to His voice inside of me and instantly obey. Exactly how to do that, is a whole 'nother thread!
So I have not since the interaction felt His presence to the same degree as I did that day. And I have learned how to hear His still small voice inside me therefore am not looking for a feeling or a presence any more. It's (hard to learn) easy to hear and differentiate the Lord's voice inside of you. He doesn't talk like I do, I know whats me and whats Him. I know how he talks now so it gets even easier. I did notice that...He always always seems to say just the right thing.

Do consider the cause and effect of that encounter. Do you expect to feel that spirit again the next time "he visits", believing that to be God? I wouldn't. He is in you.

No, and I just explained why not.

The Temple in Jerusalem was how God's Presence used to be felt outside of believers, but that is why now, we can worship God any where because our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit so there is no coming to a place to get closer to God, for God is with us and dwells in us.

So how does any one come to God the Father in worship now from any where? By coming to the Son ( John 14:6 ) in honoring Him in worship ( John 5:22-23 ) is how anyone can come to the Father in honoring Him to His glory Philippians 2:5-13;

I agree with this.

If you consider the full ramification of that event, for you believing that was His Presence that came into the room in asking you to pray for someone, then you just removed 1 John 4:1-4 from scripture and you cannot test the spirits now, the real indwelling Holy Ghost apart from the spirits of the antichrist in the world.

That's ridiculous. I will test spirits and have tested spirits, but, the Lord is inside of me so He was able to let me recognize His voice. Or can God not do something inside of me and outside of me at the same time? So time was of the essence because a Brother needed help very soon or could have died I think. So there was not time for me to test His Spirit. You can not remove the scripture where it says, my sheep know my voice. I will test the spirits as they need testing, but as for my Lord Yeshua, I know His voice Brother! I knew it in my heart. I knew it in my soul. I knew it everywhere. There was zero doubt. There could not be. Let me tell you something Brother, when Jesus walks into the room, you Will know it without a doubt.

Aint no evil spirit walks in with that much power and that much Love at the same time. Lol. It's not a "feeling" Brother. It's inside like feelings are but it's something different. It's a perceiving for sure. It must be like when we say, I know it in my heart? In my bones, soul? Intuition maybe? No. Oh, perhaps it is a quickening of the spirit?!
That's what it was.
Again, if you expect the Holy Spirit to be felt outside of you, then there is no way you can test for the spirits of the antichrist without fearing you may sin against the Holy Ghost if the Holy Ghost can also be felt outside of us.

Which is why scripture puts Him in us for how we will know Him apart from the spirits of the antichrist that can be felt in the world by sinners as well.

Why do you keep saying it was outside of me? No matter how you stack it, I still only experience feelings inside of me. A quickening of the spirit would be inside of me. Christ is in me and I in Christ, we don't "hear" things, over there. We hear inside our where is the outside in any of this? All of it is inside Brother. It is a confusion to say it is not or that I expect it to be without me rather than within me. So you can drop that misunderstanding now, lol.

What's stopping me from testing spirits now? Nothing. Test all spirits Brother. But there IS one Spirit which does not need testing by His own.

Where have you ever heard that evil spirits will come ask you pray to Yeshua to save a Brothers life? Do you think that I have been majorly deceived and have unwittingly attached myself to the spirit of the anti-christ? Whoops, cancel some more scripture.

Matthew 7:8
Luke 11:9-10
John 14:26
John 16:13

Brother, I seek God. Jesus. Yeshua. He did rise from the grave. He did save my life. So why in the world would the Holy Spirit allow me to be deceived when He is to teach me all truths?
Answer: He wont allow it. He wont go against His word. I trust Him. It was Yeshua's voice that told me to pray for another Brother who needs help. That is truth.

How can you try to discredit this testimony of mine? Have some faith in our Lord and in the power of His might. Can anyone snatch me from His hand? No! An Emphatic NO!
the Holy Spirit interrupts someone normal praying time and yet we are instructed to pray without ceasing. So how can that be if the real Holy Spirit really interrupts them?

Uh, because we mostly do not know how to pray as we ought to?
Brother, you can't get all legalistic about this. God does what He wants to. Give it about 5 drops of common sense and realize that God is a person and He's very easy going. It's not like He is some big energy field out there some where. Most people are praying to receive tongues before they get it, myself included.

I studied it and asked about it and felt like I's missing out. So prayed for it. It didn't happen...on my timing. I had multiple people teall me they could teach me to speak in tongues, but that didn't make sense to me and still doesn't. If it's the Holy Spirit praying for us cuz we're too dumb to pray right, then how could it be done on demand? Am I to put words in the Holy Spirits mouth? I can not.

