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Can Obedience To God Earn Salvation?

Obey is not simply a heart response and nothing more, it is DOING what Christ said.
I've already mentioned that "obey" is actually a translation of multiple words in Greek, and you haven't really proved it's DOING. It keeps coming up. Demonstrate such.
Again in Rom 10:3 Paul said the Jews were lost for they would not submit. Submit implies doing, they would not do something.
And five verses ahead of that Paul said it couldn't have been as though it were by works. Care to explain why your assertion is not making Paul's contradictory?
The Only Obeidence that earned Salvation with God, is this one ONLY Rom 5:19

19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

All other obedience for the purpose of earning salvation is Idolatry and antichrist !
The context of Jn 6 :27-29 does not say that God does the work of believing, God does not have to believe, man does.
But Jesus' statement at John 6:29 is that God's work is that you believe.
In Acts 16, the jailer was commanded to believe. The imperative shows it was incumbent upon the jailer to believe, that he had within him the ability to believe and given the responsibility to believe.
So can people follow the entire law? All Israel was commanded to do the entire law, it was incumbent upon them to do the entire law. Did they have the ability to do the entire law?
You point out yourself the people asked "Well how do we work to believe?"
And yet the answer is never an answer of working to believe.

I won't accept an answer contradicting Paul's contrast of works and faith in Romans 9:32.
They knew Jesus was giving them the work to do. In Jn 6:27 Jesus plainly said to work for the meat that endures unto everlasting life. That settles the issue that one must work for everlasting life and the people in v28 was asking what work it was THEY were to do to have everlasting life.
Okay, so, you're going to take plainly the prior statement? "Don't work for the food that perishes ...", doesn't that contradict statements like those in 2 Thessalonians?

The statement of Jesus is a contrast, that if you're going to work for one, certainly you should work all the more for the food of eternal life. But as He goes on Jesus' statements shift away from work, from the capability of people to work for eternal life, and for their complete dependence on God for eternal life and not their own work: (cf John 6:39)
You post ""Well then, what will You do for a sign for us to believe?"

The last part of the verse says "for US to believe. They wanted Jesus to give them a sign so THEY could believe, not God believe for them.
As I've never asserted that God's believing for them -- only that God changes hearts so that they believe -- objecting to a claim I never made doesn't really fall on me.
If God believes for people then He would believe for all for it is His desire that all be saved. And it all are not saved then that would be because God failed to believe for some making them, forcing them into unbelievers and you have made God culpable for the lost. So belief is a work given to man that man is responsible for doing and if he does not believe then he is at fault and not God.
Belief is not as a work, according to Paul in Romans 9:32. Why would I contradict a direct statement of an Apostle in order to establish a theology?
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In Acts
, the jailer was commanded to believe. The imperative shows it was
incumbent upon the jailer to believe, that he had within him the ability to
believe and given the responsibility to believe.

Every body is not the Jailor in Acts 16 ! And with that said, if his believing or obedience to a command is what saved him, then he was saved by works or by keeing the law ! And that is false !
You made the statement, all I ask is that you back it up.

You asked a question, and I asked you one, back yours up ! Also you intentionally asked the question out of the context in which I made it ! If you are a person of integrity you will confess that dishonesty !
This thread came about as a result of a post I made in another thread:

"The only way one can make his salvation something earned/something of debt and not of grace is by keeping God's law sinlessly perfect. But Abraham and David both sinned so they could not earn salvation by works they needed grace and received grace by obedient faith and not works of merit.

Since the only way to gain salvation by debt and not of grace is by perfect sinlessness.....

This means any argument accusing those who do sin but obey as trying to earning salvation are bad, false arguments for obedient works do not, cannot ever earn salvation.

Would you accuse Abraham of trying to earn salvation by his obedient faith?"

Obedient faith? Faith is obedient.

Obedience is the very nature of faith.

Faith is not a self effort. If you agree that it is a gift then it it something added to you, not something from you. If faith is from the believer then it is not faith, it's just a work.

What is the origin of faith for you? You or God?
What is the origin of faith for you? You or God?

