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Biblical inerrancy


Yes it's that subject again but I've found some recent articles on this and thought I'd share them.

First up is Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary on how absolute biblical inerrancy must be defended at all costs:

Next to the plate is Peter Enns, biblical scholar and currently teaching at Eastern University, responds to the points raised by Al Mohler:

And finally is Roger Olsen, Professor of Theology at George W. Truett Theological Seminary in Texas discusses the Bible generally:

I don't believe total inerrancy is necessary for the Bible to be Gods word
Total inerrancy is vital, otherwise it completely undermines the integrity of what is considered God's word.
If we question the inerrancy of the bible then we question its very integrity, which means we do not believe it is His infallible word imparted to us through time. It calls into question the very meaning of everything written within it, as to whether or not it has been corrupted or not by man.
Things concerning Himself...

The word of God claims to be incorruptible.. and yet it seems as though many attempt to corrupt its simplicity and truth.. although the reason why they can't imo is because the STORIES themselves have FORETOLD the same story over and over and over again in limitless, living, and powerful ways..

This imo is how the word of God is incorruptible.. and in the volume of the book it is written of ME sayeth the Lord..
If we question the inerrancy of the bible then we question its very integrity, which means we do not believe it is His infallible word imparted to us through time. It calls into question the very meaning of everything written within it, as to whether or not it has been corrupted or not by man.

Not at all. God, like he did with Jesus, came down to our level. Genesis and the flood narratives share many similarities with other stories of other religions of the time and earlier (Ancient Near Eastern documents) Luke, as he tells us in his opening verses, investigated everything which meant he talked to witnesses, checked sources (including Marks gospel). There is a very human element to the Bible, it isn't (to quote Da Vinci Code) a facsimile direct from heaven. There are differences in the gospels, 1/2 Samuels and 1/2 Kings compared to 1/2 Chronicles; there is nothing shameful in this, it seems to be Gods M.O. As for corruption by man, we don't have the originals but the copies we have are extremely early, much earlier than anything else for the time. Also, we know based on the number of copies we have that there have been changes. These are minor in terms of spelling, duplication of letters and they are 99.5% pure (i.e the same) but not 100%. Dr Craig Blomberg gives a great overview of this;

The notion that the Bible is inerrant is a theological stance. As Peter Enns puts it, Linking God with inerrancy as an inescapable premise of Christian logic is in a nutshell the entire problem. Hence, attacking inerrancy is seen as an attack on the Bible, and thus on God himself. Questioning inerrancy, however, is really only an attack on a theological system that requires it. Perhaps its time to question that theology.
There is so much that is not captured in transliterations it is impossible to claim such as 'inerrant.'

The Words of the Bible are constantly 'butchered' in these matters. Even in translations from the KJV to more modern language, little details of the difference in the language at the time, for example the terms 'ye' plural and 'you' singular are meaningful, yet lost in the efforts.

We may certainly say there are semi-accurate transliterations, yet we certainly would not say that the words of Satan or any man's statements recorded therein are 'infallible Words of God or His Christ.' Unless such Words are noted as 'thus sayeth the Lord' or the Words of Jesus, Himself they are NOT infallible, but a 'recording of men's words or the words of satan or devils.'

The red letter bible attempts to differentiate these differences

The term 'inerrant' and the vain forcing of same is a poor excuse for poor scholarship of studies. Ancient Hebrew itself had to be reconstructed to even get a grip on it. Aramaic Greek in use today? Again, only by reconstructions.

At some point a good student just has to roll up their own sleeves and dig in.

Just buying the 'surface' insistence of inerrant is and will remain quite futile. Exactly no 'transliteration' can be, by nature, inerrant. They are at best a 'close proximity.' And as such they are and can be certainly used of and by The Spirit.

And the general paraphrased versions are even worse, to the point of utter butchering in some cases of applications. Far far far from 'inerrant.' Done by blindmen who are not even believers in some or most cases, but mere scholars who have exactly zero spiritual understandings, but pluck the paraphrases from their own surface understandings, perhaps not even giving heed to many of the finer details.

