You replied as an American. Most people in the world don't get to say "no" to military call. How do you suppose God would have them respond. Pray that God sends me a Christian guard.
Good question.
When Paul and Silas went to prison, they just kept praising the Lord!
I guess that's our example.
I will not fear death.
I've given my life to Jesus.
I firmly believe no one can harm me unless he gives the okay.
And then, who am I to argue with him?
I think that is what someone who holds your views must do.
You mentioned conscientious objector. Not all Chrisitans can honestly make that claim. It would be a lie for me to make such claim and I would love to figure out a way around the draft if I were called up....I am a major chicken. The only thing my conscious would allow me to do is be drafted. Then once in the military if I believed God telling me it's wrong I would have the face be put in military jail or whatever it is they do to folks like that.
I think this is honestly a Romans 14 thing. I cannot judge you for your beliefs because I believe you are trying your best to do what God is calling you to do. I cannot honestly judge the individual Chrisitan who claims they believe it's God will for them to join the service. (two just left from my youth group this past week

I believe I am called to say God Bless you both as you seek to do His will in your life and pray God's continued guidance and protection over us all.