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Elected officials are bad enough, but the unelected ones are unbearable. No accountability whatsoever.
They can be fired. Fauci was working with the information he had. I’ve seen much earlier footage of him, I think 2005, warning of the potentials of a real pandemic. What he had to work with Feb 29 wasn’t quite enough perhaps. It was and is an evolving situation.
It can’t help reporting to an insecure boss who isn’t huge on science. Some tip toeing required.
They can be fired. Fauci was working with the information he had. I’ve seen much earlier footage of him, I think 2005, warning of the potentials of a real pandemic. What he had to work with Feb 29 wasn’t quite enough perhaps. It was and is an evolving situation.
It can’t help reporting to an insecure boss who isn’t huge on science. Some tip toeing required.
Yeah, but he sits there and undercuts Trump while our president is saying there is hope on the horizon in the form of Hydroxychloroquine. I'm absolutely no fan of Trump and am not even a conservative anymore, but the rest of the world is either on or getting on the Hydroxychloroquine band wagon with France just concluding it to be a safe and superior drug. Fauci is an unelected official stabbing our president in the back while thousands upon thousands die. Is he so arrogant that only HE can say there is a way to stop this death wave and only HE can say when? Is this science in the name of "testing" and sluggish responses or just a stupid power struggle of political turf wars and ego? Think if this were a loved one of yours dying and then you find there was a cure all along, but it was declared unsafe due to red tape, political posturing and a misinformation campaign of gargantuan proportions.
the medical establishment tends to be authoritarian, I think somewhat more so in the US than in, say, Cuba or western europe. And then there's...well, Trump plays to authoritarian tendencies in his voter base.

conflict, maybe?
the medical establishment tends to be authoritarian, I think somewhat more so in the US than in, say, Cuba or western europe. And then there's...well, Trump plays to authoritarian tendencies in his voter base.

conflict, maybe?
Trump didn't, order states to shut down.

My,state ended its sales taxes .
They can be fired. Fauci was working with the information he had. I’ve seen much earlier footage of him, I think 2005, warning of the potentials of a real pandemic. What he had to work with Feb 29 wasn’t quite enough perhaps. It was and is an evolving situation.
It can’t help reporting to an insecure boss who isn’t huge on science. Some tip toeing required.

Fauci is pushing the Bill Gates Microchip Narrative, because he sits of the board of the Gates Foundation.

The rift between the two guys Fauci and Trump is manufactured solely by the media.

Fauci has one job and Trump another.
People don't like Fauci because they don't like what he has to say. (No good news or speculation)
He hasn't been acting like a purely political figure and I don't think that he thinks in such terms.

I understand that people want things to go back to normal. But it's not going to happen.
Get used to the idea.

This is going to be around for a while. Something that we are going to focus on for the next ten years or more.

When people show up to work or church sick...they are going to be asked to leave. People with allergies are going to have it rough with dirty looks and questions.

And that's after when we get back to work...
Which might get started in the fall.

I don't like this anymore than everyone else. But I'm not going to sit there and kill the Messengers for the message. This guy doesn't work in a vacuum...he disseminates the information that his team puts together...the exact same information that I'm hearing of the professionals in the field.

And let's put it this way...
China is claiming to be over and past this virus. I'm thinking that this is another lie. I think that they just ended their quarantine because there was no use in doing so any longer and they would rather have the money than the people. (Wouldn't be the first time they made such a choice)
Chinese human rights violations are long standing by tradition these days. This would just be another.
Three cheers for Taiwan. They have saved some lives.
Do you remember the history of Taiwan?
The Empiror's son went to school in Hawaii and became a Christian and capitalist.
He went home and began to spread these things and promoted them.
At the same time Communism was on the rise. And the Empiror's son and his followers were exiled to the island of Taiwan.

Over the decades Taiwan has become very wealthy and now can purchase mainland China. The Communist regime in China wants them back and refuses to let them be an independent nation. They want their money and control over the people. Even if it means using military force to do so.

And that's the rift...pure and simple. China doesn't want to go backwards because of their Communism, they want to gain more control and resources. Their bank is actually in need of a cash infusion because of their manipulation of their yen.

It's not going to work out for anyone if China tries to grab Taiwan, or if they fail economically as a government... like Russia has, EU is on the brink of, or anyone else in financial trouble over this Corona Virus.
Just look in the mirror and tap your red ruby slippers 3 times and say "There's no place like home." three times.

Will that cause Christ to return then?

Survivors are speaking out on youtube.

I meant in the news.

Is he so arrogant that only HE can say there is a way to stop this death wave and only HE can say when?

I don't really know who this man is but he sounds like he thinks he's God.

It was the news last night that China has more cases, people who have travelled back home from Russia

Lord forgive me when I say this,.. but serves them right. I guess they still have things to worry about after all.
4 week lockdown is enough, but I think they might extent it. Who knows, they said at least 4 weeks so I'm not getting my hopes up. Many will and have a cry if it's extended. I'm already having a cry but I don't want to have a bigger one.
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Do you remember the history of Taiwan?
The Empiror's son went to school in Hawaii and became a Christian and capitalist.
He went home and began to spread these things and promoted them.
At the same time Communism was on the rise. And the Empiror's son and his followers were exiled to the island of Taiwan.

Over the decades Taiwan has become very wealthy and now can purchase mainland China. The Communist regime in China wants them back and refuses to let them be an independent nation. They want their money and control over the people. Even if it means using military force to do so.

And that's the rift...pure and simple. China doesn't want to go backwards because of their Communism, they want to gain more control and resources. Their bank is actually in need of a cash infusion because of their manipulation of their yen.

It's not going to work out for anyone if China tries to grab Taiwan, or if they fail economically as a government... like Russia has, EU is on the brink of, or anyone else in financial trouble over this Corona Virus.
My brother was telling me about this to day. Let's hope God keeps on protecting Taiwan.
I'm reading that the death toll being given by many countries are false

People that are dying with C19 are being marked down as dying from C19
And if they had any C19 symptoms it's being assumed they had C19

For example i read that in Italy only 12% of their reported deaths are from C19
The rest died from existing conditions

A sharp drop in pneumonia deaths also supports this.

The only way to really get a good picture of what is happening is to compare the total deaths we had in March to the total deaths of recent years

In 2018 there was over 2,800,000 deaths in the USA at a monthly average of 233,333
We don't have the total deaths for March so we cannot see how they compare

In Australia the mere 61 deaths hardly makes a difference to the nations average
A lot more people are suffering from this lock down here in Oz
I'm trying to figure out the % of the nation from the statistics we know that acturally have 19.

I mean have to minus the recovery so there is 703 confirmed cases, and the population is 4,813,737.

So 0% of the population has 19, but the exact % would be like 0.0 something%.
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I'm trying to figure out the % from the statistics we know that have 19.

I mean have to minus the recovery so there is 703 confirmed cases, and the population is 4,813,737.

So 0% of the population has 19, but the exact % would be like 0.0 something%.

That's about 0.015%


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