And one day, God showed me that it was real by Him initiating it. So it is real. So I could never say that any other people is not real either. Why not? How do I know? I see through a glass darkly. I spoke in tongues one time. Never since then. Years back now. But for all I know, those people who offered to teach me to pray in tongues didn't even mean that but rather how to develop closer relationship with God and perhaps at some point when one gets so close with the Holy Spirit may seem like on demand but not really cuz it's just that constant contact and communication with Him...?? Maybe I just need to grow more? Common sense.

There aint no spirit of antichrist strong enough to crash a Spirit filled Believers prayer to start spouting evil nonsense. That's laughable, though admirable that you are spiritually cautious!
I love singing in Spiritual tongues as it brings me into the Holy of Holies before the Lord.
I have a question for you . Have you noticed what type of melody comes with the Singing in The Spirit ? Sometime for me the melody that comes with words is of a Middle Eastern variety .

What did you think the first time you sang your prayer like this ?
I have a question for you . Have you noticed what type of melody comes with the Singing in The Spirit ? Sometime for me the melody that comes with words is of a Middle Eastern variety .

What did you think the first time you sang your prayer like this ?
It sounds Middle Eastern to me, but I have no idea other then it's beautiful and very meaningful like I am standing in the presence of the Lord.

At first I just though it was me babbling sounds, but when it started flowing out of my mouth I knew it was the Holy Spirit as my carnal mind could not produce such a Spiritual flow or feeling.
I do not believe the real God's gift of tongues can be used for private use. I know that supernatural tongue is real and because it does not come with interpretation, is why believers assumed it is for private use, but it is not the real God's gift of tongues at all.
Rom 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
Rom 8:27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

How do you interpret these two verses since you do not believe togues as part of our prayer language?
Edward also.

Repeating a portion from a quote from another thread.

You are still my brother, and we may agree on some things Biblically and even in the belief like who the 2 witnesses are even though we have credible support from scripture lending to that belief, but I am commanded from the Lord to withdraw from you to admonish you in the hope you will actually start testing the spirits by the scripture.

2 Thessalonians 3:1-15 I do need His help to do that while in this forum with you.

I do not want to put you on ignore because I hope the Lord will recover you from that snare of the devil of thinking tongues are for private use. 2 Timothy 2:15-16 & 2 Timothy 2:24-26

It bothers me that you are still not testing the spirits when you feel what you believe is the Holy Spirit, but it is not when it is the same way the world feels for spirits in receiving them ( John 14:16-17 ), when all what that spirit is doing is taking your eyes & focus off of the Son in that moment but the real indwelling Holy Ghost would never do that, but the spirit of the antichrist would.

Jesus is God and He is the only way for how we come to God the Father by John 14:6

The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, and although God, He is not Another Go To God to come to the Father by. John 10:1-9 Additional edit --> Note those who go astray by following a stranger's voice; tongues without interpretation & thus assumed for private use.

And that is because there are other spirits in the world & God the Father is calling those sinners away from that rudiment & those spirits and their pagan supernatural tongue to a personal reconcile relationship with the Father thru the Son to be praying normally to give the Father thanks in Jesus's name for known answers to prayers. John 14:13-14

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

You have known how supposedly the Holy Spirit interrupts someone normal praying time and yet we are instructed to pray without ceasing. So how can that be if the real Holy Spirit really interrupts them? But as it is, it will take a miracle from the Lord to recover you from his snare of the devil. I'll be praying for you, brother.

And you too brother, Edward
If I am understanding you correctly you see the gift of tongues as per our private prayer time, Romans 8:26-27, being a false teaching of a second fulfilling of the Holy Spirit that is separate from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit when we were first Spiritually born again, but it is not.

You can ignore all the wonderful testimonies that are out there that have this manifestation of the Holy Spirit like Edward and many of us and just write it off as being from Satan. I see the biggest problem with this as many have never been taught about praying in tongues before as it's a teaching that is not very seldom taught in the church. It was many years before I ever heard of this and the Pastor that taught us also led us in how to begin speaking in tongues.

I would suggest you read some articles on this before you pass judgement on others like you have judged Edward saying Satan is speaking through him.
It sounds Middle Eastern to me, but I have no idea other then it's beautiful and very meaningful like I am standing in the presence of the Lord.

