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I'm not liking the double standards. The deputy Prime Minister decided to go for a fish, even it's on his water front property it's still land based fishing and if something happens it puts rescuers at risk right?. That's the whole reason "fishing" is banned and I cannot do exactly what he is doing right?

Fishing is either banned for everyone or its not. I'm over these double standards and lack of clarity. If he can do that then people should be able to walk or drive local and go fishing off the water front.
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Fauci can’t seem to recall his own words of 2/29 that the American People shouldn’t be concerned.

Watch what he says at the 35 second mark on...

Fauci can’t seem to recall his own words of 2/29 that the American People shouldn’t be concerned.

Watch what he says at the 35 second mark on...
I've heard of this guy but I don't know who he is...
And this guy also said that this was an evolving situation and things are changing.
A word about NY hospitals...

On any normal day these places are chaotic.
When I was cooking in NY ('89-90) I burned a three inch strip around my wrist...they sent me to the hospital to get patched up.

The place was chaotic, I was treated in a hallway. Never got to an "examination room".

Now, when asking around about why NYC doesn't increase the number of hospitals...the answer is complicated but basically it was because of lawyers and the unions.

The ambulance chasers in NY have made it almost impossible to actually get staff malpractice insurance and anyone to actually accept a contract to construct a new one.

The unions would have a field day on negotiating their contracts as well. The thing would cost three times as much as feasible.
(I'm sure that the temporary hospitals are upsetting the unions now)

Hospitals and patient rooms are some of the most complex things we actually build. ICU rooms are even more so.
All the med-gas, water, data, and power all fight for space with the air ducts. About 1/3 of the total height is ceiling space. And it's full. (It ain't just lights up there)

All that stuff in the walls and ceilings cost a lot of money to put in hours and materials....

And NYC every trade is union.

So...where there is no one person or groups to blame...there's plenty to go around.

And as far as numbers go...
5 million people live in NYC...15 million people work there every day.

I'd leave NYC if I needed medical care. But Hoboken is almost as bad these days.
I'd get on an Amtrak and head to Connecticut or upstate to Poughkeepsie...
No country, except maybe China, was ready or prepared for 19. That's why everything is a mess and governments don't know what they are doing and lock everyone down and make things up as they go.
The news said there were no deaths on the road over the long Easter weekend. The lowest in years. I'm guessing it's because no one was allowed to leave there house over the Easter weekend.
If a business can operate safely it should be allowed to open. If shopping centres and gas stations are open and can operate safely so can other businesses.

Level 3 should have been max in my opinion. Social distance and no gatherings that's all they needed to enforce. That's all this is about. Level 4 lockdown is just overboard.

The excuse is stay home and saves lives. I'm saving lives if I social distance, don't have a gathering, and wash my hands, nothing to do with staying at home.
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No country, except maybe China, was ready or prepared for 19. That's why everything is a mess and governments don't know what they are doing and lock everyone down and make things up as they go.
That might be the case in NZ but not in Australia.
I'm guessing it's because no one was allowed to leave there house over the Easter weekend.

Well that's the way it's supposed to be but not everybody listened to it unfortunately. Let's see how the numbers of those infected in my state looks a couple of weeks from now.
A word about NY hospitals...

On any normal day these places are chaotic.
When I was cooking in NY ('89-90) I burned a three inch strip around my wrist...they sent me to the hospital to get patched up.

The place was chaotic, I was treated in a hallway. Never got to an "examination room".

Now, when asking around about why NYC doesn't increase the number of hospitals...the answer is complicated but basically it was because of lawyers and the unions.

The ambulance chasers in NY have made it almost impossible to actually get staff malpractice insurance and anyone to actually accept a contract to construct a new one.

The unions would have a field day on negotiating their contracts as well. The thing would cost three times as much as feasible.
(I'm sure that the temporary hospitals are upsetting the unions now)

Hospitals and patient rooms are some of the most complex things we actually build. ICU rooms are even more so.
All the med-gas, water, data, and power all fight for space with the air ducts. About 1/3 of the total height is ceiling space. And it's full. (It ain't just lights up there)

All that stuff in the walls and ceilings cost a lot of money to put in hours and materials....

And NYC every trade is union.

So...where there is no one person or groups to blame...there's plenty to go around.

And as far as numbers go...
5 million people live in NYC...15 million people work there every day.

I'd leave NYC if I needed medical care. But Hoboken is almost as bad these days.
I'd get on an Amtrak and head to Connecticut or upstate to Poughkeepsie...

Very sad how the corruption destroys city’s like New York, Chicago, LA, San Francisco...,

It’s always the people who suffer.

Very sad how the corruption destroys city’s like New York, Chicago, LA, San Francisco...,

It’s always the people who suffer.

It's the same attitude that makes hoarding a much hoarding of toilet paper makes the shelves run empty where the non hoarders can't get any.

The very same thing happened during the last siege of Jerusalem in 70AD...

I'm just glad that there is no problem with the supply chain. Otherwise things would really get ugly.
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