Thank you for your effort Carry, I think the difference in how we look at it, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that in your analogy you see the Son of God sitting in the head office orchestrating how things should be and it is up to us to do our best to represent the head office. As we stumble and fall while trying.Think about it in this way - the church is the body of Christ, we as members of the church are representatives or ambassadors of Christ's kingdom, the rest of the world sees Christ through us, our behavior reflects how the character of Christ is perceived in their mind. I repeat - the rest of the world sees Christ through US, not the bible, for more is cuaght than taught! When you're a representative or an ambassador, you are not yourself, you're the face of your organization, which could be your family, your school, your company, your hometown, your state, even your country. You're a window between the rest of the world and your oraganization. If you're on a business trip to meet a client, that client deals not with you personally but with your company, and you ought to follow the order of your boss who sent you, and not your own ideas. If you do a good job and leave your client with a good impression, you'd earn their trust and honor your company, they'll come back next time; but if you do a bad job and leave your client with a bad impression, you'd lose their trust and dishonor your company. Maybe they won't say it in your face, but they'll cross you off quietly in their mind, and next time they'll find someone else to do business with. Likewise, our own reputation affects Jesus's reputation to our mission field. When a pastor or a deacon is caught in a scandal, that's not just humiliation to themselves, but to the whole body of Christ. No atheist tyrant or propaganda machine could cause more damage to the church than an apostate church itself.
My view is that the Son is living in and moving within each employee. His thoughts become their thoughts his actions become their actions. They have willingly laid down their life. You might even say they have no life of their own. The only life they have is the divine life.
I could agree that the Father is in the head office and we are out in the field and the Comforter is the personal liaison. However, the Son is in the field doing the work within the dependent soul, accomplishing what the believer has no power to do. The believer is given the wonderful privilege of seeing the works of God pour out the ends of his fingertips as the Son both wills and does the work. We are nothing without His life in us.
The Son who lives in us has given up all his power, knowledge and understanding, he cannot see the future or read anyones mind. This is what the cross was meant to reveal to humanity. A willful surrendered. This death to all His prerogatives as God places Him on equal ground with us. He walks in the world continually within His human agents, (His body) and proves to the fallen spirits that sinners can in fact stand against Satan and be victorious.
Satan cannot cry foul because the power to live an obedient life comes from an outside source. The Son has condescended to bear the weakness of sin for humanity and show that all of Satan's charges are false. Satan cannot complain that the power of God is overriding his sophistry, because the individual has requested that help. This gives God the right to flex his muscle to press back the powers of darkness so that the dependent soul may walk through this battlefield victoriously.
We live because He lives, and He lives in total dependence on the Father. The Fathers will is to be carried out by His Son within humanity. But the Son can do nothing unless the Holy Spirit is the energizing power. He could not walk on water or raise the dead unless the spirit empowers him to do so.