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Doesn't have to happen. Just build factories to produce needed tests and medical supplies. South Korea and Singapore are getting by just fine without lockdown. They test people to find the infected, and just lock down the infected.

Build some factories already. We need meds and supplies now. Many US businesses can't wait until we can import stuff from China and India again. A few government run med factories can rescue thousands of private businesses.
You have way,way too much confidence in the govt .

Three weeks to even get unemployment,Florida's has crashed and it makes Obama care look bad .

I get the overload but yeah its one thing I have learned ,govt help is a day late,dollar short .business loans always as problematic.
The third quote is just a labor rate if you supply ALL appropriate materials...or could be a scam. Probably a scam. The $3,300 is an appropriate price including materials. But still not the premium board.
Silver coated copper bus bars are too expensive for most homeowners. I've put them in my places for good reasons when I needed to. (Usually extreme temperature changes and moisture)
Bolt on breakers too...
Then a good amount of dielectric grease to cover bus bars and both breaker contacts.

Then because you are looking at a main board are also looking at an inspection.
It's easy to get them to pull the meter but really difficult to get it put back... making sure you now comply with current codes instead of when your place was first constructed.
Interconnected smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors... usually some more grounding's more than what you are really wanting to do. Upgraded Electrical does nothing for house value.
very informative. thanks john
our house is 50 years old
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Doesn't have to happen. Just build factories to produce needed tests and medical supplies. South Korea and Singapore are getting by just fine without lockdown. They test people to find the infected, and just lock down the infected.

Build some factories already. We need meds and supplies now. Many US businesses can't wait until we can import stuff from China and India again. A few government run med factories can rescue thousands of private businesses.
Do you have any idea as to how long it takes to build a factory?
Even if you have a warehouse shell?
Then all the specialized equipment and data communication systems for the equipment?

We've barely had enough time to get architects started much less the engineering started on the building.

Generally speaking, it takes a year to break ground after you have preliminary blueprints.
Then depending upon the complexity of the designs it can take another 10 to 18 months, at overtime, to get it ready to begin startup runs of the equipment...another 4 to 6 months to tweak the equipment and then finally the parts/ materials for actual production can begin to show up if you have crew to actually properly handle the materials.
very informative. thanks john
our house is 50 years old
Oh yeah...this house was built in the 70's?
You would be lucky to not have any aluminum wiring that was so common in that decade.
Ground wire at every junction box would be a pipe dream. (Its possible but not likely) your stuff is just past the "snakeskin" romex era. (Asbestos weave covered cables)

You are looking at an expensive proposition. Basically you will need a huge trough junction box placed above the new panel and junctions made inside of it to keep all the wire nuts from being in your new main panel...
You probably got either a 100-150 amp main panel with a mess inside of it. (Bubba gets into everything)
Replacing it with a 200 or 300 amp service is best depending upon what you really need.
Disconnect for water heater, upgraded heat/air unit, fewer lighting breakers for LEDs and CFL. More circuits for kitchen plugs. GFI's weren't even a thing then. NM arc fault breakers needed for every room.

This is going to be very expensive. Basically rewiring the whole house.
Well I did something that I didn't think that I would do today. My mother talked me of going geocaching. I finally realized that as long as we would be at a far enough distance away that we would be fine. I honestly don't understand how some churches are going to remain open for tomorrow though. I think that even Jesus Himself would want us all to use our common sense when it comes to things like this.
And. Also no,environmental concerns ,safety concerns .

Shoot ,thatch houses would work wonders for the homeless but don't expect them to have water ,or last in any windy storm above 30mph

I'm going to predict that the masks are going to be problematic at best...

Quality control is going to be non-existent.

Sorry but I don't care what they takes longer than that to get the electricians out of bed. And then the power requirements and materials on site...

Ain't happening unless you call a bunch of lil old ladies with needle and Thread sewing a factory
I'm going to predict that the masks are going to be problematic at best...

Quality control is going to be non-existent.

Sorry but I don't care what they takes longer than that to get the electricians out of bed. And then the power requirements and materials on site...

Ain't happening unless you call a bunch of lil old ladies with needle and Thread sewing a factory
I have seen electricians take longer then a month to rewire big blue and that was simple three demand meters ,two for the cell towers,one for the plant itself
One thing that is definitely going to change is that airports will probably be hurt financially wise for a long time after this. It's going to be like 911 all over again.
Like I said before on here though,.. whenever Jesus wants to come, scoop me up inside His arms, and take me to Heaven is good enough with me. :) The world is a fun place to live don't get me wrong, but it's just getting crazier by the minute I'm afraid. :sad
One thing that is definitely going to change is that airports will probably be hurt financially wise for a long time after this. It's going to be like 911 all over again.

They been pushing vaccines for a long time so it would not surprise me if suddenly you must be vaccinated to go out in public, many would praise that idea. Some agenda is going to come out of it, all in the name of safety and security of course.
Excuse me ,its under your assumption that I wouldn't ,lariam etc are always prescription ,You said to prevent you would pop it


I did take it weekly to Prevent malaria,and yet soldiers died,had mental health from it .

No,doctor ,would after that just give it out to prevent vivid without a medical history tests.or just to,prevent if there is no probable reason for exposure .

I had hajis who tested posituve for malaria in the area.I,might know about the bad side of it .notice I said ,I didn't have a reaction, bit others did .
Again, you're talking about the wrong drug and I never said "pop" on your own. Are you now resorting to twisting my words?


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