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By His Stripes we are Healed !

I dont know...maybe its possible some missed this the first time around

Cornelius said:
So which other parts of the curse did Jesus fail to take away, when He took it upon Himself?
Are you SERIOUS, C ?>
Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed to men once to die, but after this the judgment,
When did 'death' enter the picture, C?
For since by a man death came, also by a Man comes the resurrection of the dead.
(1 Corinthians 15:21 EMTV)

Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death passed to all men, because all sinned--
(Romans 5:12 EMTV)

And to Adam He said, Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree, of which I commanded you, saying, You shall not eat of it! The ground is cursed for your sake. In pain shall you eat of it all the days of your life. It shall also bring forth thorns and thistles to you, and you shall eat the herb of the field. In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are, and to dust you shall return.
(Genesis 3:17-19 MKJV)
Seems like someone forgot something there, friend ;)

follower of Christ said:
Cornelius said:
Yes it is clear now. Not all Christians have been delivered from the curse, so not all will be healed.
And so to make your claims consistent with scripture we have to believe that your error believes that you ALSO have been 'delivered' from the 'curse' of physical death, yet scripture shows that ALL are appointed once to die...

One thing I LOVE about false doctrines. They cannot help but foul themselves up. :lol

Only some have been delivered from the curse and THEY will be healed. Am I getting it now? This is what you are saying ?
Apparently youre leaving some of the components of the curse, chap...which is death.

Oddly we see that part of the ACTUAL curse is death...and we also see that we ALL are still appointed once to VERY clearly something about YOUR version of the 'curse' is VERY wrong ;)

we done here ?

LOL, who said I believe that we must die? Enoch did not die, neither did Elijah.

We have entered the time, where even death will be conquered. Jesus paid the price for the whole curse, not just some puny little bit of it.

If death is the last enemy that will be conquered, then sickness must have been conquered before.

1Cr 15:25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.

1Cr 15:26 The last enemy [that] shall be destroyed [is] death.

Some will stay alive and remain and will conquer death. Death is an enemy, like sickness. Sickness has been conquered, now death must go as well.

1Th 4:17 Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
follower of Christ said:
Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death passed to all men, because all sinned--
(Romans 5:12 EMTV)

Seems like someone forgot something there, friend ;)


Amen, and then Jesus came...............and took it all away.

Lets look at it in context LOL (love it when I get to use that word: "context" :) )

Rom 5:17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)

See? What Adam did was to bring death, but Adam is no match for Jesus. What Jesus did was to restore us so that we can reign over the THIS life. Now if you see sickness as a blessing, then so be it. For all the rest, they can reign over THIS life. Death too will go for those who believe that Jesus indeed conquered THIS life.
Cornelius said:
LOL, who said I believe that we must die? Enoch did not die, neither did Elijah.
I now youre Enoch or Elijah and scripture is lying when it says;
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
(Hebrews 9:27 KJV)
We have entered the time, where even death will be conquered. Jesus paid the price for the whole curse, not just some puny little bit of it.
So now youre immortal too, eh ? ;)

Can I assume that if we keep going, C, that we're going to find out all sorts of new and interesting twists to your doctrinal views ? :)

If death is the last enemy that will be conquered, then sickness must have been conquered before.
Who in the church has lived without dying ? Anyone ?

Let me ask you this, C....are there ANY believers living now on this planet who have not faced physical death who were born more than 300 years ago ?

Some will stay alive and remain and will conquer death. Death is an enemy, like sickness. Sickness has been conquered, now death must go as well.
Some will stay alive ? For how long ?
Are there any of these alive now ? If not, why not ? Were there no 'true' believers before this generation ?
1Th 4:17 Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. of the Lord...aint happened yet :)
Cornelius said:
Amen, and then Jesus came...............and took it all away.
Will you die physically if Jesus does not return in the next 100 years, C ?

Lets look at it in context LOL (love it when I get to use that word: "context" :) )
If you actually applied some context this would be an entirely different discussion.

See? What Adam did was to bring death, but Adam is no match for Jesus. match eh ? Put on your boxing gloves Adam ;)

What Jesus did was to restore us so that we can reign over the THIS life.
Yet again youve managed to dance entirely AROUND the issue at hand :lol
Part of the CURSE in Genesis was returning to the dust from which we came, C.
Scripture SAYS it is appointed unto men once to DIE...then resurrection and judgment.

How is it that the curse was 'removed' supposedly and STILL WE DIE !

You cling to things that ARENT mentioned in scripture and dodge when we show you things that ARE.
Let me explain about dying ONCE.
You will find it in this verse Hbr 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

So here is what differentiates Christians from unbelievers. We do have to die ONCE and only then do we get to live forever . That "once" death is here and is a MUST for salvation :

Mat 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

See? Here the Christian gets to loose his life.(spiritually speaking) and here a Christian gets to receive life eternal in exchange. But this death is counted by God as .........once to die.........that we read in Hebrews. This is indeed difficult for some to believe, but its true nevertheless . That is why Jesus could say about John Jhn 21:22 Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what [is that] to thee? follow thou me. Jesus can do that if He wants to. He says : Be it to you according to your faith.
Exposing Heresies, one verse at a time...

Cornelius said:
Let me explain about dying ONCE.
You will find it in this verse Hbr 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

So here is what differentiates Christians from unbelievers. We do have to die ONCE and only then do we get to live forever . That "once" death is here and is a MUST for salvation :
And so this 'death' that entered into the picture because of sin that is part of the curse...this returning to the dust from whence we came....IS still in EFFECT, thus the curse has NOT been lifted in the way YOU claim.

