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Calling evil good


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You haven't posted any bible verses yet, just links to bible hub.

I haven't had any problems reading the bible verses that Shilohsfoal has posted. They have all appeared quite clearly to me. I didn't even realize the scriptures that Shilohsfoal's foal had posted were hyperlinks to bible hub. Perhaps that is the only thing you see, or maybe that is all you look for. Well, that, and the phony transgender agenda threat you presume to see well.

Your OP is supposedly on the transgender agenda. Seeing that this is one of the next political wedge issues that is promoted as a threat by the conservatives and seems to stir up the outrage in the self righteous, can you tell me, in all of collegiate athletics, how many transgender athletes are competing?
I haven't had any problems reading the bible verses that @Shilohsfoal has posted. They have all appeared quite clearly to me. I didn't even realize the scriptures that @Shilohsfoal's foal had posted were hyperlinks to bible hub. Perhaps that is the only thing you see, or maybe that is all you look for. Well, that, and the phony transgender agenda threat you presume see well.

People are free to post links to commentary or links to scripture.

Since he was claiming things that were controversial, I asked him to post the actual scripture that said the two witnesses were evil.

Which ones? Please be specific. Does the law of "thou shalt not murder" torment people.

I may have been mistaken, but I presumed you to be a deeper thinker than that. Are you telling me you can't even begin to fathom how the law and the commandments might torment people, constantly living under the fear of eternal damnation?
I may have been mistaken, but I presumed you to be a deeper thinker than that. Are you telling me you can't even begin to fathom how the law and the commandments might torment people, constantly living under the fear of eternal damnation?
Who lives like this? Do you know the commandments of Jesus? “Love others as you love yourself” is one. Is this tormenting some…this having to treat others as you’d like to be treated?

Actually, I think more deeply than you. You plead the theoretical case of some who find the commands of God, many of which are the law in just lands and all of which make for a much better society, just too terrible to do. I wonder what laws they’d like freedom from…do not steal…don’t be jealous of what others have…don’t lie about others…. which do they want to ignore to get out of this theoretical burden?
You believe the transgender agenda is phony?

It's fake news, but of the stories you seem to like to promote. Now you did not answer my question. Please don't ignore, but answer it honestly.

In collegiate athletics under the NCAA, how many transgenders athletes are there and what percentage of collegiate sports athletes do they represent?
It's fake news, but of the stories you seem to like to promote. Now you did not answer my question. Please don't ignore, but answer it honestly.

In collegiate athletics under the NCAA, how many transgenders athletes are there and what percentage of collegiate sports athletes do they represent?

We are seeing more and more people that are turning to transgender identities and homosexuality.

They are trying to introduce these things in our schools.

If there is just one transgender man competing in women's sports its too many.

Teaching this perverted nonsense to little children is inexcusable and Satanic.

Please wake op!

We are seeing more and more people that are turning to transgender identities and homosexuality.

They are trying to introduce these things in our schools.

If there is just one transgender man competing in women's sports its too many.

Teaching this perverted nonsense to little children is inexcusable and Satanic.

Please wake op!


So you can't answer the question after all.

Since you can't seem to answer that question, then maybe you can tell me: Which is the greater offense towards God, the man who puts on a dress and makeup and calls himself transgender, or the man who presumes to speak for God and usurp His authority?
So you can't answer the question after all.

Since you can't seem to answer that question, then maybe you can tell me: Which is the greater offense towards God, the man who puts on a dress and makeup and calls himself transgender, or the man who presumes to speak for God and usurp His authority?
Do you have an example of the latter, please? I cannot imagine ursurping God’s authority.
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We are seeing more and more people that are turning to transgender identities and homosexuality.

They are trying to introduce these things in our schools.

If there is just one transgender man competing in women's sports its too many.
Already done and of course the male won.

Teaching this perverted nonsense to little children is inexcusable and Satanic.

Please wake op!

Women’s sports are soon dead.
Do you have an example of the latter, please?

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

It is the workings of Satan that drives the man of sin to oppose and exalt himself above God, showing HIMSELF that he is God. It is the same workings of Satan in the garden, the temptation of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, so that with this knowledge, they might be as God, judging good and evil.

The man of sin is a man under the law of sin and death. The man of sin exalts himself, claiming for his own the words of the scriptures to stand in condemnation of transgender, gays and the sexual deviant because they findeth a verse justifying their declaration, and show themselves as speaking for God. With the death and resurrection of Christ, all manner of sins in the flesh were forgiven unto man, but to the man of sin, the law and commandments carry more authority than the Spirit of God who first gave those commandments, but then said you have been redeemed.
Already done and of course the male won.

Women’s sports are soon dead.

Yes, that was all I was ever aware of, the one story continuously promoted by conservative media with their own sinister agenda in mind, the male transgender athlete competing in women's swimming competition. So I had to do a quick little google search, and found there are 33 athletes who have declared themselves to be transgender. That is 33 athletes out of nearly 460,000 student athletes in the NCAA. That is 0.007% of the student athletic body.

Is 0.007% such a significant number that it constitutes over half a dozen red states passing laws against the supposed transgender threat?
Actually, I think more deeply than you.

I only said I thought you to be a deeper thinker than what you were showing yourself to be. Where is your humility in presuming to be a deeper thinker than myself? What do you know of my thoughts?

I find a scripture that said be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby have some entertained angels unaware. And Jesus, when asked when have we saw you hungered and fed you, when did we see you a stranger and took you in, or was naked and clothed thee; He answered and said when you have done it unto these the least of these, then you have done it unto me. And as the deep thinker that I am, meditating on the words of the scripture, I think to myself, what if Jesus were to appear before me unawares as a homeless man, or worse yet, what if Jesus were to appear to me unawares as a gay man, or a transgender: how would I treat him?

In the parable of the wheat and the tares, it is said they they look alike, but in the end at the time of the harvest, the fruit of the tare becomes evident first. What is the gay and the transgender to me if God should raise them up at this time to provoke his children to jealousy?
The two witnesses don't come down from heaven from God.
Rev 11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.

jump down to:

Rev 11:11 And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.
Rev 11:12 And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.

These verses differ from what you say. They are sent by God as the word and the Holy Spirit. Do you really think God sent them to torment and kill people or did He send them to preach His word as it's the words they speak that torment those who are tired of hearing the Gospel preached to them. Nowhere in hapter 11 does it say they kill anyone.

Rev 11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
Rev 11:4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
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