At first I just though it was me babbling sounds, but when it started flowing out of my mouth I knew it was the Holy Spirit as my carnal mind could not produce such a Spiritual flow or feeling.
It is a little different process when the melody comes with the tongues . I will sometimes notice the words are repeating when I am not singing the tongues and I will think ok this is a chorus of a prayer song and then the melody comes ! Singing and praising God that way is so wonderful :) .
It is a little different process when the melody comes with the tongues . I will sometimes notice the words are repeating when I am not singing the tongues and I will think ok this is a chorus of a prayer song and then the melody comes ! Singing and praising God that way is so wonderful :) .

There's another lady on youtube who has a video of a song she sang in tongues. It seems she was an aspiring singer and was on her way to a recording studio to record a demo tape I think, and the Holy Spirit come upon her and told her it would be sang in tongues, but to record it.

So she did and wasn't sure if it was good enough so she did it a 2nd time just in case and they wer both good recordings and then she got the unction to mix the two together. She thought that was her idea just to see what it sounded like. And it sounded wonderful so she made a video of it, and it sounds great, like they were meant to be mixed. I'll look for it and post it if I can find it.
So no one can even receive an anointing from the Holy Spirit? That don't make sense. You would be limiting God and what He is allowed to do.
I believe that anointing has been received at salvation moment at the calling of the gospel when you had first believed & at no other time nor again & again & again.

John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.... 26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

1 John 2:20 But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. 21 I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.....

26 These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you. 27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. 28 And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.

I shall say it again; You have always been Spirit-filled since salvation and therefore have received the anointing at the calling of the gospel when you had first believed in Jesus Christ.
If we will know Him by His dwelling in us, then that explains why I recognized His voice. If He was not dwelling in me then I would not have known His voice.
I felt His presence outside of me, inside of me and everywhere because the room was saturated with His presence,
Then ask the Lord Jesus Christ at that throne of grace in your normal prayer for why the Holy Spirit would be felt outside of you where the spirit of the antichrist dwells?

By removing the line of discernment in 1 John 4:1-4, you cannot test the spirits outside of you as being the spirits of the antichrist at all for how you believe that to be of God.

You cannot get any closer to God than Him dwelling in you. As it is, you cannot test the spirits at all now because you believe the Holy Spirit can come & visit you to be felt outside of you even though you say He dwells in you and has been in you since saved.
Why do you keep saying it was outside of me? No matter how you stack it, I still only experience feelings inside of me.
You said it was felt outside of you, and not just inside of you.

You had posted: "I felt His presence outside of me, inside of me and everywhere because the room was saturated with His presence,"

And yet you had posted this before that comment in that same post: "If we will know Him by His dwelling in us, then that explains why I recognized His voice. If He was not dwelling in me then I would not have known His voice."

Not sure why you would not discern that voice as coming outside of you by that visiting "powerful" presence as that cannot be the same Voice from within you.
How can you try to discredit this testimony of mine? Have some faith in our Lord and in the power of His might. Can anyone snatch me from His hand? No! An Emphatic NO!
I have never posted that you can be snatched out of His hand nor can you lose your salvation, but if that is what you are thinking I was leading to, then relax, brother.

I apply Matthew 25:1 meaning the kingdom of heaven is likened unto the ten virgins.

Matthew 25:1-13 has the five missing out of the Marriage Supper in that kingdom of Heaven for being out to the market place seeking to be filled, but still part of that kingdom of Heaven.
I have never posted that you can be snatched out of His hand nor can you lose your salvation, but if that is what you are thinking I was leading to, then relax, brother.

You're all over the place with this huh? Unless you can pick it apart and try to shoot doctrinal holes in it you wont believe anything. See that's the carnal mind trying to understand it and the thing is, the carnal mind is enmity against God and can never receive or understand spiritual truths. Perhaps if you weren't being a carnal christian about it you'd have more belief?

I understand that carnal curiosity though. When He told me to pray for the man I sat right there and questioned Him about it. Until the tone of His voice changed, Lol.

So. go ahead and believe any way you want to brother, I'm cool with that. I know what happened. Watch out for those spirits that come around asking for you to pray for Christian Brothers! You never know...!
It is a little different process when the melody comes with the tongues . I will sometimes notice the words are repeating when I am not singing the tongues and I will think ok this is a chorus of a prayer song and then the melody comes ! Singing and praising God that way is so wonderful :) .
It is a beautiful spiritual experience. My husband told me one time when I was taking a nap I started speaking in tongues. Don't know what it was about, but was the best nap I ever had.