Not to mention the fact that I can find NOTHING about the curse that says 'you will get diseases and have legs amputated" to be UNdone at the Cross.
follower of Christ said:
Cornelius said:
Amen, and then Jesus came...............and took it all away.
Will you die physically if Jesus does not return in the next 100 years, C ?


Sure I will :) He said that death is the LAST enemy . I still have a few before death/ But , if Jesus is at the door NOW, then of course I will live. I am not going to die of the curse and if indeed these are the last times, we are about to move into the time of REV 12 now. Great anointing is coming and you are going to get over what ever problem you have. I really do not care if you are missing anything, we are entering the time now , where you will be abled to healed. God is about to pour His grace out on this little planet one last time.And then the end comes :)
Re: Exposing Heresies, one verse at a time...

follower of Christ said:
And so this 'death' that entered into the picture because of sin that is part of the curse...this returning to the dust from whence we came....IS still in EFFECT, thus the curse has NOT been lifted in the way YOU claim.

Not to mention the fact that I can find NOTHING about the curse that says 'you will get diseases and have legs amputated" to be UNdone at the Cross.

well maybe you should look into the word blessing rather ? Look up blessing (the opposite of curse) then see if amputated legs fall under "blessing" . I guess that should cover it then. If you cannot find it, then maybe run it past "curse" and see if amputated legs would be a curse ? If so , then you have found it ! That should work, what do you think?
Cornelius said:
Sure I will :) He said that death is the LAST enemy .
Just checking.
There are some weird cults out there who claim that all true believers are still walking the earth from 2000 years ago. Where theyre hiding is beyond me ;)

That said, you very clearly have a contradiction, even if you cannot accept it.

Part of the CURSE was returning to the dust from which we came (Gen 3:19).
You KNOW you WILL return to that dust, as we ALL will, but then you make this bogus claim that Christ 'saved' you from the curse, of which returning to the dust is part.

VERY contradictory...tho Im certain you will dance around it yet again.
Re: Exposing Heresies, one verse at a time...

Cornelius said:
well maybe you should look into the word blessing rather ? Look up blessing (the opposite of curse) then see if amputated legs fall under "blessing" . I guess that should cover it then. If you cannot find it, then maybe run it past "curse" and see if amputated legs would be a curse ? If so , then you have found it ! That should work, what do you think?
Why would I need to waste my time looking it up when I can find christian amputees right here who havent grow new legs ?
Re: Exposing Heresies, one verse at a time...

follower of Christ said:
Cornelius said:
well maybe you should look into the word blessing rather ? Look up blessing (the opposite of curse) then see if amputated legs fall under "blessing" . I guess that should cover it then. If you cannot find it, then maybe run it past "curse" and see if amputated legs would be a curse ? If so , then you have found it ! That should work, what do you think?
Why would I need to waste my time looking it up when I can find christian amputees right here who havent grow new legs ?

Great, then we can asked them if it is a blessing or a curse, since you are not sure.
follower of Christ said:
Cornelius said:
Sure I will :) He said that death is the LAST enemy .
Just checking.
There are some weird cults out there who claim that all true believers are still walking the earth from 2000 years ago. Where theyre hiding is beyond me ;)

That said, you very clearly have a contradiction, even if you cannot accept it.

Part of the CURSE was returning to the dust from which we came (Gen 3:19).
You KNOW you WILL return to that dust, as we ALL will, but then you make this bogus claim that Christ 'saved' you from the curse, of which returning to the dust is part.

VERY contradictory...tho Im certain you will dance around it yet again.

I don't even have to move . let alone dance LOL Its no contradiction to agree with the Bible. God says that death is the last of the curse that will go, so that's it. Its the last to go. :nod
Re: Exposing Heresies, one verse at a time...

Cornelius said:
Great, then we can asked them if it is a blessing or a curse, since you are not sure.
So this is where we've come to in this discussion, eh ?
I hope I can convince myself I havent wasted yet another day here with meaningless nonsense that is going to go nowhere.
Cornelius said:
I don't even have to move . let alone dance LOL Its no contradiction to agree with the Bible. God says that death is the last of the curse that will go, so that's it. Its the last to go. :nod
Convenient. ;)
follower of Christ said:
Cornelius said:
I don't even have to move . let alone dance LOL Its no contradiction to agree with the Bible. God says that death is the last of the curse that will go, so that's it. Its the last to go. :nod
Convenient. ;)

Amen, the truth always is :)
Re: Exposing Heresies, one verse at a time...

follower of Christ said:
Cornelius said:
Great, then we can asked them if it is a blessing or a curse, since you are not sure.
So this is where we've come to in this discussion, eh ?
I hope I can convince myself I havent wasted yet another day here with meaningless nonsense that is going to go nowhere.

I pray that you have not waisted another day.
Cornelius said:
Amen, the truth always is :)
No friend, you still have yet to explain some things. ;)

You said we were saved from the curse by Christ. YOu have yet to SHOW that ALL believers WILL be healed from scripture.

We've danced around the floor with all this other distraction and irrelevance and it has amused me for a while here as I have been trying to discern just how far out into left field your game is going (hence all the odd questions and drilling), but now that thats been discerned a bit, we STILL REQUIRE for you to PROVE your case that ALL believers will be healed by God (if only they have faith, that is).
Re: Exposing Heresies, one verse at a time...

Cornelius said:
I pray that you have not waisted another day.
Im certain that I havent.
If one person is kept from falling for your error, C, it is entirely worth the effort. :)