That is not a sufficient gauge, because all of our works are from God Isa 26:12

LORD, thou wilt ordain peace for us: for thou also hast wrought all our works in us.

They are our works, but they were wrought in us by God, so He is there rightful origin ! And that is why Faith or Believing is our Work wrought in us. But man is not saved by good works wrought in us !
That is not a sufficient gauge, because all of our works are from God Isa 26:12

LORD, thou wilt ordain peace for us: for thou also hast wrought all our works in us.

They are our works, but they were wrought in us by God, so He is there rightful origin ! And that is why Faith or Believing is our Work wrought in us. But man is not saved by good works wrought in us !

Well I'll answer my own question for me then. the origin of my faith, the very source of it, is from God and God alone. The only reason I have any faith is because God gave it to me to have.

Well I'll answer my own question for me then. the origin of my faith,

I do not know. I am not interested in that either. My point is that the works that a believer does have their source from God, I gave you scripture, you either believe it or you don't !

Now that said, if one believes their faith, obedience, or believing is what forms the basis of their Justification before God, then they espouse salvation by works !
But Jesus' statement at John 6:29 is that God's work is that you believe.

Again, God is the genesis of the work that He gives to man.

Your employer makes widgets. So the work of your employer is for you to make widgets. If your employer makes the widgets himself then he does not need you. Yet the employer himself does not make the widgets, he is the genesis, souce, provider of the work he has hired you to do.

In verse 27 Jesus said to work for the meat that endures unto everlasting life. THis settles the issue that one must work for everlasting life. After Jesus told them to work for everlasting life the people asked "What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?"

The people understood that Jesus was giving them a work to do, they asked what work of God is that WE MUST DO. And from verse 29 that work from God that Jesus gave them to do was the work of believing.

Again when the peole asked "What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?" Jesus did NOT say "do no works else you would be earning your savlation" nor did Jesus say "do no works for God will do it for you" nor did Jesus say "do no works for I have done all the necessary works". These are typical responses one who believes in faith only would give to these people but not what Jesus said at all.

Heymickey80 said:
So can people follow the entire law? All Israel was commanded to do the entire law, it was incumbent upon them to do the entire law. Did they have the ability to do the entire law?

Yes, the jailer was commanded to believe...he was given the work of belief to do as Jesus said in Jn 2:27-29. The imperative means the jailer had both the ability and responsibility to believe. The jailer was not commanded to keep the law of Moses as fleshly Israel but commanded to obey Christ's NT law concerning belief, Jn 3:16; Jn 8:24; etc.

Heymickey80 said:
And yet the answer is never an answer of working to believe.

I won't accept an answer contradicting Paul's contrast of works and faith in Romans 9:32.

You said yourself the people answered Jesus ""Well how do we work to believe?"

So you must have understood that Jesus was giving them a work to do.

In Rom 9:32 Paul is contrasting NT faith from the works of the OT law. NT faith is a work. In Rom 9 Paul was answering objections he knew the Jews would have about God cutting them off and grafting in the Gentiles, Rom 11. From Rom 9 to the beginning of Rom 10 the Jews were lost for they would not submit/obey the comandments of God, they would not beleive and confess with the mouth, that is, they would not call upon the name of the Lord/they would not obey the gospel.

Heymickey80 said:
Okay, so, you're going to take plainly the prior statement? "Don't work for the food that perishes ...", doesn't that contradict statements like those in 2 Thessalonians?

The statement of Jesus is a contrast, that if you're going to work for one, certainly you should work all the more for the food of eternal life. But as He goes on Jesus' statements shift away from work, from the capability of people to work for eternal life, and for their complete dependence on God for eternal life and not their own work: (cf John 6:39)

First, Jesus said to work for the meat that endures unto everlasting life. Again that settles the issue. So it is IMPOSSIBLE for one to have eternal life without working for it.

Secondly, when Jesus said work not for the meat that perishes, does not mean they are to do nothing for the food they eat for that would contradict verses like 2 Thess 3:10.
Jn 6:27 is an elliptical not-but type statement as is 1 Cor 1:17 or 1 Pet 3:3,4 where emphasis is put one one thing over another but not to the exclusion of both. THey were to put more emphasis on the work that endures unto everlasting life over the work done for food but not to the complete exclusion of working for food. Just as in 1 Pete 3:3,4 wives were to put more emphasis on the inward adorning over the outward but not to the complete exclusion of outward adroning..Peter was not literally telling the wives to be unclothed in 1 Pet 3:3.

