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Can Obedience To God Earn Salvation?

If the only way man can have faith is if God gives it to him, then all those lost due to faithlessness are lost due to God's fault and failure to give them faith.

Mt 8:26 Jesus criticized those in the boat for having "little faith". If they could only get faith because God gave it to them, then Jesus' criticism should have been directed towards God for failing to give them sufficient faith.

Your blaming God for the fall of man? Interesting. But I'm sure God would disagree. if God did nothing then no one would have salvation after the fall, but because God does something, anyone can have salvation, but not everyone does have it or will. That's a simple fact.
God's sovereignty and man's responsibility are both Biblical truths. There is no need to try to deny one in order to assert the other.

God''s sovereignty does not cause man to sin against his own will thereby God causes man to be lost. If only God 100% determines who has and who does not have faith, then man has no responsibility in having or not having faith.

Everyone is not the jailer but everyone has to obey by believing like the jailer
if they have any desire to be saved.

Yes, but if anyone has that same desire as he did, then they are already saved, and they obey because of that !
Jesus saves those that obey Him, Heb 5:9

Yes, because their obeying Him is the fruit of His Saving them, that is what that verse teaches. He is the Author of Salvation for them that are obeying Him, because that is what His Salvation does, it causes obedience !

Rom 5:19

19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous or obedient.
Must disagree with this.. faith is a FRUIT of the SPIRIT.. and Paul teaches us that faith is NOT of ourselves, that it is a gift of God.. imo this is easy to understand because let's face it.. none of us would have faith in God if it were not for the gospel of His beloved Son.

This doesn't mean that man is not responsible for faith toward God though... because that's what justifies each and every one of us who believe..

The gift in Eph 2:8 is not faith but salvation:

If the only way I cvan have faith is if God gives it to me, then whose fault is it if I am faithless? It sure would not be my fault, it would be God's fault then you have God causing men to to commit the sin of unbelief then God punishes man for being the unbelievers for the sin God caused them to commit.

So faith would only be a gift in the sense that God has granted man the opportunity to have faith much like the Gentiles were granted the opportunity to repent unto life, Acts 11:18. God did not decide which Gentiles would repent and which ones would not, God simply granted/gifted them ALL (not just some) the opportunity to repent.
God''s sovereignty does not cause man to sin against his own will thereby God causes man to be lost. If only God 100% determines who has and who does not have faith, then man has no responsibility in having or not having faith.

Ernest, this does not make sense. "cause man to sin against " who's will? Mans will? Are you suggesting that God causes man to sin by not giving man faith? Is that what you think is meant when someone says God saves by giving faith?
Originally Posted by savedbygrace57
Every body is not the Jailor in Acts 16 ! And with that said, if his believing or obedience to a command is what saved him, then he was saved by works or by keeing the law ! And that is false !

Everyone is not the jailer but everyone has to obey by believing like the jailer if they have any desire to be saved.

Jesus saves those that obey Him, Heb 5:9. Since Jesus uses obedience to Him as the means by which He saves, then in that since obedience does save.

The idea one can be in living in disobedience to Christ and be saved is what is false. Rom 2 Thess 1:8 and Rom 2:8,9 God will have vengeance, wrath, indignation upon those who "obey not".

Think on this...

If just believing is all that is required for salvation then Satan and the demons are saved...

Jas 2:19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
Jas 2:20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

What is the difference? Satan and his demons will not obey!
Your blaming God for the fall of man? Interesting. But I'm sure God would disagree. if God did nothing then no one would have salvation after the fall, but because God does something, anyone can have salvation, but not everyone does have it or will. That's a simple fact.

No, I did not blame God for the fall of man.

What I said was that if the only way man could have faith was if God gave it to him, then it would be God's fault for those who are faithless. Therefore faith is not something God randomly, unconditionally gives to some men and withholds from others.

God did do something, He sent His Son to die for man, and those men who of their own will choose to believe in Christ will be saved. Again, God does not determine for man which men will believe and which ones will not believe.

Yes, but if anyone has that same desire as he did, then they are already saved, and they obey because of that !

Yes, because their obeying Him is the fruit of His Saving them, that is what that verse teaches. He is the Author of Salvation for them that are obeying Him, because that is what His Salvation does, it causes obedience !

Belief is obedience, ASV Jn 3:36. SO one cannot be saved before they believe/obey.

savedbygrace57 said:
Rom 5:19

19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous or obedient.

You only hi-lite the last half of this verse and do not look at the implications of the first part of the verse. If this verse taught what you claim it does, then you are teaching Universalism. Do you believe in Universalism?
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Ernest, this does not make sense. "cause man to sin against " who's will? Mans will? Are you suggesting that God causes man to sin by not giving man faith? Is that what you think is meant when someone says God saves by giving faith?


If the only way I can have faith is if God gives it to me, then whose fault is it if God does not give me faith?

Unbelief is a sin and if God does not give me faith, then whose fault is it that I have sinned this sin of unbelief?
Think on this...

If just believing is all that is required for salvation then Satan and the demons are saved...

Jas 2:19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
Jas 2:20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

What is the difference? Satan and his demons will not obey!

