Angels in heaven both fallen or unfallen are not incorporeal spirits

My comment concerned scripture exegesis, not the false witnesses and other schemers against Christ.
You asked for scriptural examples of these fallacies, which I provided. Exegesis means using the Scripture to interpret the scripture and perhaps other extrabiblical contents, which I did. You're the one who brought the Talmud into the mix. It may be helpful, but that's eisegesis.
PS: By giving only a few scriptural examples of Rabbinic argument, and none from the Talmud, one could say its a "hasty generalization fallacy" to conclude Rabbinic argument is rife with fallacies
I'm here to discuss the Scripture, not the Talmud. And for the record, I never "conclude" or "generalize" all rabbinic arguments as rife with fallacies, this statement by and of itself is a strawman argument. In Jesus's encounters and interactions with the rabbis, many questions and arguments are totally legit, such as "Why are you dining with tax collectors and sinners?" "Who is my neighbor?" "Is it lawful to divorce for any reason?" "Which is the greatest commandment?" They had been debating these questions among themselves, and they genuinely sought for wisdom from Jesus. In these examples I gave, however, they used these fallacies intentionally to challenge Jesus. They thought they were smart, they'd got this false prophet, Jesus threw all of these back into their faces.
You asked for scriptural examples of these fallacies, which I provided. Exegesis means using the Scripture to interpret the scripture and perhaps other extrabiblical contents, which I did. You're the one who brought the Talmud into the mix. It may be helpful, but that's eisegesis.

I'm here to discuss the Scripture, not the Talmud. And for the record, I never "conclude" or "generalize" all rabbinic arguments as rife with fallacies, this statement by and of itself is a strawman argument. In Jesus's encounters and interactions with the rabbis, many questions and arguments are totally legit, such as "Why are you dining with tax collectors and sinners?" "Who is my neighbor?" "Is it lawful to divorce for any reason?" "Which is the greatest commandment?" They had been debating these questions among themselves, and they genuinely sought for wisdom from Jesus. In these examples I gave, however, they used these fallacies intentionally to challenge Jesus. They thought they were smart, they'd got this false prophet, Jesus threw all of these back into their faces.
Excellent, we are in agreement. I misread your statement as saying 'they all have fallacies' (to paraphrase)---as a categorical rejection of all Jewish thought of the period. I am happy that is incorrect. You provided some good examples not all their questions were mean spirited.