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I wonder if anything at all is going to wind up opening this summer.
The way I see it. When the first massive quantities of Hydroxychloroquine arrive from India, they'll use it to knock the bottom out of the COVID-19 death rate. When the 2nd massive shipment arrives, they'll use that as a preventative to keep essential workers safe from the virus as they re-open the economy. I think you just might see the country trying to get itself back on its feet this summer. Things will never be the same though.
I'm reading that the death toll being given by many countries are false

People that are dying with C19 are being marked down as dying from C19
And if they had any C19 symptoms it's being assumed they had C19

For example i read that in Italy only 12% of their reported deaths are from C19
The rest died from existing conditions

A sharp drop in pneumonia deaths also supports this.

The only way to really get a good picture of what is happening is to compare the total deaths we had in March to the total deaths of recent years

In 2018 there was over 2,800,000 deaths in the USA at a monthly average of 233,333
We don't have the total deaths for March so we cannot see how they compare

In Australia the mere 61 deaths hardly makes a difference to the nations average
A lot more people are suffering from this lock down here in Oz

The Covid-19 tests are expensive using rather expensive reagents than many other tests use. Also the machines that process these tests are expensive and require highly specialized people to operate them... meaning that they require a high salary and only work so many hours a day.

On top of this...
The tests haven't been all that accurate to begin with. (Chinese designed and built)

Making these tests super expensive to begin with.

$9,000 per test for a deceased person is a bit much... especially when no one is paying for it.

A lot of numbers are going to be skewed...

And Epidemiology is a science of cutting out the bad numbers for the true ones.
It can do a lot of factoring of usual deaths and climate variations and other reasons why people die and come up with the truth and genetic reasons why some people died.

Also consider that only when a person is on a ventilator does it qualify as "critical" by the WHO. Just because they are in a hospital bed and on oxygen and IV fluids means nothing to the WHO numbers of "critical".
And whether or not you have any more ventilators also is not relevant to the WHO "critical" list.

Epidemiology is a science...they know calculus and statistics really well... better than you or I do.
We'll see what shakes out eventually.
Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional: week ending 3 April 2020
  • The provisional number of deaths registered in England and Wales in the week ending 3 April 2020 (Week 14) was 16,387; this represents an increase of 5,246 deaths registered compared with the previous week (Week 13) and 6,082 more than the five-year average.
  • Of the deaths registered in Week 14, 3,475 mentioned “novel coronavirus (COVID-19)”, which was 21.2% of all deaths; this compares with 539 (4.8% of all deaths) in Week 13.
  • In London, nearly half (46.6%) of deaths registered in Week 14 involved COVID-19; the West Midlands also had a high proportion of COVID-19 deaths, accounting for 22.1% of deaths registered in this region.
  • Of deaths involving COVID-19 registered up to Week 14, 90.2% (3,716 deaths) occurred in hospital, with the remainder occurring in hospices, care homes and private homes.
Some interesting figures from the Office of National Statistics for England
We finally went out to the grocery store after 2 weeks cooped up in our apartment for sanity's sake. We just had to get out of that teeny apartment. What a difference 2 weeks make. Last time we went to the grocery store, only 20% wore PPE. The time before that...10%. But this time, a whopping 80% wore PPE. There were actually groceries in the store! Even found a 6-pack of TP. Most other paper products sold out though. I don't know if peeps coming to their senses and are slowing down the hoarding or are they just running out of money........
Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional: week ending 3 April 2020
  • The provisional number of deaths registered in England and Wales in the week ending 3 April 2020 (Week 14) was 16,387; this represents an increase of 5,246 deaths registered compared with the previous week (Week 13) and 6,082 more than the five-year average.
  • Of the deaths registered in Week 14, 3,475 mentioned “novel coronavirus (COVID-19)”, which was 21.2% of all deaths; this compares with 539 (4.8% of all deaths) in Week 13.
  • In London, nearly half (46.6%) of deaths registered in Week 14 involved COVID-19; the West Midlands also had a high proportion of COVID-19 deaths, accounting for 22.1% of deaths registered in this region.
  • Of deaths involving COVID-19 registered up to Week 14, 90.2% (3,716 deaths) occurred in hospital, with the remainder occurring in hospices, care homes and private homes.
Some interesting figures from the Office of National Statistics for England
Now what's also relevant is population growth or moving out...also remaining age and sex averages. Lots to consider vx this very informal view
The way I see it. When the first massive quantities of Hydroxychloroquine arrive from India, they'll use it to knock the bottom out of the COVID-19 death rate. When the 2nd massive shipment arrives, they'll use that as a preventative to keep essential workers safe from the virus as they re-open the economy. I think you just might see the country trying to get itself back on its feet this summer. Things will never be the same though.
That will have be a mandate .many coworkers don't have a doctor .I,was ordered to take malaria pills ,there was no daily ,monthly,check ups .they didn't even ask the blacks,Hispanics about the risks,that is a lesson they forgot .

