Why is this study of angels so important to you, Alfred, when the Scriptures are clear that God is behind the good angels sending them as messengers to us? It's God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as the one, true God, who is the one to whom we should pray, thank, praise, and serve as our God, certainly not the angels.Prior to The Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 AD, some in the church believed angels had corporeal nature suited to the heavenly realm, that they were not immaterial spirits. Scripture depicts them eating and drinking with Abraham, pulling Lot into the house and shuting the door, wrestling with Jacob who held the angel fast and would not release Him, sitting under a tree with Gideon, waking Peter up and helping him rise to his feet. Angels can be unwittingly entertained by humans who believe they are helping strangers.
Hebrews 1:14 "ministering spirits" does not contradict this, metaphorically angels function as "ministering spirits", its not a statement about their essence. God wouldn't have to "make them "spirits" if they already were, neither is He making them literal fire (Hebrews 1:7). This is metaphorical language describing them as swift and powerful, not defining their essence.
The theory they "materialize" physical forms to interact with humans isn't taught in scripture and in fact contradicts God alone kills and makes alive (Deut. 32:39) and that He alone has creative power (Neh. 9:6).
Never does scripture depict angels or men changing their essence as they cross dimensions into the other realm. Jacob saw angels climb down a ladder, Elijah crossed over in a chariot through a whirlwind, Moses and Elijah appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration when the Kingdom was present in power, John went through a door:
Christ said resurrected believers would be "equal to the angels" and as they will rise physically from the dead in "supernatural bodies" it follows angels also have corporeal nature that is "equal" to them.
Moreover, when Paul was discussing the various types of heaven bodies that exist, they were all physical "soma", not spirit "pneuma". The resurrection body is a body infused with spirit, not immaterial spirit. It is the same "physical body infused with spirit" that Christ has:
Spirits don't get resurrected, physical bodies do.
For this reason Christians should not be surprised when Satan and his fallen angels appear in physically in a fleet of UFO ships. They use advanced technology to go from place to place. We see that in Ezekeil chapter 1, and scripture expressly declares the stars fought Sisera from heaven:
Regardless how one interprets the symbolism, the angel of the LORD is depicted as seated in a craft that moves.
This is why UFOs do NOT prove ancient alien theory at all. Angels use advanced technology. When Satan and his angels appear on earth after Michael and his angels cast they out of heaven, it’s a strong delusion they are extraterrestrial beings, a Big Lie deception of epic proportions.