Any perceived errors in scripture are attributable to us, not the Spirit which conveyed the scriptures. Because we know that we are full of error and misunderstanding, it should be no surprise that our surety in our own ability to understand is one of the things we are to lay down for Christ. Working backwards in the Spirit given after our surrender, we may resolve any perceived error in favor of the truth. The resolution may not be what we would like, but we must accept that we ultimately are not the judge of what is good or evil.
Most people believe that the Bible is without error in its orriginal tongue. There are many Authorized KJV only people on this forum who think this version is without error. I can't agree.
But to start picking out things that a person thinks are not inspired by God usually goes way overboard. I have a friend who does not agree with the words of Jesus, "I am the way, the truth and the life; no man comes to the Father but by Me.". Nor does she agree with the words of Paul because she says those are Paul's ideas. She never reads the Bible because she thinks everything she disagrees with is not of God. I went so far as to tell her that her argument is not with me but with God. That if she is not serving the God of the Bible, she is serving a man made god of her own creation. She got really mad. Still, we have a deep mutual friendship. She does believe that Jesus died for her sins. But I continue to pray for her.

It sounds to me like the liberal theologian is trying to make excuses for his own lack of faith. The Word of God itself proclaims that Jesus is without sin. Jesus believed the Hebrew Scriptures and quoted from them endlessly. It claims that all Scripture is given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. You either believe God or you call Him a liar.
My personal preference on translations is the NASB, but it is always a good idea to stay rooted in the language in which it was originally written.
The inerrancy of the Bible is proven by Jesus' reliance upon and references to it. Therefor if we consider that the bible may be errant, we question the very basis of our faith.
Often, with the promulgation of 'innerancy' comes with it the idea of rigid identical statements of fact.

The Word is simply not constructed this way. Will show 3 scriptures, all identical as to statement, yet all 3 vary. Is the construct and placement of these Words/sentence structures the basis of being inerrant? Or are the statements, 3, in what they convey inerrant? They are, all 3, supposedly direct quotes of God.

Yet they are not identical:

Deuteronomy 8:3

And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.

Matthew 4:4

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Luke 4:4
And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

All three of these statements are Gods Own Words.

Now, pick the inerrant statement.

Get the drift? Inerrant does not imply rigidity in exact Word for Word REPLICATION.

Often this issue comes up with the recordings of the Gospel writers. Many of Jesus' Own Statements VARY and often they vary for VERY PRECISE differences in recordings.

These same statements will also and often point back to Old Testament Words of God as well, and again, there will be variations.

These variations are with DIVINE INTENTIONS.

In part they are to move us OFF the ideas of exact rigidity and move us INTO understandings of deeper intentions.

If a person gets caught up in the false idea of exact replications of these things they will soon come to soil and spoil the party and possibly stumble in their own ideas, which they probably should.

They are then not 'inerrant' as to rigidity of Word for Word statements. That argument utterly FAILS on the surface!

Any half wit can see that Jesus' Own Words are varied from man to man recording of same for the SAME EVENTS. What is much more difficult is to peer behind the curtains on these matters of variations.

The Gospel writers, via the Inspiration of the Spirit INTENTIONALLY vary the Words of Jesus Christ. They also intentionally vary the accounts themselves as to details.

Take ANY parable account for example and you will assuredly find NUMEROUS variations. Numerous. And they are so BY DIVINE INTENT. The most important PARABLE statements of Jesus Himself, in the parable of the Sower from 3 writers VARIES WIDELY from man to man. Some have speculated that is so because they were repeated teachings that varied with the teacher speaker, Jesus.

But most often this is NOT the case. They vary for other reasons. I've even read that some scholars, in trying to 'enforce' rigid infallibility will ascribe MULTIPLE events. The loaves and fishes account is another of these same. The details vary. So inerrant claimers, having no where else to go from their boxed corner, MUST go to multiple events in order to have consistency OR they have DIFFERENT EXACT WORDS OF JESUS.

Sorry. Doesn't compute. There were not multiple individuals possessed with LEGION nor were there MULTIPLE events of loaves and fishes.

Paul himself VARIED his own factual statements, and ALSO did so by the inspiration of THE SPIRIT. Could point to MANY of this same type of 'action' in Paul's Words.

This is a way to know the marks of Spirit Inspiration. A phony is easily unearthed. The writers themselves work with a Divine Methodology that is HIDDEN from view, yet it is in PLAIN SIGHT. It's also part of the reason there is soooo much DIVISION.
Did Jesus provide an abundance of DIFFERENT STATEMENTS for the SAME EVENTS? One might certainly think so if you stacked up each writers quotes .....because they ALL differ.