I'm not taken that unless I'm ordered to do so.not given the dreams I have had which will get worse from that .I had a few of that from lariam in Country .

Wasn't bothered by it then but now ?nope
That will have be a mandate .many coworkers don't have a doctor .I,was ordered to take malaria pills ,there was no daily ,monthly,check ups .they didn't even ask the blacks,Hispanics about the risks,that is a lesson they forgot .

I'm not taken that unless I'm ordered to do so.not given the dreams I have had which will get worse from that .I had a few of that from lariam in Country .

Wasn't bothered by it then but now ?nope
I'm so sorry you had to endure the side-effects of those early anti-malarial drugs and are still suffering.
Now what's also relevant is population growth or moving out...also remaining age and sex averages. Lots to consider vx this very informal view

It's not really a "view", they're statistics
There is heaps more stats on that web page, I just listed the main points
The way I see it. When the first massive quantities of Hydroxychloroquine arrive from India, they'll use it to knock the bottom out of the COVID-19 death rate. When the 2nd massive shipment arrives, they'll use that as a preventative to keep essential workers safe from the virus as they re-open the economy. I think you just might see the country trying to get itself back on its feet this summer. Things will never be the same though.
They have been using the existing supplies on s massive scale already.
Why you don't think they have is beyond me. Thousands of people in NYC have been given this stuff...

This stuff isn't that effective on this virus.

We need different medications.
That's all there is to it.
But currently it's the only drug we have that is somewhat effective for some people...for others it's poisoning them on top of their illness.

They are working on a new medication. It should be ready for stage 2 trials this summer/fall. It's currently in stage 1 human trials. Early reports are encouraging.
Stage 2 begins after ALL the data is in and it shows remarkable improvement. Of course this is a double blind one knows who is given what.
What I find amazing is how you can not even have a contagious disease and for some reason if you get too close to someone you are putting them at risk and it's your fault.

To put someone at risk you first need to have a contagious disease. It's like everyone is labelled as having a contagious disease when they don't.
What I find amazing is how you can not even have a disease and for some reason if you get to close to someone you are putting them at risk and it's your fault.

To put someone at risk you first need to have a contagious disease.
People can be carriers for two weeks and infect a lot of people before they show signs of the first symptoms.

That's how and why.

A person who doesn't feel sick infects someone else who doesn't feel sick but then infects a bar full of people who then infects a boatload of people...all in the span of three days time.

And that's why we are quarantined.
People can be carriers for two weeks and infect a lot of people before they show signs of the first symptoms.

That's how and why.

A person who doesn't feel sick infects someone else who doesn't feel sick but then infects a bar full of people who then infects a boatload of people...all in the span of three days time.

And that's why we are quarantined.

I been in lockdown just over 3 weeks and im feeling fine no symptoms. I'm now waiting to be freed.
I'm hoping the government has common sense and lifts levels by region not national, if one region is under control it should not have to wait for a big city, that region should be open with closed regional boarder only essential services allowed in and out.

I mean one region here had 1 case weeks ago and it's still 1 case. Why should there local economy and the people continue to be locked down where that region is obviously contained.


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