Jn 12:42 "Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess [him], lest they should be put out of the synagogue:"

The chief rulers belief only would not save them for their belief was void of obedience in confessing cf Mt 10:32,33.
So does God randomly, unconditionally determine who will believe or not believe or does each man have to choose for himself if he believes God's word or not, Rom 10:17?

IMO unconditional election is false doctrine.. and I've told you before that I agree that salvation is conditional upon obeying the gospel call.. and that's repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ..

The word of God in Acts 5 flat out tells that He gives the Holy Spirit to those that obey Him...

That's obviously conditional... and Paul affirms the same thing.. that God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation THROUGH sanctification of the Spirit and BELIEF of the truth.

How much clearer does the gospel of God's Son (which is unto obedience to all nations) need to be ?

If the only way I can have faith is if God gives it to me, then whose fault is it if God does not give me faith?

Unbelief is a sin and if God does not give me faith, then whose fault is it that I have sinned this sin of unbelief?

Your sinful nature is on you not God. God offers a way out for you. You have knowledge of God, and any man can have faith, but it is from God to those he chooses as HE sees fit fir HIS glory, not theirs. If you have faith you did not provide it for yourself, God did. If you don't, pray for it.
Your sinful nature is on you not God. God offers a way out for you. You have knowledge of God, and any man can have faith, but it is from God to those he chooses as HE sees fit fir HIS glory, not theirs. If you have faith you did not provide it for yourself, God did. If you don't, pray for it.

But if God chooses, what's the point of praying & asking for it?
But if God chooses, what's the point of praying & asking for it?
When my children want something they ask me. Then, I choose whether or not to grant their request. Is is possible it can work much the same way with God?
When my children want something they ask me. Then, I choose whether or not to grant their request. Is is possible it can work much the same way with God?

And the ones he says no to? They're just unlucky and won't spend eternity with him? God has already said yes, he's waiting for us to say the same.
There's a difference between doing something because you have to and doing it because you love them. If you're gonna obey God, do it because you love Him, not out of "I have to do it to get salvation" or "I don't wanna go to hell" or "I don't want bad things to happen" I think God wants our obedice as an act of love rather than...anything else. I mean, he wants a relationship right? And it wouldn't be a very healthy relationship if we were doing stuff for God just to get a nice vacation for the rest of eternity or out of fear. Neither of those are good.
But if God chooses, what's the point of praying & asking for it?

Or asked another way; if you can choose to have faith what's the point in God's word? To what extent must God reveal himself to anyone since it's simply up to each person? To ask further, if it is up to the individual to make an informed decision to have faith or not, then there are tons of people left out since there are tons of people who either CAN'T make an informed decision, or do not have the option to, either by their own limitations or access to the information. Babies, the mentally ill, or indigent in some way, or deaf and blind people, just to name a few.

However, if the nature of man is sin, and the bible clearly says it is, then we have a huge problem with the idea than man can choose righteousness, because he's NOT. If his nature is sin he might as well be a helpless baby, mentally ill, indigent in some way, or deaf and blind because he doe not have the ability to make a decision he is not equip in any way to make, and he won't. Look around. Read the news. Look at this fallen world. Look at some people who claim to be Christians. Are they all?

God already says in scripture that He chooses before the foundation of the world those who will be saved, that they are predestined as such. That simply indicates that there is one reality to time and space as we know it. this is true, Because no one goes back in time to change it, and no one knows the future. He says anyone can be saved, but not all are, and when people hear this some wonder if they are saved.

People who love God know they love God. They know, and they know God loves them. They may at times feel distant, or wonder if God will effect them in some way, but they know they love God. People who don't, know they don't or they don't care. Often those who wonder if they are saved ARE saved. They are just dealing with doubt from the one who try's to confuse them. If God did not effect people then no one would be saved. All would receive perfect justice for the guilt they are. But God offers something more than justice, he offers grace to some and justice to others. Is it just that anyone not be condemned? NO. All have sinned. All deserve death. So what is it that he offers even one Grace from what they deserve? Love. That's what it is,

Those who try to save themselves by earning salvation will be judge for their efforts and they will be condemned because they can not keep the law. Those who place their faith in Christ and not in themselves will receive grace. Anyone who wants faith can have it, but it comes from God. Many will want it and try to muster it from their own self, and many who know they have no faith will just be given it, bit that course of time is written. Today is yesterdays future, and it was written before you awoke. You may have know yesterday what you where going to do today, but your will for today was limited by your own desire yesterday and is trumped by what ever God had planed to allow.

That's what this thread and just about all the others here are about. How much control people feel they have over their destiny and how much they know they don't. Fact is you don't. You don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, but if you trust in you then you are only limited by you, but if you trust in God then you are limitless, because God is going to do what God has already planed, and trusting in that if faith in God.

Why pray for faith if it's already planed? Because it is already planed. That's why.So, if you want to be a part of what WILL be pray for faith in it, because you can't see it, and if you could you could not face it.
And the ones he says no to? They're just unlucky and won't spend eternity with him? God has already said yes, he's waiting for us to say the same.

The ones he says no to? They don't need God. They make that clear.