What is harder to understand is WHY they differ. That, dear reader is for YOU to personally discover.

One of my favorite examples of this type of variation is found in the account of the man possessed by Legion. ALL 3 writers of this 'same account' vary in their details, even in the details of Jesus Own Words and those of Legion. Even the courses of actions proceeding to and proceeding the events VARY.

These matters have PLAGUED many a biblical scholar. But, beneath these variations are DIVINE GEMS of understandings that are exactly MEANT to frustrate the surface readers. When these GEMS are unearthed they will provide even MORE respect for the DIVINE methods the writers employed, not LESS.

It makes His Words and the 'handlers and recorders' beyond any doubt, DIVINE in their workings. Yet hidden from views.

IN the hands of exhaustive examinations, those WORDS will yield the fruits of their intentions. But to read them in rigidity and only on the surface brush will yield vastly less.

In such observations, for which there are many variants, it is the 'expression of the idea' and the richness in various details that are of uttermost importance, and not the rigidity of Word for Word identical statements.
The variations are placed BY DIVINE INTENT.


Amazing to say the least that the word of God is living and powerful and effectual.. it's literally how we are born again.. and so these things are spiritually discerned.. no doubt about it.. and to a point you made earlier.. at first glance of the scriptures we can only seem to 'see' them as rigid in their truth.. so I agree.. it's infinitely more amazing than that..

The word of God is LIVING...

We could think upon that for ever and probably not scratch it.. etc..
Bible Wheel...

So on a slightly more 'rigid' note.. this is perhaps one of the most interesting sites I've seen... and it's simply the in depth study by a brother, of the word of God and its perfect symmetry, in its entirety..

Check this out.. wonderful testimony to the infinite and eternal glory of The Holy Scriptures.. the oracles of God.

I thought it would be interesting for the thread..
And no doubt that another amazing aspect to the oracles of God is that they were entrusted to the nation of Israel.. the very nation to which they were entrusted has been blinded in part (judicially imo), and actually cut off from the root of our Lord Jesus Christ..

So thinking about that for a moment is pretty intense.. the oracles of God which we have in our hands today is the impeccable work of the OT PROPHETS and SCRIBES.. and yet that nation has not yet received Christ.. they're still blinded in part until the fulness of the GENTILES be come in..

So look at it this way as well.. who could ever attribute the nation of Israel to 'forging' so to speak the oracles of God to which they were entrusted... when they rejected the very personification of those ancient OT scriptures.. including the NT, even unto this day.. ?

And yet they're all about Him..

Marvelous to say the least imo..

They're going to see Him in the end though.. just as sure as Joseph revealed himself to the very brothers who sold him to the Gentiles..
Yes it's that subject again but I've found some recent articles on this and thought I'd share them.

First up is Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary on how absolute biblical inerrancy must be defended at all costs:

[noticing the empty seats] If these men were saying God wants you to be wealthy and rich, the pews would be packed.
Most people believe that the Bible is without error in its orriginal tongue. There are many Authorized KJV only people on this forum who think this version is without error. I can't agree.
But to start picking out things that a person thinks are not inspired by God usually goes way overboard. I have a friend who does not agree with the words of Jesus, "I am the way, the truth and the life; no man comes to the Father but by Me.". Nor does she agree with the words of Paul because she says those are Paul's ideas. She never reads the Bible because she thinks everything she disagrees with is not of God. I went so far as to tell her that her argument is not with me but with God. That if she is not serving the God of the Bible, she is serving a man made god of her own creation. She got really mad. Still, we have a deep mutual friendship. She does believe that Jesus died for her sins. But I continue to pray for her.

It sounds to me like the liberal theologian is trying to make excuses for his own lack of faith. The Word of God itself proclaims that Jesus is without sin. Jesus believed the Hebrew Scriptures and quoted from them endlessly. It claims that all Scripture is given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. You either believe God or you call Him a liar.

Why are these theologians the ones with a lack of faith? Not sure what puts you in an elevated position to pass such a judgement.

Yes, inspiration. Doesn't mean "dictated word for word"

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The inerrancy of the Bible is proven by Jesus' reliance upon and references to it. Therefor if we consider that the bible may be errant, we question the very basis of our faith.

My faith is based on Jesus dying for my sins and being raised from the dead.

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