HeyMickey80 said:
As I've never asserted that God's believing for them -- only that God changes hearts so that they believe -- objecting to a claim I never made doesn't really fall on me.

So for all those that are lost due to unbelief are lost due to God's fault for failing to change their heart so they could believe. God did not change their hearts thereby making them unblievers then God punishes them for the unbelievers that He made them to be. Of couse this is not the way it is. In Acts 16 the jailer was commanded to believe so he had the ability within himself to believe so if he did not believe that is his faulta dn failure and not God's fault for failing to change his heart where he could then believe. Rom 10:17 says faith comes by hearing the world of God, fiath does not come miraculously, directly from God apart from man hearing His word being preached. When man hears God's word then it is encumbant upon man to believe in his heart and not encumbant upon God to first enable man to believe.

Heymickey80 said:
Belief is not as a work, according to Paul in Romans 9:32. Why would I contradict a direct statement of an Apostle in order to establish a theology?

Believing is a work, 1 Thess 1:3; Gal 5:6 for it is dead if it is not a work. Again, in Rom 9:32 Paul is contrasting NT faith from works of the OT law.
Every body is not the Jailor in Acts 16 ! And with that said, if his believing or obedience to a command is what saved him, then he was saved by works or by keeing the law ! And that is false !

Everyone is not the jailer but everyone has to obey by believing like the jailer if they have any desire to be saved.

Jesus saves those that obey Him, Heb 5:9. Since Jesus uses obedience to Him as the means by which He saves, then in that since obedience does save.

The idea one can be in living in disobedience to Christ and be saved is what is false. Rom 2 Thess 1:8 and Rom 2:8,9 God will have vengeance, wrath, indignation upon those who "obey not".
Obedient faith? Faith is obedient.

Obedience is the very nature of faith.

Faith is not a self effort. If you agree that it is a gift then it it something added to you, not something from you. If faith is from the believer then it is not faith, it's just a work.

What is the origin of faith for you? You or God?

Faith originates within man. Rom 10:17 says faith comes by hearing the word of God. So man hears God words and develops faith within his heart. Rom 10:9 "...and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead."

Faith is a work, 1 Thess 1:3; Gal 5:6 for it is dead if it is not a work.
Well I'll answer my own question for me then. the origin of my faith, the very source of it, is from God and God alone. The only reason I have any faith is because God gave it to me to have.

If the only way man can have faith is if God gives it to him, then all those lost due to faithlessness are lost due to God's fault and failure to give them faith.

Mt 8:26 Jesus criticized those in the boat for having "little faith". If they could only get faith because God gave it to them, then Jesus' criticism should have been directed towards God for failing to give them sufficient faith.
God's sovereignty and man's responsibility are both Biblical truths. There is no need to try to deny one in order to assert the other.
Faith originates within man. Rom 10:17 says faith comes by hearing the word of God. So man hears God words and develops faith within his heart. Rom 10:9 "...and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead."

Faith is a work, 1 Thess 1:3; Gal 5:6 for it is dead if it is not a work.

Must disagree with this.. faith is a FRUIT of the SPIRIT.. and Paul teaches us that faith is NOT of ourselves, that it is a gift of God.. imo this is easy to understand because let's face it.. none of us would have faith in God if it were not for the gospel of His beloved Son.

This doesn't mean that man is not responsible for faith toward God though... because that's what justifies each and every one of us who believe..
Must disagree with this.. faith is a FRUIT of the SPIRIT.. and Paul teaches us that faith is NOT of ourselves, that it is a gift of God.. imo this is easy to understand because let's face it.. none of us would have faith in God if it were not for the gospel of His beloved Son.

This doesn't mean that man is not responsible for faith toward God though... because that's what justifies each and every one of us who believe..

Faith is a gift but its a gift open to all. Not everyone chooses to accept it though.